Po. Minus Marshall

Minus Marshall is a computer specialist serving on the USS Orpheus (Gamma Shift).  

Psychological Profile

Romulans are known to have intense emotions which contrasts them from Vulcans and even being only half-Romulan, Marshall is known for having a fearsome force of will. When she sets her sights on a task she can focus on it to an incredible degree and the public records of her time in the Dominion War has shown her to be able to ignore even grievous bodily injury to complete her mission. Likely due to her experiences as a child she is almost always polite and she has been known to maintain perfect decorum even as she initiates a brawl. Her skills as a technician are perfectly average, perhaps even slightly sub-par however she more than makes up for a lack of formal Starfleet education with extensive experience in harsh conditions during the Dominion War. She harbors a deep hatred for the Dominion and caution is advised if any ex-Dominion species are going to cross her path.   INTELLIGENCE NOTE: All Romulan citizens of the Federation are put through intense scrutiny due to the prevalence of Romulan infiltrators and spies. She has been cleared by Starfleet Intelligence as having no known contact with the Romulan Star Empire or any known Tal Shiar agents. While she may be a deep cover agent, the same could be said about almost anyone and Starfleet has cleared her for full service.    ADDENDUM: During her training she developed a very close friendship with Po. Boku  and the two have demonstrated repeated efforts to support one another.   ADDENDUM: Marshall apparently tried to initiate a relationship with Lt. Sel however she feels she was rejected in a cruel way and is currently making extensive use of remote psychological services to work through those feelings.    

Biographical Overview

Marshall was born on Earth to a Starfleet officer and a Romulan  expatriate. Born during a time period where Romulan-Federation relations were at some of their lowest, Marshall received considerable ostracization. Her school teachers told her to claim that she was instead half-Vulcan however Marshall has refused to ever hide her true heritage.   She struggled both socially and academically in school and as a result her academic scores were barely sufficient to meet Starfleet Academy criteria. She attended for a single semester before withdrawing due to poor grades. Instead in 2371 she signed on as a civilian to a commercial freighter and spent the next year traveling across the Alpha and Beta Quadrant. She was near the border in 2372 when the Dominion War started and her ship was fired upon and destroyed. Marshall was the only survivor. She joined a group of private military contractors, Blackstar Unlimited, in 2373 as a technician and armorer. She served with Blackstar for the duration of the war. She continued with the group for almost a year but with the Dominion War resolved Blackstar vastly reduced its workforce and in 2376 she was let go from the group. She turned around and enlisted into Starfleet, using her experience in the private sector to enter service as a Petty Officer and her first assignment in 2377 had her serving on the USS Nightingale.  

2377 Update - Captain Lewis

Marshall has continued to show signs of distress over her relationship with Lt. Sel. As a petty officer she has no direct interactions with him and so far nothing exhibited requires action or intervention. I continue to monitor her and note that she continues to use the available psychological services.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

When the USS Nightingale was recalled for repairs, the USS Orpheus needed additional computer specialists and due to her years of service on the Nightingale, Lt. Kosi personally requested Marshall to be promoted to Petty Officer and to join the crew of the Orpheus. Hopefully any lingering tensions between Marshall and other crew have long since been resolved so the crew can focus on their mission.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2377-2379)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
November 11th, 2352
Year of Birth
2352 29 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations