P24. Druid's Grove: Sanctuary of Beory Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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P24. Druid's Grove: Sanctuary of Beory

The Druid's Grove, known as Autumnal Haven, is a sacred site located southwest of Penwick. It is a place where druids, rangers, and followers of The Old Faith gather to worship Beory, the Lady of Autumn. The grove is perpetually in an autumnal state, with vibrant hues of yellow, orange, and red. The local druid, Gardi, guards this mystical forest with unwavering dedication.

Location and Description

  • Setting: Southwest of Penwick, nestled within a dense forest, the Druid's Grove is a hidden sanctuary. It is known for its eternal autumn, with trees that are perpetually in a state of vibrant fall colors.
  • Landscape: The grove is a tranquil place, filled with ancient trees, clear streams, and lush undergrowth. The air is filled with the scent of fallen leaves and the gentle sound of rustling foliage.
  • Atmosphere: Mystical and serene, the grove exudes a sense of timelessness. The natural beauty of the area is enhanced by the presence of ancient stone circles and sacred totems dedicated to Beory.
"In the dance of the seasons, we find the rhythm of life and the balance of our souls."


  • Origins: The Druid's Grove has been a sacred site for as long as the inhabitants of Penwick can remember. It is believed that Beory herself visits the grove, blessing it with her presence.
  • Significance: Over the centuries, the grove has been a place of pilgrimage for rangers and druids who venerate Beory and Obad-Hai. It has also been a site for important rituals and seasonal festivals.
  • Protection: To honor the druids and their faith, the law in Penwick strictly forbids cutting wood or hunting in the grove. This respect has helped maintain a peaceful relationship between the town and the druids.

Politics of the locals

Gardi maintains a delicate balance with the local lords of Penwick, particularly Mayor Connor Grantham. His relationships with other churches in Penwick, such as those of P12. The Church of the Stalwart Shield: Heart of Penwick and P13. Church of the Gentle Hand, are respectful yet distant, as he prioritizes his own beliefs and duties.
Relationships with Lords and Villagers
  • Mayor Connor Grantham: A respectful but cautious relationship. Gardi appreciates the mayor's efforts to prevent the felling of trees but remains wary of potential conflicts.
  • Church of St. Cuthbert and Zodal: Respectful distance maintained, prioritizing the Old Faith over other religious practices.
  • Villagers: Gardi is seen as a guardian of nature and is both respected and feared by the locals. He often provides healing and guidance but remains enigmatic.
The Druid's Grove: Beory’s Heartwood
  • Location: Southwest of Penwick
  • Significance: Spiritual center for followers of Beory and Obad-Hai.
  • Environment: Perpetual autumn, rich in flora and fauna.
  • Sacred Spaces: Clearings and springs for rituals and gatherings.

Current Issues

  • Conflict with Smithies: Gardi's anger towards the smithies has been growing, leading to increasing tension. His belief that the smithies' activities disrupt the natural order has made him a vocal opponent of their work.
  • Revenge: Gardi feels an overwhelming need to exact revenge on the smithies, a motivation that could lead to future conflicts.
  • Maintaining Balance: Gardi's primary duty is to maintain the balance of nature within the grove. This involves regular rituals, protection of the sacred sites, and education of new initiates in the ways of the Old Faith.
  • Political Maneuvering: Despite his disdain for politics, Gardi is aware of the need to navigate the complex relationships within Penwick and the Viscounty of Verbobonc to protect the grove.
"Every tree is a sentinel of the past, a guardian of the present, and a promise of the future."


Autumnal Haven is a place of great spiritual significance, guarded by the enigmatic and passionate druid, Gardi. Despite the tensions with the smithies and the complex politics of Penwick, the grove remains a sanctuary for those who seek to connect with the ancient and primal forces of nature.
Secret Quest: The Dryad's Tree
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Dryad Tree: Guardian of the Grove
West of Penwick, hidden among the dense forest, lies a majestic tree that is home to a vigilant dryad. This dryad acts as an unseen protector of the forest, keeping watch over travelers who seek refuge among the trees. The dryad's primary duty is to guard against fire and the felling of trees, ensuring the safety and sanctity of the forest.
  • Location: A majestic tree west of Penwick, hidden within the dense forest.
  • Guardian Role: The dryad keeps a vigilant watch over travelers, protecting the forest from harm.
  • Fire and Felling: The dryad is particularly vigilant against the dangers of fire and unauthorized tree felling.
  • Alert System: Upon detecting any transgressions, the dryad swiftly runs to alert the druids, ensuring a rapid response to any threats.
  • Connection with Druids: The dryad maintains a close connection with the druids, serving as their eyes and ears within the forest.
  • Unseen Protector: Travelers are often unaware of the dryad's presence, experiencing her protection as a mysterious but benevolent force.
  • Secret Quest: Adventurers who earn the dryad's trust might be enlisted to aid in protecting the forest, embarking on quests to prevent or resolve threats to the natural world.
The dryad's presence adds an element of mystique and magic to the forest, reinforcing the importance of respecting and preserving the natural environment.
Druid's Grove Sanctuary of Beory by 3orcs
"The autumn leaves tell stories of ancient wisdom; we need only to understand their whispers."
Gardi, male human Drd5
The local druid of Beory, Gardi, is a figure of wisdom and mystery. He is fiercely protective of the grove and harbors a deep-seated resentment towards the smithies in Penwick.
  • Appearance: Gardi is a striking figure with long, braided hair tangled with leaves and twigs. He wears fur garments and has his face painted with blue designs.
  • Personality: Gardi is passionate and driven, with a deep connection to nature. He is known for his intense focus and inner turmoil, particularly concerning the smithies.
  • Motivation: Gardi's primary motivation is revenge against the inhabitants of the smithies, whom he blames for disturbing the balance of nature.
Relationships with Lords and Villagers
  • Lords of Penwick: The relationship between Gardi and the lords of Penwick is strained. While the lords respect the druids' role in the community, they are wary of Gardi's influence and his potential to disrupt the town's order.
  • Other Churches: Gardi maintains a neutral stance with the other churches in Penwick, focusing his energies on protecting the grove and furthering the Old Faith.
  • Local Villagers: The villagers hold Gardi in a mix of awe and fear. His dedication to Beory commands respect, but his unpredictable nature and vengeful tendencies keep them at a distance.
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Goods and Services
  • Herbal Remedies: Gardi offers a range of herbal remedies and natural potions to those who seek his help.
  • Healing Salves: 5 sp
  • Restorative Potions: 150 gp
  • Protective Charms: 10 gp
  • Rituals and Blessings: Visitors to the grove can request rituals and blessings from Gardi, though these are often accompanied by cryptic warnings and conditions.
  • Blessing of Beory: 20 gp
  • Ritual of Protection: 50 gp

Cover image: by 3orcs


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