Antiokheia Settlement in Tyras | World Anvil
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"From death, repentance. From death, a garden. From death, a release of burdens. From death, Life."
— Father Nero of Antiokheia
Unlike the other urban cities in the Theocracy, Antiokheia is covered in manicured lush jungle plants. The city is bursting with vibrant colors, turning the stone facades indicative of Theocracy architecture into a verdant paradise. Streams of crystal-clear water would flow from one terrace to the next, creating a mesmerizing symphony of sound and movement that echoes a soothing melody. The air would be alive with the scent of blooming flowers, with each species carefully selected and arranged to create a symphony of fragrance that would linger, covering up the smell of the hundreds of thousands of undead laborers.
Halls of Antiokheia
Necromancy of the executed is allowed within Antiokheia, where undead servants tend to the gardens and perform public services. These unceasing laborers allow the city to keep up the magnitude of its presented appearance. The undead are outfitted with precious metals to cover up any open wounds and are consistently doused in floral perfumes. Dispensation to animate undead is considered an honor- the top brass of the city competes with each other to see who can perform the most large scale public works using their undead retinues, with the victor claiming naming rights on areas they construct or renovate.
Undead Servants of Antiokheia
Antiokheia Theme
Founding Date
6 CF
Alternative Name(s)
City of the Dead
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Yuri Gvozdenko


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