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Arcanis, the capital city of the nation Arthuria, is a stunning marvel of divine architecture. Created by the Silver Flame to house the Leonin race, the city has evolved into a diverse settlement with many different races and magical beings living side by side. The city is built in a series of tiers, with each tier connected by a network of bridges and walkways. It is surrounded by very large walls, with different parts of the city defended in different ways, making it a formidable fortress. At the heart of the city lies the Palace District, home to the Royal Family which holds ultimate authority over the land of Arthuria. But they are not alone in their rule. The Senates, elected bodies of representatives from across the nation, work alongside the Royal Family to govern the people.   Arcanis is a melting pot of cultures, with people from all over Arthuria and beyond coming to live and work in the city. The most notable demographic group are the Leonin clans, who are deeply ingrained in the city's history and play a vital role in its governance. The government of Arcanis is a complex web of senates, magistrates, and lawmakers, all working together to ensure the smooth operation of the city. The Imperators, who were once the rulers of the entirety of Arthuria, preside over the Imperial Convocation, which oversees the affairs of the city. The city's architecture is a mix of styles, from the towering Obscura Tower to the intricate clockwork gears of the Geargrind Perch.   The city's economy is based on trade and manufacturing, with many different guilds and factions operating within its walls. Some of the most prominent guilds include the Azure Caravan, the Guild of the Shimmering Hands and the Coalition of Lawmakers. Taxes are levied on businesses and individuals to fund the city's infrastructure, such as the sewage system and public transportation. The city is home to many points of interest, including the Crenellforth Citadel, the Scriptorium Sanctum, and the Lion's Den.   The area surrounding Arcanis is rich in natural resources, including the Clearson River, Mirahice Woods, fertile land for agriculture, and mines for minerals. These resources have helped to make Arcanis one of the most prosperous cities in the region. The city's region has unpredictable weather patterns and distinct seasonal changes. This has not deterred tourists from flocking to the city, drawn by its beautiful architecture, rich history, and religious significance.   All of these factors combine to make Arcanis one of the most unique and fascinating cities in the world of Vea, a true gem of the region and a wonder to behold.


Arcanis is a diverse and bustling city, home to many different species, ethnicities, wealth classes, and professions. The largest and most prominent group of inhabitants were the Leonin, who were created by the gods to populate the city and rule over the kingdom of Arthuria. The Leonin are the ruling class of the city, with many of the most powerful and wealthy individuals belonging to this race. However, in modern times, the city has become more diverse and other races have settled in Arcanis as well. Humans and Dwarves are the most common, with a small population of Halflings, Gnomes, and other less common races.   The city's inhabitants are divided into different social classes based on their wealth and status, with the upper class residing in the highest tiers of the city, while the lower class live in the middle and lower tiers. The middle and lower tiers are also home to many non-Leonin residents, including those of other races and ethnicities.   The city is also divided into different professions and industries, with each district specializing in a particular trade or craft. The Palace District is home to the city's government and administrative offices, while the Upper Residential District is home to the wealthiest merchants, nobles, and other influential figures. The Market District is a hub of commerce and trade, while the Lower Residential District is home to middle-class residents and those who work in the service industry. The Industrial District is where the city's factories and workshops are located, and the Docks are where sailors, merchants, and traders conduct business with the outside world.


The government of Arthuria is a complex system of overlapping powers and institutions that work together to ensure stability and prosperity for the nation. At the head of the government is the Royal Family, which serves as the ultimate source of authority and legitimacy. The current queen, Leonardra Crenellforth, wields significant power and influence, but much of the day-to-day governance is handled by the various branches of the government. Some of the most powerful institutions in the government are the Senates, which serves as the primary legislative body. The Senates are three separate councils with varying degrees of size and influence, composed of a diverse array of representatives from across the nation, and they are responsible for creating and passing laws that govern everything from taxation to trade to foreign policy.   The Imperial Convocation is the governing body that is presided over by the Imperators, Ajax and Astel, the most senior members of the Arthurian government, excluding the Queen. It is responsible for making decisions related to national policy, defence, and foreign affairs. The Convocation is made up of representatives from each of the Senates, as well as influential figures from the military, academia, and industry. It is often considered the most powerful branch of government in Arthuria. In addition to its role in national governance, the Imperial Convocation also works closely with the various Leonin clans across Arthuria. The Leonin are an important cultural group in the nation and their involvement in government affairs is vital for maintaining unity and stability. The Convocation regularly consults with the Leonin on issues that affect their communities and ensures their voices are heard in the halls of power.   The judiciary branch of the government is called the Magistrate Judiciary, and it is responsible for the administration of justice throughout Arcanis. This branch is made up of magistrates, who preside over cases and make legal decisions based on the laws of the land. Magistrates are appointed by the Senate and are typically chosen based on their legal expertise and experience. The Magistrate Judiciary also includes clerks and other court officials who assist with legal proceedings. The highest-ranking magistrate is known as the Principal Adjudicator, who oversees the magistrates and ensures that justice is administered fairly and impartially.   The Coalition of Lawmakers is another important institution in the government, made up of representatives from the various guilds and other interest groups throughout the nation. They work closely with the Senate and other branches of the government to ensure that the needs and concerns of their constituents are being heard and addressed.   In addition to these institutions, the government enforces various policies to maintain order and ensure the welfare of its citizens. Taxation is a crucial component of the government's revenue, with different taxes levied on various activities and goods. The government also regulates the use of magic within the city, including the use of certain spells and magical items. There are also regulations in place for trade and commerce, with certain goods requiring licenses or permits to be traded. The government also has strict laws governing the conduct of its citizens, including prohibitions on theft, murder, and other crimes. Punishments for violating these laws range from fines to imprisonment or even death, depending on the severity of the offence.


Arcanis is a city that takes its security very seriously, with several different defences designed to protect its inhabitants from external threats. The most prominent of these defences are the city's towering walls, which are among the largest and most imposing in the kingdom of Arthuria. The walls of Arcanis are made of thick stone and rise to a height of more than a hundred feet, with towers and battlements at regular intervals. The walls are punctuated by large gates that lead into the city, each of which is guarded by a contingent of well-trained soldiers from the Ironclad Legion.   In addition to the walls, the city has several other defences designed to protect different parts of the city. The Palace District, for example, is guarded by a contingent of elite soldiers who are trained specifically to protect the city's rulers and government officials. The Upper Residential District, home to the wealthiest and most influential residents, is also heavily guarded, with private guards and security forces employed by many of the city's wealthy merchants and nobles.   The Market District, which is the hub of the city's commerce and trade, is protected by a combination of city guards and private security forces hired by the merchants who conduct business there. The Industrial District, which is home to the city's factories and workshops, is also guarded by city guards who are trained to deal with the unique threats posed by industrial accidents and fires. The Docks, which are the gateway to the outside world, are heavily guarded by city guards and naval patrols. The city's navy is one of the strongest in the kingdom, with a fleet of warships and other vessels that patrol the waters around Arcanis and protect the city from seaborne threats.

Industry & Trade

Arcanis is a bustling hub of industry and trade, with a diverse economy that is fueled by a variety of different industries and businesses. The city's strategic location at the mouth of a major river has made it a hub of trade and commerce, and it is now one of the wealthiest and most prosperous cities in the Chivalier Isles. The city's economy is driven by several different industries, including agriculture, manufacturing, and trade. The surrounding farmland produces an abundance of crops, including wheat, barley, and corn, as well as fruits and vegetables that are sold in the city's markets. The city also has a thriving manufacturing sector, with factories and workshops that produce a wide variety of goods, from textiles and clothing to weapons and armour.   Trade is also a vital part of the city's economy, with merchants from all over the kingdom and beyond coming to Arcanis to buy and sell goods. The city's markets are filled with exotic goods from distant lands, including spices, silks, and precious metals. The city's navy, one of the strongest in the continent, also plays a vital role in the city's trade, with warships and other vessels that patrol the waters around Arcanis and protect the city's trade routes.   In terms of exports, Arcanis is known for its high-quality textiles and clothing, which are prized throughout the kingdom for their beauty and durability. The city is also known for its weapons and armour, which are among the finest in the kingdom. In addition to these products, the city also exports a wide variety of agricultural goods, including grains, fruits, and vegetables.   Imports to the city are varied, but some of the most important include exotic spices, silks, and other luxury goods from distant lands. The city also imports raw materials, such as mithril and nickel, that are essential to its manufacturing sector, but not found in abundance nearby.   In terms of the city's inhabitants, many work in the city's manufacturing and trade industries, while others are employed in the city's government or serve in the city's military. The city also has a significant population of artisans and craftsmen who produce a wide variety of valuable goods, from jewellery to fine pottery.


Arcanis is a marvel of vertical architecture. Rising high into the sky, the city is divided into distinct tiers, each connected by towering spires and sweeping bridges. The city's tiers are laid out in a circular pattern, with the palace and government buildings at the very top, followed by the wealthy residential areas, the bustling markets, and finally the docks and industrial zones at the base of the city. This vertical infrastructure is a masterpiece of engineering. Water and sewage are pumped throughout the city using a system of gravity-fed pipes and reservoirs that extend down the tiers. Each tier has its own water supply, and waste is transported through a series of pipes and aqueducts that feed into massive treatment plants at the bottom of the city.   Transportation within the city is primarily by foot or by flying, though several vertical canals and waterways are used for both transportation and commerce. However, for those who need to travel greater distances or transport larger quantities of goods, there are several forms of transportation available. Horse-drawn carriages are a common sight on the city's streets, and the Azure Caravan offers transportation of goods between cities. There are also a number of public transportation options available, such as omnibuses and trams. In addition to these more traditional forms of transportation, magic is also utilized for transportation in Arcanis. Some individuals with magical abilities are able to teleport themselves or others to different locations, though this is a rare and highly specialized skill. The university in the Arcanium has been known to experiment with alternative magical modes of transportation, such as portals and floating platforms, but these have yet to be widely adopted outside of academic circles.   Public buildings and monuments in Arcanis play a vital role in the city's infrastructure. They are constructed with intricate designs and often represent the city's history and culture. The Crenellforth Citadel is a key example of this, as it serves as the main residence of the royal family and houses several government offices. The Royal Gardens, on the other hand, provide a peaceful sanctuary for the city's inhabitants, with well-manicured lawns and an array of colourful flowers. Meanwhile, the Scriptorium Sanctum, the grand library of Arcanis, serves as a centre for education and learning for citizens and scholars alike. These public buildings and monuments are strategically placed throughout the city, making them accessible to all, and are connected by well-paved roads and walkways.


The Palace District: This is a small, exclusive area of Arcanis that is reserved for the ruling elite of Arthuria. The district is home to the Crenellforth Citadel, the grand castle that serves as the residence of Queen Leonardra Crenellforth and the Arthurian Senates. It is located at the highest point of the city, providing a clear view of the surrounding areas. The district is also home to various administrative buildings, high-end shops, and elegant gardens that offer a serene escape from the bustling city below. Only those with the highest status in society are allowed to enter the district, making it a symbol of prestige and power in Arcanis.   The Upper Residential District: Also called the Upper City, this district is one of the most exclusive and affluent areas of the city, where the wealthy and powerful citizens reside. It is situated at the highest point of the city, nestled against the base of the looming mountains and offering stunning views of the surrounding landscapes. The buildings in this district are grand, multi-story mansions and townhouses, with elegant facades, ornate stonework, and intricately carved wooden doors. The houses are often surrounded by high walls, offering privacy and seclusion to their occupants. The streets of the Upper Residential District are wide and well-paved, with smooth cobblestones and ornate street lamps casting a warm glow at night. Trees line the sidewalks, providing shade and a sense of tranquillity to the area. The district is known for its peacefulness and exclusivity, and it is a common sight to see uniformed guards patrolling the area to ensure the safety of its residents. The district also boasts several exclusive shops and boutiques, catering to the refined tastes of its wealthy inhabitants. These shops offer the finest clothes, jewellery, and other luxury items, imported from far-flung lands across the world. The district is also home to several exclusive clubs and societies, where members can socialize and network with other members of the city's elite. It is a well-guarded area, with only those who have legitimate businesses or are residents of the district allowed entry. Despite its exclusivity, the district is a vital part of Arcanis's infrastructure, as its wealthy residents provide a significant portion of the city's tax revenue and contribute to the city's overall prosperity.   The Middle Residential District: Often called the Middle City, this part of the city is the most populated area of the city, consisting of a vast array of apartment complexes, townhouses, and small businesses. The district is situated between the upper and lower residential districts and is easily accessible via a network of narrow, winding streets that lead up and down the slopes of the city. The architecture of the buildings in the middle district varies widely, ranging from tall, sleek towers with modern features to short, stout buildings with intricate stonework. The majority of the buildings are made from marble, brick, and wood, and are several stories tall to maximize the use of space. Many of the buildings have small balconies and rooftop gardens, providing residents with a place to relax and enjoy the stunning views of the city. The middle district is a bustling, vibrant area with a diverse population of citizens. It is home to a variety of shops, restaurants, and entertainment venues, making it a popular destination for locals and visitors alike. One of the most notable features of the district is the vibrant street life, with vendors selling everything from fresh produce to handmade crafts lining the narrow streets. Despite its popularity, the middle district is not without its challenges. Many criminals and deviants work in this part of the city, and the narrow streets can become overcrowded during peak hours. However, the district's central location and diverse range of amenities make it a desirable place to live for many citizens of Arcanis.   The Lower Residential District: Located near the harbour, this district, also known as the Lower City, is a bustling, vibrant community that thrives on the hard work of its citizens. While it may not have the grandeur of the upper or middle districts, it is the beating heart of the city, with its winding streets and lively markets teeming with life. The homes here are sturdy and well-built, though more modest in size than those found in the more affluent districts. Yet, despite this, the district is still a beautiful sight to behold, with gardens and fountains providing a refreshing respite from the hustle and bustle of the city. The people who live here are proud and hardworking, with a strong sense of community that binds them together. It is a testament to the resilience and fortitude of the working class, who make up the backbone of this great city.   The Lion's Den: This district is a hub of activity and commerce, where merchants and traders from all over the world come to buy and sell goods. The district is home to countless shops, stalls, and warehouses, where one can find everything from rare spices and exotic fabrics to weapons and armour. The Lion's Den is also where the Azure Caravan, one of the most powerful merchant guilds in the city, is headquartered. In addition to trade, the district is also home to several moneylenders and banks, making it the financial centre of Arcanis. The streets are crowded with people from all walks of life, and the air is filled with the sounds of haggling and bargaining.   The Industrial District: Located at the city's base, this district is characterized by its large factories, mills, and foundries. The district is responsible for the production of a wide range of goods, including textiles, weapons, machinery, and more. Many of the city's working-class residents can be found here, employed in various trades and professions. Despite the constant noise and pollution, the district is an essential part of the city's economy and is responsible for providing many goods for trade and export. The Docks: Also located at the city's base, the docks are the gateway to the outside world. These docks are an important point of entry and exit for goods and people coming to and from the city. It is located on the Clearson River and has several docks for ships of all sizes to dock and unload their cargo. The harbour is well-protected, with guards and defences in place to prevent piracy and other threats. It is an essential component of the city's economy, providing a vital link to the outside world and enabling trade with nearby cities and nations in the Alliance for Chivalry. Additionally, the harbour is a popular location for travellers, with several inns and taverns located nearby to accommodate those coming and going.   The Temple District, located in the northern part of the city, is a place of great spiritual significance for many of the city's inhabitants. It is home to a diverse range of religious organizations, each with its own unique beliefs and practices. Some temples are dedicated to the worship of specific deities, while others offer services such as fortune-telling and spiritual healing for those who are more spiritual but do not adhere to a particular faith. The district is a place of pilgrimage for many, who come to seek guidance, wisdom, and spiritual healing. It is also a centre of education, with many of the city's most learned scholars and mystics residing within its walls.   The Undercity: Below the bustling streets of Arcanis lies a secret world, the Undercity. It is a network of twisting tunnels and caverns, dimly lit and constantly echoing with the sounds of activity. It is home to the city's outcasts, those who cannot afford the luxury of living above ground. But it's not all poverty and desperation. For those who call the Undercity home, it's a place of freedom and rebellion. Here, one can find anything they desire, from the most exotic goods to the most illicit substances. The Undercity is a hub of deviance and a sanctuary for those who seek to avoid the scrutiny of the law. The narrow passageways are lined with all manner of establishments, from seedy taverns to hidden gambling dens. The Undercity has its own rules, its own code of conduct, and its own justice system. Despite its seedy reputation, the Undercity is not without its charm. The architecture is unique, with buildings carved into the natural rock formations and adorned with glowing crystals and bioluminescent fungi. There are secret hot springs that provide a natural source of heat in the colder months, and underground lakes that shimmer like jewels in the dim light. However, for those unfamiliar with the labyrinthine passages, it can be a dangerous place. It's easy to get lost and disoriented, and the inhabitants of the Undercity are not always friendly to outsiders.   The Gladiator's Quarter: The Gladiator's Quarter in Arcanis is a small, but bustling district filled with warriors, trainers, and spectators. The quarter is located near the Phoenix Reckoning Colosseum and is home to many of the city's most famous gladiatorial schools. The streets are often crowded with fighters, all honing their skills in preparation for the next big tournament. Many of the buildings in the Gladiator's Quarter are outfitted with training rooms, weapon racks, and sparring pits, providing gladiators with everything they need to prepare for battle. While the district is known for its focus on combat, it's not all blood and sweat. The Gladiator's Quarter is also home to a variety of shops and businesses catering to the needs of the warriors and their fans. Blacksmiths, tailors, and armourers can be found throughout the quarter, offering their services to gladiators looking to improve their gear. Taverns and inns are also plentiful, providing a place for fighters to relax and unwind after a long day of training. Despite the excitement and energy that permeates the Gladiator's Quarter, the district has its darker side. Some gladiators and trainers turn to illegal means to gain an edge in combat, such as using banned substances or engaging in unsanctioned fights. Crime is not uncommon in the area, with gangs and unscrupulous individuals preying on those who are vulnerable or naive. However, the city guard maintains a strong presence in the Gladiator's Quarter, ensuring that the peace is maintained and that any lawbreakers are swiftly dealt with.   The Arcanium: The district known as the Arcanium is the centre of education and research in Arcanis, home to the most prestigious university in the land: the Ars Magica Universitas. The Arcanium consists of an ornate and impressive collection of spires and towers, with a central courtyard featuring a large fountain. The university specializes in the study of magic, with professors and students delving into everything from the fundamentals of magical theory to the intricacies of elemental magic. The Arcanium is also home to many libraries and archives, housing countless tomes on magic and other subjects. It is a place where knowledge is highly valued and sought after, and where great minds come to hone their skills and expand their understanding of the world.


Arcanis is a wealthy and prosperous city, with a wide variety of valuable assets that contribute to its economic and cultural significance. One of the city's most valuable assets is its vast stores of magical artefacts and knowledge. The city is home to many powerful magic-users, and its libraries and academies are renowned throughout the kingdom for their expertise in the arcane arts. The city also boasts a wide variety of magical items, from enchanted weapons and armour to wondrous artefacts imbued with powerful magical properties.   In addition to its magical assets, Arcanis is also home to many skilled artisans and craftsmen who produce a wide variety of valuable goods. The city's markets are filled with exquisite jewellery, intricate textiles, and finely crafted weapons and armour, all made by skilled artisans who have honed their craft over many years. The city also has access to abundant nearby natural resources, including fertile farmland and abundant mineral deposits. The city's farms produce an abundance of food through the use of magical aid, while its mines and quarries yield valuable minerals and metals that are essential to the city's economy.   Finally, the city's strategic location at the mouth of a major river has made it a hub of trade and commerce for centuries. Merchants from all over the kingdom and beyond come to Arcanis to trade goods and conduct business, making the city a vital centre of economic activity.

Guilds and Factions

In Arcanis, guilds and factions play a significant role in shaping the city's economy, politics, and culture. These organizations represent a wide range of professions, interests, and ideologies, and often operate in their own unique ways to achieve their goals. They are responsible for everything from managing the city's infrastructure and enforcing the law to providing education and protecting the rights of their members. Guilds and factions provide a sense of community and belonging for those who join them, and often compete and cooperate with each other to gain power and influence in the city. They are an essential part of Arcanis' social fabric and contribute to the city's diversity and complexity. Here are a few of the most prominent:   The Arthurian Citizen Brigade: The Arthurian Citizen Brigade, often referred to as simply the Brigade, is a faction within the city of Arcanis tasked with maintaining law and order throughout the city. The organization is primarily made up of guards, police officers, and detectives who work tirelessly to protect the citizens of Arcanis from harm. The Brigade is known for its strict code of conduct and unwavering dedication to justice, making it one of the most respected and revered factions in the city. The Brigade is responsible for patrolling the streets, investigating crimes, and apprehending criminals. They are also responsible for maintaining order during public events, such as festivals and parades, and protecting important public figures. The organization is well-equipped with state-of-the-art weaponry and technology, and its members undergo rigorous training to ensure they are always ready to handle any situation that may arise. One of the key priorities of the Arthurian Citizen Brigade is to maintain a strong connection with the citizens of Arcanis. Officers are encouraged to be friendly and approachable, and they often work with local community groups to address concerns and improve relations between law enforcement and the public. This approach has helped to build a strong sense of trust and respect between the Brigade and the citizens they serve. Most members of the public consider the Arthurian Citizen Brigade as a vital part of Arcanis, providing safety and security for all who live within the city's walls.   The Ironclad Legion: The Ironclad Legion is the city's standing army and militia. Their primary role is to protect the city from external threats and maintain order within its walls. The legion is composed of highly trained soldiers who are equipped with the finest weapons and armour available, making them a formidable force on the battlefield. In addition to their combat prowess, the Ironclad Legion is also responsible for the construction and maintenance of the city's fortifications and defensive structures, which is usually their main role outside of times of warfare. The Ironclad Legion is overseen by a council of military leaders who are appointed by the city's Senates. Each member of the council is a veteran soldier with decades of experience in warfare and strategy. The legion is also divided into smaller units, each with its own captain and chain of command. Despite their military nature, the Ironclad Legion is respected and admired by the citizens of Arcanis. They are seen as the protectors of the city, and their presence serves as a deterrent to would-be invaders and criminals alike. The legion also plays a role in major city events, such as parades and festivals, where they perform elaborate military drills and displays of martial skills.   The Azure Caravan: Representing the interests of the city's traders and merchants, the Azure Caravan is one of the wealthiest and most powerful guilds in the city. Members of the Azure Caravan are known for their shrewd business acumen and willingness to do whatever it takes to protect their interests. Composed of a diverse array of traders and businessmen, the caravan specializes in importing rare and exotic goods from far-off lands. The Azure Caravan has a significant presence within the city's central marketplace, with its elaborate stalls and towering tents attracting visitors and locals alike. It also plays a crucial part in the city's economy by providing employment opportunities for skilled artisans, craftsmen, and labourers. They offer apprenticeships and training programs to young workers and are known for their support of the local arts and crafts community. The caravan also contributes significantly to the city's tax revenue, making them a valued ally of the city's ruling elite. Despite its impressive wealth and influence, the Azure Caravan is not without its detractors. Some have accused them of monopolizing trade and manipulating prices to their advantage, while others have criticized their tendency to favour profits over ethics. Nevertheless, their reputation as shrewd businessmen and traders has earned them a place of respect within the city, and their influence extends far beyond the bounds of the marketplace.   The Guild of the Shimmering Hands: The Guild of the Shimmering Hands is a renowned organization of the most skilled craftsmen and artisans. This guild is responsible for the production of some of the most exquisite and sought-after pieces of art, craftsmanship, and technology in the world. The guild is comprised of skilled craftsmen and women who specialize in a variety of areas such as metalworking, woodworking, glassblowing, textiles, and jewellery making, among others. The members of this guild are known for their exceptional skill and attention to detail, and they take great pride in their work. The Guild of the Shimmering Hands is housed in grand, ornate buildings located in the heart of the city's artisan sub-district within the Lion's Den. Visitors to the guild can marvel at the intricate works of art on display and purchase some of the most beautiful and rare pieces of craftsmanship in the world. The guild also serves as a hub for craftsmen to come together to share ideas, techniques, and knowledge, ensuring that the city of Arcanis remains at the forefront of innovation and creativity in the realm of craftsmanship.   The Marble Shapers of Arcanis: The Marble Shapers of Arcanis is a highly esteemed organization of skilled craftsmen and builders that have been in operation shortly after the city's inception. Founded by a group of powerful mages, the guild has grown to become the most influential and respected institution in the field of construction in the city. The guild is composed of individuals who have undergone a rigorous apprenticeship program to master the art of stonework, architecture, and design. The Marble Shapers take great pride in their work and are dedicated to producing only the highest quality structures for their clients. They are well-known for their attention to detail, intricate designs, and use of the finest materials available. The guild is responsible for its work on many of the most impressive structures in Arcanis, including the Crenellforth Citadel, the Scriptorium Sanctum and the Ars Magica Universitas. They are also responsible for maintaining the city's infrastructure, ensuring that buildings and streets are kept in good repair and functioning properly. The Marble Shapers are highly sought after by those looking to commission new buildings or renovate existing ones. Their services come at a high cost, but their reputation for excellence is well worth it. They take great pride in their work and are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of construction. The guild is also responsible for training new apprentices, passing on their knowledge and skills to the next generation of builders. They take this responsibility very seriously and believe that they must ensure that the tradition of master craftsmanship continues for generations to come. Despite their prestige and reputation, the Marble Shapers remain a humble and dedicated group of craftsmen. They take great pride in their work and are always striving to improve their skills and techniques. They also play a significant role in upgrading the infrastructure of the city, especially when it comes to arcane projects. They have been responsible for several upgrades to the city's arcane network, such as the installation of new ley lines and the construction of magical conduits. One notable project was the refurbishment of the central fountain in the Royal Gardens, which now uses a complex system of water and light magic to create a dazzling display every evening. They have also been involved in the construction of several magical buildings, such as the Scriptorium Sanctum and the Enchantment sub-district's Magistrate's Court, both of which were designed with complex magical wards and devices.   The Coalition of Lawmakers: The Coalition of Lawmakers is a powerful faction in Arcanis, responsible for crafting and enforcing the laws that govern the city and the rest of Arthuria. Made up of some of the brightest minds and most influential figures in the city, the Coalition is an essential part of maintaining order in the realm. Members of the Coalition come from a variety of backgrounds, including scholars, politicians, and legal experts, and they are known for their ability to navigate complex legal systems and craft legislation that is fair and effective. The Coalition has a strong presence in the Palace District, where its members meet to discuss and debate the city's laws, but its influence extends throughout the entire city. The Coalition is not without its detractors, however, and some accuse its members of being overly concerned with their interests rather than those of the city as a whole. Despite this criticism, the Coalition remains a crucial part of the fabric of Arcanis, ensuring that its citizens can live their lives in relative peace and security.   The Arcanum Society: The Arcanum Society is an organization in Arcanis that is dedicated to the study and exploration of the arcane arts. Composed of wizards, sorcerers, and other practitioners of magic, the Arcanum Society is a highly respected group that is considered to be at the forefront of magical research and development. The society is headquartered in a grand tower that dominates the skyline of Arcanis: the Ivory Spire. The Spire is said to be one of the most magically fortified structures in the city, and it is rumoured to contain many secrets and artefacts of great power. The society has a strict membership policy, and only the most accomplished and respected practitioners of magic are allowed to join. Members are required to swear an oath of secrecy, promising to keep the society's research and activities hidden from the general public. Despite its secretive nature, the Arcanum Society is highly respected in Arcanis, and many citizens view its members as protectors of the city, as well as leaders in the field of magical research. The society frequently collaborates with other factions in the city, such as the Ironclad Legion and the Marble Shapers, to ensure that Arcanis remains safe and prosperous. The Arcanum Society is also known for its extensive library, which contains countless volumes on a wide variety of magical topics. Members of the society have access to this library, as well as to many other resources that are not available to the general public. While the society is generally considered to be a force for good in Arcanis, there are rumours that some of its members have delved into darker, more forbidden areas of magic. Some even claim that the society is secretly involved in the city's criminal underworld, using their knowledge of magic to further their own agendas. However, these rumours are largely unsubstantiated, and most citizens continue to view the Arcanum Society as a force for good in Arcanis.   The Order of Silver Flame: The Order of the Silver Flame is a prominent religious organization. Its members are dedicated to the worship and service of the deity known as the The Silver Flame, who is believed to embody purity, light, and the forces of good. The order maintains several large temples throughout the city, where worshipers can come to offer their prayers and seek guidance from the clergy. In addition to its religious duties, the order also plays an important role in maintaining the city's security. Some members of the order are trained in combat and often serve as guards or knights, patrolling the streets and protecting the citizens of Arcanis from threats both mundane and supernatural. In addition to their role as protectors of the city, the Order also provides a range of support services to the people of Arcanis. They run a network of shelters and soup kitchens for the homeless and impoverished, and provide healing services to those in need. The Order also acts as arbitrators in disputes, using their wisdom and insight to help resolve conflicts peacefully. The order is headed by a high priest, who is responsible for overseeing the organization's day-to-day operations and ensuring that its members remain true to the principles of the Silver Flame. The high priest is assisted by several other senior members of the clergy, who hold various administrative roles within the order. Beneath them are the regular members of the order, who come from all walks of life and have varying levels of training and experience. Despite its prominence, the Order of the Silver Flame is not without its detractors. Some citizens of Arcanis view the organization as overly zealous or even fanatical, and there have been instances of conflict between the order and other factions within the city. However, many others see the order as a bastion of righteousness and a bulwark against the forces of darkness that would seek to harm the city and its people.   The Shadow Brotherhood: The Shadow Brotherhood is a clandestine organization that operates outside of the law. They are a mysterious and powerful criminal organization that operates in the shadows of the city of Arcanis. Their criminal activities are well known, and their influence is felt throughout the city; their members are widely regarded as ruthless and amoral, showing no mercy to those who stand in their way. Many people in the city are terrified of them, and some even believe that they are in league with dark forces beyond the mortal realm. They are believed to be involved in everything from extortion and smuggling to assassination and theft. Despite its reputation as a criminal syndicate, the Shadow Brotherhood remains shrouded in mystery. No one knows who their leaders are or how they operate, and few have ever seen them in person. Some believe that they possess dark powers or supernatural abilities, but these rumours are dismissed by most as mere speculation. To the average citizen of Arcanis, the Shadow Brotherhood is a highly mysterious and elusive group, shrouded in secrecy and ambiguity. The vast majority view them with fear and suspicion, believing that they are nothing more than a ruthless criminal syndicate that preys on the weak and defenceless. A small, yet vocal, group hold a more positive view, seeing them as valiant defenders of justice who use any means necessary to fight corruption and uphold the law. Despite the conflicting opinions, it is clear that the Brotherhood is a force to be reckoned with in the city. They are known for their expertise in covert operations and are feared by many of the criminal elements that operate in the shadows. However, their true motives and objectives remain largely unknown. Rumours abound about the Brotherhood's involvement in various acts of espionage and sabotage, leading many to speculate about their true allegiance and motives. Some believe that they are working towards what they consider a greater good, while others fear that they are simply using their power to further their selfish desires. Despite the rumours and speculation, one thing is clear: the Shadow Brotherhood is a highly enigmatic organization that operates in secrecy, and it is unlikely that the full extent of its power and influence will ever be known to the general public.


Arcanis was created by the Silver Flame, one of the Powers that Be immediately following the The Verdant Year. The first year of its existence would be a pivotal moment that would impact the future for decades to come. The Silver Flame, a powerful deity of light and justice, created the Leonin, a race of divine lion-folk as the city's inhabitants, who were to be guided by the white phoenix Illume. The Leonin were tasked with upholding justice and protecting the city of Arcanis. Under the guidance of Illume, the Leonin flourished. At the end of the first year, a grand tournament called the Imperatorus Tournament was held to determine the first ruler of the newly formed nation. The tournament was fiercely contested, with many talented warriors vying for the coveted position of Imperator of Arthuria. In the end, two warriors reached the final duel, Ajax and Astel, but neither could gain a clear advantage over the other. In a surprising move, they both accepted a stalemate and decided to become Imperators and rule the nation together, sharing power equally.   The city of Arcanis prospered under the rule of the Imperators. They worked tirelessly to build up the infrastructure of the city, including the establishment of the Marble Shapers of Arcanis to oversee construction and public works projects. The city grew steadily as people moved to the new capital, and trade flourished as merchants from all over the Isles came to do business in the bustling metropolis. The city started to become a hub of trade and commerce, attracting people from all over the world. The Leonin continued to serve as protectors of the city, while the Order of Silver Flame established itself as the centre of magical knowledge and power. What follows are specific key events in the years following:   In the second year, the Chivaleir Isles' first magical university, Ars Magica Universitas, was founded. This college was focused on studying and harnessing the power of the arcane, and it quickly became renowned throughout the land.   In year 5, a group of mages from the newly founded Arcanum Society discovered a way to harness the power of the ley lines that ran beneath the city, for the city itself was built around a convergence. This discovery led to an arcane revolution that brought about the creation of new enchanted devices and schools of magic.   In year 15, a group of rogue wizards attempted to take control of the city by unleashing a powerful magical storm. The Order of the Silver Flame and the Arthurian Citizen Brigade to repel the threat and restore order to the city. Following this, the Ironclad Legion was formally established as being separate from the city's army to have a better chance of defending the city.   In year 16, the Guild of the Shimmering Hands was founded, which brought together the most skilled craftsmen and artisans in the city to share knowledge and collaborate on projects. The guild would go on to create some of the most beautiful, and functional, works of art in the city.   In year 24, a group of radical mages began to experiment with dark magic, seeking to gain power and control. The Arcanum Society discovered their nefarious plans and intervened. A fierce battle ensued, resulting in the destruction of the rogue mage's tower and the capture of their leader.   In year 41, a massive storm struck the city, causing widespread destruction and flooding. The citizens of Arcanis banded together to help those affected by the disaster, and the Merchant's Guild donated a significant portion of their profits to aid in the rebuilding efforts.   However, in the year 49, the city was plunged into the War of the Phoenix waged by Dark Empress Salvatrice with the inciting incident of this war being Arthuria choosing to aid their Elven allies in Tír Na Nóg. The war was a brutal conflict that lasted for twenty-seven years, with many lives lost on both sides. The Leonin fought bravely alongside the other citizens of Arcanis, but it was clear that they needed help. In the year 76, the Alliance for Chivalry was formed, a coalition of nations dedicated to the pursuit of peace and justice. Both Imperators were dealt mortal blows in combat by Oni The Red, and, while they did survive, a new leader needed to be appointed. Illume appointed Leonardra Crenellforth as the nation's first Queen, simultaneously implementing a royal family to the Arthurian government. With the help of the alliance and a new ruler, the War of the Phoenix was finally brought to an end, and the city of Arcanis emerged as a major power in the region, however at the cost of Illume sacrificing her life to defeat the Empress.   Over the years since Arcanis has continued to grow and evolve. The city is renowned for its beautiful architecture, its skilled craftsmen, and its dedication to the pursuit of knowledge. Key events following the war are as follows:   In year 81, a group of pirates from the nearby coast attempted to raid the city, but were repelled by the Ironclad Legion. The incident led to the establishment of the Coastal Watch, a group of guards tasked with patrolling the nearby waters and preventing further attacks.   In year 83, a group of rogue mages caused chaos in the city, using their magic to rob banks and terrorize civilians. The Arthurian Citizen Brigade, with the help of the Arcanum Society, were able to track down and capture the rogue mages.   Year 89 saw the rise of a powerful criminal syndicate, known only as the Shadow Brotherhood. This group was composed of skilled assassins and thieves, who used their talents to extort and manipulate the wealthy and powerful of Arcanis.   In the year 95, a new trading route was formed that connected Arcanis with the distant Rightful Yellow Empire. Shortly afterwards another trading route was formed with Ivaris. This led to a small boom in trade and commerce, as well as a greater degree of globalisation.   In the current year 98, Arcanis is a prosperous and thriving city, with a rich history and a bright future ahead. The Leonin continue to serve as the protectors of the city, and the Imperators and Royalty work tirelessly to ensure that the citizens of Arcanis are safe and prosperous. The city is home to many guilds and factions, each playing a unique role in the city's development and growth. As the city continues to thrive, it remains a shining example of what can be achieved through cooperation, hard work, and dedication to the pursuit of knowledge and justice. But as this year draws to a close, there are whispers of darkness on the horizon. The forces of evil are once again on the rise, and the people of Arcanis must be vigilant to protect their city and their way of life.

Points of interest

1. The Royal Palace: The Royal Palace is a magnificent structure that serves as the seat of power in Arcanis and the residence of Queen Leonardra Crenellforth. The palace is a sprawling complex of grand halls, opulent chambers, and lush gardens. Visitors can take guided tours of the palace's many rooms and see firsthand the stunning art and architecture on display, including ornate tapestries, intricate mosaics, and dazzling chandeliers. Additionally, the palace is home to numerous cultural events, such as concerts, balls, and theatre performances, and is often used for important state functions.   2. The Lion's Den: The Lion's Den is the heart of Arcanis's bustling trade industry. The market is more than just a place to buy and sell goods - it's a vibrant and lively hub of activity and culture. In addition to merchants selling their wares, the market is home to numerous street performers and artists, creating a festive and exciting atmosphere. The market is also famous for its food, with vendors selling a wide variety of delicious local delicacies, such as spicy lion stew and honeyed fruit tarts.   3. The Academy of the Arcane: The Academy of the Arcane is a prestigious institution of magical learning, attracting students from all over the world. The academy is located in a massive, Gothic-style building with towering spires and stained-glass windows. Visitors can attend lectures and seminars on a variety of magical subjects, and even enrol in classes themselves. The academy's library is also a major draw, containing countless rare and valuable tomes on magic and the arcane. The academy is also home to numerous research facilities, where scholars and students conduct experiments and study the magical properties of various materials and creatures.   4. The Garden of the Gods: The Garden of the Gods is a lush, verdant paradise that is said to be the home of the divine beings who created the lion-folk. The garden is located in the heart of the city and is surrounded by towering walls adorned with intricate carvings and frescoes. Visitors can wander the garden's winding paths and marvel at the countless exotic plants and animals on display, such as glittering butterflies and sparkling hummingbirds. In addition, the garden is home to numerous temples and shrines, where worshippers come to pay homage to the gods and seek their favour.   5. The Arcanum: The Arcanum is a mysterious and enigmatic building located on the edge of the city. The building is a massive, sprawling structure with numerous towers and spires. Little is known about its purpose or function, but rumours abound of the incredible magical artifacts and knowledge contained within its walls. Some say that the building itself is alive, and that it will only reveal its secrets to those it deems worthy. Visitors who are brave enough to explore the Arcanum's dark and twisting corridors may discover hidden treasures and forgotten spells, but they must also be wary of the dangers that lurk within.


Tourism in Arcanis is a significant industry, drawing in visitors from all over Arthuria and beyond. The city's rich history, stunning architecture, and divine sites make it a must-see destination for travellers of all sorts. Religious pilgrims make up a significant portion of the city's tourism industry, drawn to the city's numerous shrines, temples, and holy sites. The Temple of the Lion, located in the heart of the city, is perhaps the most popular site for religious tourists. It is a massive structure dedicated to the lion gods, with elaborate carvings and ornate statues. Other popular sites for religious tourism include the Grand Cathedral of St. Cuthbert, the Temple of the Silver Lady, and the Shrine of the Wise Prophet.   Aside from religious tourism, Arcanis also attracts a wide range of other visitors. History buffs come to marvel at the city's ancient ruins, while architecture enthusiasts are drawn to the unique vertical layout of the city. Wealthy travellers enjoy the luxury accommodations of the city's many high-end hotels, while more budget-conscious visitors can find comfortable lodgings in the city's many inns and hostels.   The city also boasts a vibrant nightlife, with numerous taverns, clubs, and music venues catering to all tastes. The wealthy elite can be found sipping cocktails at high-end rooftop bars, while students and party-goers congregate in the city's more alternative districts.   Tourists can also be found exploring the city's markets and bazaars, browsing the wares of local artisans and craftsmen. The city's Leonin population is known for their exquisite metalworking, and visitors can purchase intricately designed weapons, armour, and jewellery.   Overall, tourism in Arcanis is a diverse industry that caters to a wide range of visitors. Whether drawn by religious devotion, history, or luxury, visitors to Arcanis are sure to be enchanted by the city's unique blend of culture and charm.


The architecture of Arcanis is breathtakingly beautiful and awe-inspiring. The city was originally created by the gods, and its stunning beauty reflects its divine origins. The city's buildings are constructed primarily from pure, solid marble, which gives them a luminous, ethereal quality. The marble used in the construction of the city is of exceptional quality and is free of any imperfections. The buildings appear as if they were carved from a single, giant piece of marble, and their surfaces gleam like polished crystals.   The buildings of Arcanis are unique in that they are not limited by the constraints of human architecture. The city's structures are grand and fantastical, with sweeping arches, soaring pillars, and intricate carvings. The buildings are constructed on tiers, rising high into the sky, and connected by a network of bridges and walkways.   The central part of the city is dominated by a massive, towering structure known as the Crenellforth Citadel. This palace is the seat of power for the ruling monarch, and its grandeur is unmatched. The Citadel is constructed of marble, with intricate carvings and gold leaf detailing. It is a testament to the city's divine origins and the power of its rulers.   The city is also home to numerous other notable structures, including the Grand Cathedral of St. Cuthbert, the Temple of the Lion, and the Shrine of the Wise Prophet. Each of these buildings is a masterpiece of divine architecture, with intricate carvings and details that leave visitors breathless.


Arcanis is situated on the banks of the Clearson River, which flows through the heart of the city. The river is wide and deep, and its waters are crystal-clear, reflecting the gleaming marble of the city's buildings. The river is an essential part of the city's geography, providing water for the city's inhabitants and a vital means of transportation for goods and people. To the east of the city lies the Mirahice Woods, a dense forest that stretches for miles. The woods are home to all manner of creatures, from small woodland animals to fearsome beasts that roam the deeper parts of the forest. The woods are a source of both beauty and danger, and many travellers are wary of venturing too far into the heart of the forest.   The city is surrounded by rolling hills and valleys, which are covered in lush, green vegetation. The hills provide a natural barrier to the city, making it difficult for enemies to approach from certain directions. However, the hills also make it challenging for the city's inhabitants to navigate their way through the surrounding countryside, as the terrain is often steep and difficult to traverse.   Overall, the geography of Arcanis is varied and beautiful, with the Clearson River providing a lifeline to the city and the Mirahice Woods offering both beauty and danger to those who venture within its borders. The hills and valleys surrounding the city offer both protection and challenges to the city's inhabitants and are an essential part of the city's geography.


The climate of Arcanis and the surrounding region is characterized by mild temperatures throughout the year, with cool summers and relatively mild winters. The area experiences a maritime climate, influenced by its proximity to the Clearson River and the sea. The weather is often cloudy, with occasional rain showers and occasional sunny spells. During the summer months, temperatures typically range from around 15-20°C (59-68°F), with occasional heatwaves pushing temperatures up to around 30°C (86°F) for brief periods. The summer months are relatively dry, with occasional rain showers and thunderstorms providing some relief from the heat.   In winter, temperatures rarely drop below freezing, with average temperatures around 5-10°C (41-50°F). The winter months are often wet, with frequent rain and occasional snow showers. However, snow rarely accumulates on the ground for long, and most winter precipitation falls as rain.   Overall, the climate of Arcanis is relatively stable, with little seasonal variation. However, there are occasional periods of extreme weather, such as heavy rainstorms or unseasonable heat waves, that can cause disruption and discomfort for the city's inhabitants. Despite these occasional challenges, the climate is generally comfortable and pleasant, providing a favourable environment for the city's inhabitants and visitors alike.

Natural Resources

The surrounding region of Arcanis is rich in natural resources, providing the city with a variety of materials that are essential for its economy and industry. The most important of these resources is the Clearson River, which flows through the city and provides a vital source of freshwater for irrigation and drinking. The surrounding area is also abundant in forests, such as the Mirahice woods to the East of the city, providing a source of timber and other forest products. The area is also home to a variety of wildlife, including deer, wild boar, and other game animals, which provide a source of meat for the city's inhabitants.   The land surrounding Arcanis is fertile and well-suited to agriculture, with crops such as wheat, barley, and vegetables being grown in the area. The region is also known for its vineyards, producing a variety of wines that are highly prized throughout the country.   The hills and mountains surrounding Arcanis are rich in minerals, including iron, copper, and silver, providing a source of ore for the city's blacksmiths and metalworkers. The area is also known for its quarries, providing a source of high-quality marble and other building materials.   Overall, the surrounding area of Arcanis is rich in natural resources, providing the city with a diverse range of materials that are essential for its economy and industry. The exploitation of these resources has helped to make Arcanis one of the most prosperous cities in the region.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The Marble Capital
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