New Traeventahl Organization in Tyras | World Anvil
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New Traeventahl

"The poor and downtrodden look for a star in the night to guide them home. That star is me."
Balenne Siaga, The Free City of New Traeventahl
  In defiance of the isolationist policies of the Traeventahl Circle of Druids, a young elven prodigy of druidcraft named Balenne Siaga escaped from The World tree and sought to make a name for herself in The Voladrian League. At the tender age of 87, Balenne used her mastery of Treesinging to carve hardy Autumn Oaks into the desolate badlands of Obsidia, terraforming the area and founding the Free City of New Traeventahl. Since its inception, Balenne has worked tirelessly to bring economic prosperity to her city, catering to the tastes of affluent socialites through the sale of luxury brands and performance-enhancing drugs (Razorleaf). It is now the second richest city in the entire League and manages its public relations.   The streets of New Traeventahl are a sight to behold, lined with shallow streams of water shimmering with the beauty of floating autumn leaves. The water serves no discernible practical purpose as the locals often seem to struggle trudging through it, seemingly existing only to enhance the city's already breathtaking aesthetic. Some scholars suggest that this ambient water might fuel the Autumn Veil, the artificial fog that imbues the region with an ethereal and dreamlike filter, or perhaps it is intended to conceal the Bark Ghetto, a less attractive section of the city, from detracting from its overall splendor.
Balenne Siaga of New Traeventahl
Tower of Seasons, The Free City of New Traeventahl
New Traeventahl (Autumn Veil), The Voladrian League

The World Is Our Garden

New Traeventahl Theme
Founding Date
912 CF
Alternative Names
Autumn Veil
New Traeventahler
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization

Cover image: by Unknown


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