Dr. I'liy (Eye-lie-ee)

I'liy is a scientist specializing in astrophysics currently contracted on the USS Orpheus as a civilian scientist.  

Psychological Profile

The thing that terrifies I'liy the most is the certainty that she will die before she can see the entire universe. She is driven to explore and to see the wonders of the galaxy and this has driven her to pursue her research in a starship instead of locked in a lab. This is what pushed her to contract with Starfleet even while her own government remains cordial distance from the Federation. She is fascinated by the universe and all that it holds and particularly enjoys seeing the mathematics of her research play out in front of her. Surprisingly she doesn't seem particularly invested in her work and it seems that her research into space is only an excuse to push her into the stars rather than a deep rooted interest in the subject. While she is perfectly capable of excellent research she tends to get distracted or taken off task quite easily with the latest stellar phenomenon and has a tendency to move on from projects early before they have fully matured.  

Biographical Overview

i'liy doesn't talk very much about her childhood. Her parents were noted as being critics of the Alshain Emperor and were eventually ostracized by their society. I'liy distanced herself from her parents and focused instead on studying the movements of the stares. She was granted permission to study at the Alshain Academy and in 2375 was selected to be part of a scientific exchange with the Federation where she continued her education at the Federation Academy of Science. In 2376 she transferred back to Alshain IV however she was able to persuade her government to allow her to study alongside Starfleet with the promise that any results would be shared to both governments. Everyone agreed and she was assigned to the USS Nightingale shortly before the IRW Raknor disabled the ship.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

When the Nightingale was recalled for repairs, I'liy put in a request to transfer to the USS Orpheus in order to continue her experiments and measurements of the Typhon Expanse. This transfer was approved by Lt. Cmdr. Kixi.
Alshain Academy of Science
2377, 75th percentile
Martial Status
Married (R'hif), 1 child
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2376-2379)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
August 23rd, 2349
Year of Birth
2349 32 Years old
Alshain IV
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations