Corinthi 16-A

Corinthi 16-A is believed to have once been the homeworld of the Morghi civilization. Abandoned millenia ago when the Morghi ascended, t he plaent was protected by an impenetrable shield system guarded by a series of orbital security stations and then hidden within the Voor Technocracy.   In 2378 after the USS Nightingale killed The One Left Behind, the Voor technocracy collapsed allowing the XT-489 Exterminators to take over the region. The Exterminators seemed to be obssessed with reaching Corinthi 16-A and surrounded the planet with multiple invasion fleets to bombard the shield and try to break in.   The USS Nightingale was able to identify a gap in the blockade and by taking a small shuttle were able to reach one of the orbital security stations and open a small passage through the shield allowing them to land and explore the ruins on the surface. There they discovered XT-716 Blue hidden in an AI robotics factory. The XT-489 discovered the hole and began landing troops on the surface so the Starfleet away team left the planet's surface and reactivated the shield, disabling the security controls in the process to permanently isolate Corinthi 16-A from the rest of galaxy.