The Free Citizens of the Voladrian League Settlement in Tyras | World Anvil
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The Free Citizens of the Voladrian League

"Verily, the Voladrian League doth offer the most exemplary quality of life in all of Tyras, forsooth! But, mayhap, if mine pockets were empty, I would rather find myself residing on the frigid Ice Mirror."

Enterprising, diverse, and individualistic, the Free Citizens of The Voladrian League enjoy variety in all its forms. Status here is bought- money is paramount to engage in League culture. Individuals with wealth or the means to attain it will experience the eclectic opulence of urban life, while those with low net worth may become cyclically destitute.
  The population of the Voladrian League was built on immigration from other nations and the absorption of client city-states. Because of this, the League is the most racially and ethnically diverse area in Tyras. Ideas and technologies from lands across Tyras have amalgamated into an industrial machine. Multiculturalism has helped shape the unique character of the region, which prides itself on being a 'smelting furnace', where different cultures have contributed their own distinct 'metal' to the wider Voladrian League 'metallic alloy'. Nearly every region of the world has influenced Voladrian League culture, and in turn its culture has influenced the world.
Sauropolis Market
Culture Theme
by KaiRaego (OC)

Articles under The Free Citizens of the Voladrian League

Cover image: by James Gurney


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