Higher Dragon
"The Higher or Full Dragons are what you expect, fire breathing, flying, highly intelligent sentients who have a bit of a habit of collecting things.
If you believe the tales told by them, they descend from the so-called Ancient Dragons. A group of Dragons, much more powerful than anything alive today.
The Lesser Dragon are not related to the Higher Dragons according to statements made by the former."
So stated by Sagonius the Wise during court session in The King's Town of Bergwacht.
Higher Dragons are a very rare sight, so rare in fact that many cultures regard them as a myth, a fairy tale. In fact, the last "reliable" mention is more than three millennia old. It can be found in a scroll dated near the end of The Wave. But always remember every tale might have a gem of truth to it.
Additional Information
"Try it, mortal!"
Average Intelligence
"Higher Dragons are said to be at least as intelligent as the Humans or Feytarii are.
However, the transcriptions we have of a few conversations with those dragons state, quite clearly that that was considered "a fatal insult". Fatal for the human who made that statement..."
The accurate report about the survey of al'Qumeinin
"There is no such thing as a colour classification of the Higher Dragons. This is interesting as the much smaller cousins the Dragolings show very specific colouration, based on gender and physical properties.
It looks however as if the relationship is genuinely as distant as the old records claim for neither the Higher Dragons nor the Lesser Dragons show any kind of consistency in the colouring.
In fact, it appears as if the marking and colouring of both groups of Dragons follows the same rules and patterns that have been found to be true for cats, dogs and cows..."
Archeologist and Naturalist Donna Flamella di'Inguritiones at the 29693 AoT meeting of the Scholastic imperial Institute.