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Emperor Theotus I


Emperor Theotus I (200 BCE to 736 CE) is responsible for the unification of the continent under the Vergar Empire - Imir and the integration of The Order into all of Vergar society.  Previously, Vergar kingdoms had dotted the continent, but with the rise of Theotus I and his army, known as The Host, all Vergar kingdoms aligned under him.   


In what is now the Vergar capital, a large strain of the metals needed for creating Sylvar were discovered approximately 50 years before Theotus I united the continent and The Order outlawed magic.  Very little is known for sure about what happened during this time other than the fact that Theotus I managed to create enough sylvar armor to outfit an entire army. Previously, the materials to create sylvar had only existed in small veins and so creation of the metal was largely ornamental or used as a highly sought after commodity.  Only Theotus and his allies began to make it illegal for anyone but the Order and their approved Armorer Metallurgist - Vergar to know alloy's secrets.  Up until the time of unification, each other kingdom could do as they wished with the small amount they had, but it is also likely the standardization of the alloy had not been codified. However, no records prior to the time of unification can be reliably accessed. Once unification occured, sylvar was sought out on the continent and brought strictly under the control of the Order.    The last few kingdoms which opposed the unification Theotus was pushing for created opposition by forming two major fronts. The first front was from the north east part of the continent and allied itself with Eldar who later became vampires after refusing to bow to Theotus.  The Vergar of this area were systemically wiped out using tactics to burn them from their homes until they agreed to join Theotus.  This resistance was dealth with between 5 and 3 BCE.   From that time on, the Southern War dealt with Vergar who allied themselves with Orc and Humans in order to try to stem the tide of the Host.  Finally, at the Battle of Valor Mountain, over 200,000 united peoples faced The Host which now numbered between 70,000 and 80,000.  Theotus led a charge which included Ettin which had been promised new lands in the wilderlands. These Ettin were placed alongside a specialist force of Theotus personal guards who waited until the main force of the united peoples tried to force their way up a fortified position held by the bulk of Theotus' force which had been provoking them since early morning with ranged weapons and ballista.    

Unification & The Order

Upon the completion of this battle Theotus returned to his capital which now became capital of the united Vergar empire.  He appointed loyal members of The Order who had also served as officers in his army and personal guard as regional governors and gave them power to put laws into place. The main guiding rules were the supremacy of the Emperor, who was now known as Theotus I, the Magnanimous (due to his own edicts), the secrecy of sylvar production, and the outlawing of magic as defined by The Order.    It was during this time that various disparate Eldar fiefdoms and kingdoms were destroyed and subjugated as the only considerable threat to the Vergar Empire - Imir . Many Eldar fled the continent, some isolated, and some became slave in all but name to the Vergar.

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