Pergamon Settlement in Tyras | World Anvil
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"Praise the Suns!"
— Brother Fabian of the Two Suns and Pergamon
Pergamon is the northernmost city of the Theocracy, however it runs quite warm due to the prevalence of heated aqueducts that flow across the city. Brilliant red roofs and the red motifs of its denizens' clothing are striking compared to the white marble backdrop of the city. Its central temple is known as the House of the Everlasting Sun, where clerics power an artificial star 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. At night, this star can be seen all the way from the other cities of the Theocracy, allowing modulation of its light to function as an instant messaging device. The heat of the star is also used to warm the aqueducts and the local clerics are able to tap into its power to augment their light magics.
House of the Everlasting Sun
With close proximity to lands controlled by the Hakgu Horde, the dragons of The Edge, and The Ice Mirror, Pergamon has a strict military conscription process where every boy of age is taken to learn both warfare and the priesthood. One of the ways Pergamon discourages attacks is through publization of the Pillar of the Sun, a powerful High Cleric spell where the caster channels the Everlasting Star to create an immense beam of sunlight capable of burning away large swaths of land instantaneously, causing mass destruction.
Pergamite Divine Legionaire
Pergamon Theme
Founding Date
67 CF
Alternative Name(s)
The Northern Suns
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

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