Simon Milinous Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Simon Milinous

Lord Milinous

A Tale of Valor and Complexity

Sir Simon Milinous, once a paragon of chivalry and compassion, is a figure of significant influence and complex disposition within the noble circles of Verbobonc, Veluna, and Furyondy. His journey from a beloved betrothed to a stern military leader reflects the transformative effects of war and personal trials.

Early Life and Battle of Emridy Meadows

  • Noble Beginnings: Emerging from Griffon Manor, Sir Simon Milinous displayed early on a strong sense of nobility and a deep commitment to the values of honor and justice.
  • Warrior Spirit: His participation under Sir Jacque Kolgrim's banner in The Battle of Emridy Meadows with the Black Griffon Men-at-Arms marked a turning point, showcasing his bravery and strategic acumen.
"Honor is upheld and defended through the prowess of our swords and the bravery of our hearts."

Political Alliances and Betrothal

  • Alliance with Lady Asbury: The betrothal to Lady Elinor Asbury, celebrated with grand festivals, symbolized a union of joy and strategic importance, earning the blessings of Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart.
  • Shift in Disposition: The horrors of war hardened Sir Simon, transforming him into a figure of cold authority, ultimately leading to the dissolution of his engagement with Lady Asbury.

Military Leadership and Ideals

  • Knight Captain of the Mounted Borderers: Upon his return, Sir Simon resumed his duties, emphasizing a belief in martial discipline and the might of the sword as the true markers of nobility.
  • Views on Races and Loyalty: His leadership style, marked by little tolerance for non-humans and an unyielding demand for loyalty, reveals a man shaped by the rigors of combat and the weight of command.
  • Loyal retainers: Lord Milinous is rarely found without at least a half-dozen of his most loyal retainers, all of them wearing tabards and shields emblazoned with his crest, a black griffon.
"Power and authority are rightfully bestowed upon those who demonstrate unwavering might and resolve."

Heraldry and Influence

House Milinous: Symbolized by a black griffon on a field of azure, House Milinous stands as a testament to Sir Simon's martial prowess and the complex legacy of his leadership.

Legacy and Controversies

  • Attempted Leverage over Lady Asbury: Sir Simon's efforts to use Lady Asbury's family debt as leverage for marriage, though unsuccessful, underscore the depths of his solitude and desperation.
  • Relations with the Viscount and Noble Lords
  • Military capabilities: His strategic mind and military capabilities ensure his importance in the defense of Verbobonc, yet his stern demeanor and stringent beliefs often put him at odds with both allies and adversaries.
Sir Simon Milinous's story is one of a noble heart marred by the scars of war, standing as a reminder of the price of power and the enduring struggle between personal convictions and the demands of leadership. His impact on the political and military landscape of Verbobonc remains indelible, a complex legacy of valor, change, and unwavering discipline.
House shield is a black griffon on a field of azure   Sir Simon Milinous
Knight level 12
BtH +11, HP 80
Str 16, Con 14, Dex 13, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 16
  • Cover, Deflect, Fall Softly, Leap, Chargex3 damage
  • INSPIRE +2 tohit
  • DEMORALIZE -4 CHA checks, save versus fear -4 penalty or suffer a -1 penalty to hit.
  • BATTLEFIELD DOMINANCE use demoralize, embolden and inspire in the same round
  • Demons Bane Long sword +1, +3 vs Demons plus 2d6 damage
  • Mastercraft heavy war lance +1
  • Amulet of Health +4
  • Platemail +2
  • Ring of Major Fire Resistance 20 points
  • Potion of Cure Critical Wounds
  • Potion of Neutralize Poison
HD 3d10, AC19, HP 30
MV 60. Prime attributes physical
attack 2 hooves for 1d4+2, or a bite for 1d4 points of damage
Barding: Mastercraft Chain and full plate +1   Canon Egbert Slaghuis priest of Heironeous
Cleric level 8
Str 13, Dex 9, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 15
BtH +4, HP 55
Heironeous benefits
  • +2 to all saves vs Fear
  • cloak of bravery
  • immune to strength reducing magic
  • 5 cantrips
  • 5 1st level
  • 4 2nd level
  • 3 3rd level
  • 2 4th level
  • Platemail +1
  • Shield of Heironous +2
  • +3 MACE (HAMMER) OF DISRUPTION: x2 undead sv Phys or destroyed
  • Potion of Sanctuary
  • Potion of Tongues
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
543 33 Years old
dark hazel
raven black
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Let our enemies know this: House Milinous does not falter, does not fear. We are the storm against which the wicked find no shelter."
Heironeous, Pelor
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Lord Simon Milinous is described as a stern, dark-haired, broad-shouldered man who radiates power. He is notably tall, standing well over six feet, and possesses an intimidating presence, though he is not thickly muscled. His eyes are as dark as his hair, described as hard and remorseless, reflecting his stern and uncompromising nature. Lord Milinous is typically surrounded by his loyal retainers, all donned in tabards and shields bearing the crest of a black griffon, symbolizing his noble status and martial prowess.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Lord Milinous by 3orcs


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