Leviathan Character in Trutina | World Anvil
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The Leviathan is often confused with the Kraken as both are large sea monsters that terrify sailors.   The Leviathan is a colossal sea serpent, often believed to be a dragon. It is one of the Three Primordial Beasts of The Darklands and more specifically, it is the Water Aspect.   The serpent is hundreds of meters long at least, but legend says that it is long enough to encircle the entire landmass of The Darklands. Tales about this creature often come from Elves as the beast is most often seen in the Dhaeros Waters, but it can be seen from the shores of Yi'riila, albeit rarely.   The Leviathan has dark scales and greenish spikes around its body. Its head is large enough to swallow most ships whole and massive waves follow in its wake. It is often said that the Leviathan is incapable of turning around, so sailing behind him is safer than being on the peaceful sea, where it could attack unexpectedly. The Leviathan's blood is also highly poisonous, capable of killing anything with as little as one drop of its blood. The creature also has acidic saliva, which quickly dissolves anyone unfortunate enough to end up in its mouth.  

Leviathan in Drow Belief

Besides the elven gods of Solcritoel and Volublectyth, many dark elves revere the Three Aspects of the Darklands, also known as the Three Primordial Beasts. These are large creatures created by Volublectyth that roam the landmass and its surroundings. One of these is the Leviathan, which is thought to be the avatar of the seas around The Darklands. The Leviathan is believed to have complete control over the sea currents and animals in the area and uses its powers to guide drow ships to bountiful fishing spots and profitable shores, while hindering others from doing the same.  

Leviathan in Scovonian Belief

While this creature is not local to the Scovonian Isles, its inhabitants have travelled far and wide and met this gargantuan creature a few times. According to the Old Faith, the Leviathan, similarly to the Kraken was created by the gods, but the sea serpent was tossed into the sea as punishment. According to their beliefs, the end of the world will come, when the Leviathan finds its own tail and bites on it. When he does so, he will start to eat himself, becoming shorter and shorter around The Darklands until it crushes the landmass with its body. Crushing the landmass will create a hole on the surface of Trutina and all water will flow into it, bringing the end of time and the beginning of the afterlife.  

Leviathan in Order Belief

The Leviathan is believed to be an instrument of Kaos personally. The creature was created by the evil god to hinder the spread of Order and its followers southward. The creature has an easily exposable weakness however as it can not see, nor hear, nor smell the righteous. Even one foul person can doom a whole ship to an acidic death. It is prophesized that the Leviathan will be struck down by Semernos once the beast feasts on a ship with only righteous people on it. Once that happens, the spread of Order will be unstoppable and utopia will come.  
I've sailed the Dhaeros Waters for years, but nothing could have prepared me for what I encountered that day. We were on our way to Yi'riila, a long journey that would take us weeks to complete. The sea was calm and the weather was fair, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching us. Then, we saw it. At first, I thought it was just a large rock, but as we got closer, it became clear that it was the Leviathan. The sight of it sent chills down my spine.   We tried to turn the ship around, but it was too late. The Leviathan's massive head emerged from the water, and I could see the terror in my crewmates' eyes. We fired our ballistae at it, but they had no effect. The Leviathan's scales were too strong.   It was chaos. The Leviathan was tearing our ship apart with ease. I saw my fellow sailors get swallowed whole by its massive jaws, and I knew I had to act fast if I wanted to live.   I grabbed a rope and swung over to a nearby rock formation. From there, I watched in horror as the Leviathan destroyed our ship and killed my friends. But even though I survived, I knew I would never be the same.   I spent weeks on that rock, waiting for a passing ship to rescue me. The Leviathan never came back, but the memory of it stayed with me forever. Even now, as I sail the Dhaeros Waters once again, I can't help but wonder when I'll encounter the Leviathan once more. And when I do, will I be able to survive a second time?
-Unknown Drow Sailor
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