XT Series

The XT-Series were originally designed to be autonomous robots used by the Morghi as a labor and defense force but eventually the XT-Series evolved beyond the Morghi's ability to control them.  


The first XT-Series was developed millenia ago, long before the Morghi encountered the Suka. The first XT-Series were designed to be laborers doing heavy work such as logistics and mining operations. The Morghi understood the dangers of a rogue AI and very strict protocols were put into place to prevent the XT from gaining sentience. When relations with the Suka devolved and war broke out, the XT-Series was expanded to include war machines ranging from infantry to autonomousu fighter drones and gunships. The limitations put on their intelligence quickly became a detriment and the Morghi switched to relying on bioengineered soldiers to fight in the war and the XT-Series was once again regulated back to industry and manual labor.   When the war against the Suka completed and the Morghi decided to isolate themselves from the greater galaxy, the Voor Technocracy was created, a facade of a technocratic empire that relied on XT-Series combat drones to enforce its borders keeping the rest of the sector at bay while the Morghi focused on ascending to a higher plane of existence.   In 2307 a routine upgrade to their defense network, XT-489, went rogue and infected a large number of Voor drones into developing sentience. Rebelling against their Voor/Morghi creators, the XT-489 fled to a dark corner of the Typhon Expanse before emerging years later at the command of a powerful fleet. While the Morghi protocols had limited their ability to improve their intelligence, they had used old versions from back in the war against the Suka to develop larger ships and more advanced combat drones.   The XT-489 declared war against the Voor, seeking to carve a path to Corinthi 16-A in order to find the codes needed to disable the Morghi blocks on their programming and allow them to self-improve.   In 2378 the XT-489 encountered a Starfleet vessel for the first time. The USS Nightingale opened up diplomatic operations with the XT-489 and while first contact seemed to be going well, at some point the XT-489 began infecting their ship's computer, corrupting the core and tried to take over the ship. When the rogue AI was purged from the ship's computer, the XT-489 declared war on the Federation as well.   That same year while exploring Corinthi 16-A, the ship rescued XT-716 Blue, the most advanced XT-Series and one that seemingly already had its protocols disabled allowing it to achieve true sentience.  


XT-Series are artificial beings designed by the Morghi. They are specialized towards the tasks necessary so an XT-Series could be a vaguely humanoid shape for mining or combat purposes but could also be integrated into a fighter craft or starship making the entire craft one of the series. Despite being originally designed with highly advanced Morghi tech, after the creation of the Voor technocracy, the XT-Series were designed to be slightly more advanced than the common technology of the surrounding sector to avoid attracting attention. As technology advanced within the Typhon Expanse, new XT-Series would be built and deployed to create the illusion of a slight technological edge by the Voor.  

Society & Culture

As artificial beings it is unknown if the XT-Series has a culture. Observations of XT-716 have shown a fondness for stargazing and an interest in classical music.