XT-716 Blue

XT-716 is an XT Series artificial intelligence found in the depths of an ancient Morghi research institute on the surface of Corinthi 16-A.   When first discovered XT-716 did not seem to have an identity of its own however after being recovered by Lt. Kixi and copying a shard of a Morghi database, the identity of "Blue" developed which it has called itself ever since. When Blue was discovered it was believed to be the target of the XT-419 Exterminators as a way to upgrade its intelligence and overwhelm the rest of the Typhon Expanse. It was decided to rescue Blue and prevent it from falling in the Exterminators hands. During this rescue attempt Lt. Cado was gravely injured and Blue attempted to perform an emergency transport using the Morghi technology however due to the collapse of the nearby medical facility, Cado went missing instead.   Blue was brought back to the USS Nightingale and has since formulated a plan that if the Morghi transport buffers could be activated it might be possible to re-materialize Lt. Cado and it has since been working to create am algorithm that can reconstitute Cado.   As an additional note: After centuries or even millenia trapped in an underground facility, Blue displays extreme fascination with the stars and is often seen watching the cosmos for hours.
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Year of Birth
2378 3 Years old