Session 26 - Back through the Maelstrom Report in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Session 26 - Back through the Maelstrom

General Summary

From Kleeck's journal   We paused at the mouth of the cave to weigh our options. Laura was more than ready to return home, but Hassan was clearly upset about leaving Eris behind. We considered trying to attack One-horn and convince the other pirates to return home with us, and even tried to enlist the dragon’s aid in our plan. But the dragon had no interest in attacking the pirates, and with time running out we decided to focus on escaping the Astral plane ourselves.   We returned to the Excursion, and soon set a course we hoped would take us to the Maelstrom.   At Hassan’s behest I sent out to Eris with my magic, delivering his carefully crafted messages imploring her to return with us. Her answer was clear - she intended to remain with the pirates and pursue her ambition to eventually lead them. Hassan seemed infuriated by her response, literally hurling a bolt of arcane lightning over the bow of our ship in anger. My own feelings were mixed, and I could not decide if I was more worried that she would stay trapped here on the Astral plane, or succeed in taking over the pirates and activating the astrolabe on the Labyrinth.   During our voyage I took some time to study the strange environment we found ourselves in. The Astral sea felt unnatural and alien, filled with unknown threats and dangers. I wondered if I would ever feel the rays of Apollo’s sun warm my wings again. And yet there were moments looking out over the sea of stars, at the water that was not water, that I could not help but be taken by its austere and mysterious beauty. A part of me wanted to further explore this realm, and I took whatever opportunity I could to soar and dive through these strange skies, and fly beneath the waves in a way I never could back in our realm.   Tertia and I also took some time during the trip to exchange spells and arcane knowledge. New as I was to arcane magic I greatly valued the chance to learn from another practitioner. She has a sharp mind honed by years of military service and arcane study, and worked with magic in a way that was both similar and different to what Ianthe taught me.   Time is hard to reckon in the Astral sea, but I believe it was our eighth day from the dragon's lair when we began to head a strange rushing sound, like a distant waterfall. It was not long until we saw the Maelstrom itself, manifested as a kind of gigantic funnel cloud widening into the sky. We could see and hear its violent whirlings, but in this strange realm it made no waves in the "sea" we sailed on, and we were able to approach it at our own pace. We lashed ourselves to whatever we could, and then trusting our luck and our fate we sailed headfirst into the spinning storm before us.   Our ship rocked and rollicked in the long funnel, and it was all we could do to cling to the ropes and riggings as we plunged forward. I remember glimpsing a patch of blue sky that we seemed to be both hurtling towards and falling into; up and down all but lost their meaning in the throes of the maelstrom. And then suddenly it was over, and our ship was righted and floating on a calm sea beneath clear skies and warm, welcome sunlight. We were back in our own realm!   But where in that realm were we?   I undid the ropes that bound me to the rigging and flew up for a good span of time, but saw nothing but blue waters in all directions. I returned to the ship to report, and we took stock of our situation. Between us we had no navigation or sailing skills to speak of, and no clue as to where we were. Perhaps our situation had improved from being stranded in another plane, but arguably not by much.   Suddenly Hassan caught all of our attention, and brought out the strange pendant he carried. It had come to life, and the mechanism within appeared to be pointing east. With little else to go on we decided to follow its guidance, and set sail in that direction.   Lack of experience notwithstanding, we managed to get the ship sailing more or less on course. We divided the jobs of the ship among us as best we could, with Laura proving to be a surprisingly competent carpenter, and Hassan showing a steady hand at the helm. Tertia captained our little vessel, bringing a sense of military order to our efforts. Having grown up around so many veterans I found something familiar and comforting in her martial manner and bearing.   By Neptune’s grace and the strange power of Hassan’s pendant, we not only made landfall in a mere four days, but found ourselves making port at Turris, which had been our destination to begin with. I know we all shared an enormous sense of relief as we stepped off the Excursion and onto the dock.   After making arrangements with the harbourmaster we headed into the city, with Tertia and Laura intent on making offerings to Neptune and Diana respectively in thanks for our safe voyage. Tertia obtained a lovely cow which she quickly delivered to the priests at the temple of Neptune. Things were a little more complicated at the temple of Diana however; the doors were guarded by four soldiers who informed us that the votive offerings had recently been stolen, and the temple was closed off to all while the matter was being investigated.   A chance encounter with the Pontifica of Diana gave Laura the chance to deliver her offering. We also learned a little more about the theft, and offered to help recover the treasure if possible. After that we all agreed that food was in order, and made our way to an inn for a much needed meal.   After enjoying a hearty supper we took Tertia into our confidence, explaining everything that had happened to us in Nemasus, the Necropolis, and Lugdunum. A part of me was relieved to finally be able to share this with another, to get some perspective and the benefit of new eyes on our problems. But I also worried that we were drawing her into troubles that were not her own. She had already served Rome with honour and was enjoying her well earned respite. Why drag her into this strange business? How would I feel if someone drew my dear Uncle Heeck out of retirement and into danger?   But I also had to admit that we needed help, and the more I thought on it the more I saw Apollo’s hand at work in our crossing paths with her. She had long experience researching arcane matters, a skill we badly needed and were sorely lacking. And she was good with a sword to boot, more than proving herself in the battle against the Githyanki. If Tertia’s aid in our quest was the gods' will made manifest, then it was most welcome aid indeed, and a sign that we were on the right path.
Report Date
08 Mar 2021

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