Vol Organization in Tyras | World Anvil
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"A volcano is always a volcano, not just when it erupts."
— Primarch Erebus, The Free City of Vol
Vol, was originally established as New Obsidia in the remains of a fallen dwarven industrial city; it was the first true settlement in the region after the Obsidian Bank. Over time, the city expanded its influence through the acquisition of treaties with neighboring city-states, similar to the Ancient Empire of Obsidia. This led to the formation of The Voladrian League with Vol at its helm. Vol also hosts The August Body, the governing apparatus of the confederation.
Vol Outer Rim
Through its innovative use of extensive aqueducts of lava and water, the Free City of Vol has become the largest and most efficient producer of adamantine weapons and tools in all of Tyras. With a well-established military-industrial complex, Vol has positioned itself as the foremost supplier of weapons to all major factions.
Vol, The Voladrian League

Forge Onward

Vol Theme
Founding Date
897 CF
Alternative Names
The Forge
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories

Articles under Vol

Cover image: by Conpatshe
Character flag image: by Seraph777


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