The One Left Behind

The One Left Behind was the last Morghi left in the Typhon Expanse. Its role was to remain behind for millenia to maintain the Morghi technology needed to sustain their transcendence and to maintain balance within the Typhon Expanse to provide sufficient sentient thoughts to sustain their enlightenment.   To fufill this role, The One Left Behind implanted its intelligence inside the last remaining Morghi worldship allowing it to subltely influence the development of the Typhon Expanse to fulfill its final goal.   In the end the USS Nightingale accidentally caused massive disruptions to the balance. By triggering an attack by a rogue Tzynn commander on Orbis Customer Synergies this resulted in a disruption of critical supplies that the Tzynn needed to maintain their defenses against the XT-489 Exterminators. This triggered a complete collapse of their front lines and threatened to unleash XT-489 in an unstoppable tide across the Expanse and beyond.  

The One No Longer

The USS Nightingale successfully penetrated the automated defenses and were able to make contact with The One. Initial talks were unproductive until Lt. Vax Thanum made physical contact with the Morghi world ship and was brought into direct contact with The One. It is unknown what happened during that confrontation but the end result was The One Left Behind disintigrating itself. There were no traces left of Lt. Thanum or the The One. As a result the automated defense systems and fleets activated their safety protocols and detonated and within a matter of days both the Voor and the Morghi were gone.
Current Status
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Destroyed by Lt. Vax Thanum
Aligned Organization