Ganymedean Basin Settlement in Tyras | World Anvil
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Ganymedean Basin

“If there is anything so romantic as the view from Megaris I have not seen it. There is nothing beyond the semi-tropical vegetation, the projecting promontories into the Ganymedean, the all-embracing sweep of the sea, the olive groves, and the enchanting climate! One gets tired of the word beautiful.”
Skald, of the @Bisal
The Ganymedean Basin refers to the surface and areas surrounding and above Lake Ganymede, or the lands of the modern day Cometfall Theocracy. Most of the region has a temperate climate (known as a Ganymedean Climate) with warm to hot dry summers and cool to mild wet winters. A variety of edible fruit trees, spices, wines, and other crops that can survive the yearly drought during summer grow here, though tropical plants grow in Antiokheia due to the efforts of its denizens. Fresh seafood is also caught in the lake, or bartered for with the Il'Bisalais. With its natural beauty, sandy beaches, calm weather, and abundance of delicious food, the Ganymedean Basin is considered an opulent place to live, if one can ignore politics and war.
Ganymedean Walkways
Region Theme
by KaiRaego (OC)

Articles under Ganymedean Basin

Cover image: by Unknown


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