The Faithful Settlement in Tyras | World Anvil
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The Faithful

"They wont stab you in the back or the front... but they'll certainly pray for you aloud if you wear a hat indoors or forget to pick up your trash."
Skald, of the Il'Bisal

With a temperate climate, easy access to resources and an ingrained spa culture, the people of The Cometfall Theocracy can be relaxed and slow to go about their day. Despite this pace of life, they are zealous, fervently dutiful and proud of their faith. Though noted to be severe in their range of facial expressions due to the cultural lack of smiling, The Faithful tend to be generally well-mannered and unlikely to engage in direct confrontation. Politeness aside, the locals are known to be a bit inflexible in their interpretations of morality, and may passive-aggressively comment when faced with challenging ideals.
Megaran Bathhouse
Bathing Pool by Hubert Robert
Culture Theme
by KaiRaego (OC)

Articles under The Faithful

Cover image: by Erin Abeo


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