Bishop Haufren Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Bishop Haufren


Defender of Faith and Doctrine

Background and Career in the Church of St. Cuthbert

  • Early Life: Bishop Haufren, a high-ranking official in the Order of Stars, was raised in a severe and austere environment, which shaped his stern and unyielding demeanor.
  • Appearance: He is a short, overweight man in his mid-60s, with heavy jowls and puffy cheeks, yet his tiny eyes convey a hard, unyielding gaze. Despite his appearance, Haufren is a stern and unyielding defender of the faith.
  • Position: As a Bishop of the order, Haufren's task is to maintain the purity of faith and doctrine among the followers of St. Cuthbert, a duty he executes with great efficiency and severity.

Early Life and Career

Haufren's path to becoming a Bishop was marked by a strict and disciplined upbringing. Raised in a devout family, he received a thorough education in religious doctrine and moral principles. His dedication to the Church led him to pursue a career within its ranks, where his uncompromising stance on matters of faith and morality earned him respect and recognition among his peers.

Rise to Prominence

After years of service and dedication, Haufren's commitment to the Church was rewarded with a prestigious position as a Bishop. His unwavering adherence to the teachings of St. Cuthbert and his relentless pursuit of righteousness made him a formidable leader within the Church hierarchy. Haufren's reputation for moral integrity and steadfastness in the face of adversity solidified his position as a respected figure in Verbobonc's religious and political spheres.

Politics and Stance on Important Issues

  • Concern with the Free Assembly of the Kron Hills: Bishop Haufren is deeply concerned about the issues arising from the self-named Free Alliance of the Kron Hills, particularly the gnomish political scheming in Tulvar. He views their pursuit of isolationist policies as a threat to the strength of the Church and seeks to address the tensions between Verbobonc and the Kron Hill gnomes.
  • Crusading Fervor: Haufren hates evil as much as he hates heresy within the doctrine, and he believes that evil must be ruthlessly crushed before it weakens the faith of St. Cuthbert's followers. This crusading fervor makes him a difficult man to deal with, especially for non-believers and backsliders.
  • Political Influence: Although not officially part of the government, Bishop Haufren's word carries significant weight in Viscount Wilfrick's court. He can recommend individuals for knighthood, which serves both as recognition of their services and as a means to garner loyalty and influence within Verbobonc's political landscape.

Role in Verbobonc's Political Landscape

Bishop Haufren's influence extends beyond the walls of the Church, as his word carries significant weight in Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart's court. He plays a crucial role in shaping Verbobonc's political landscape, often recommending individuals for knighthood and other honors based on their dedication to the faith and service to the community. Haufren's involvement in political matters is guided by his unwavering commitment to upholding the principles of justice and righteousness.

Haufren's Stance on Aid and Assistance

  • Demonstration of Faithfulness: Pagans and non-believers seeking aid from the church must demonstrate their faithfulness through suitable donations or completing quests that further the goals of St. Cuthbert. Backsliders are dealt with severely.
  • Aid and Reward: Those who meet Haufren's demands by piety, payment, or quest are likely to receive the aid they seek. The Bishop's resources are considerable, and he recognizes the usefulness of modest rewards in fostering loyalty and allegiance.

Stance on Current Issues

In recent years, Bishop Haufren has been confronted with challenges arising from the growing tensions between Verbobonc and neighboring territories, particularly the Free Assembly of the Kron Hills. As the self-proclaimed defenders of the faith, Haufren and the Church of St Cuthbert have been at the forefront of efforts to address these issues and maintain stability within the region. His uncompromising stance on matters of doctrine and morality has earned him both admiration and criticism, but Haufren remains steadfast in his commitment to defending the faith and protecting the interests of Verbobonc.   The current bishop, Bishop Haufren of St.Cuthbert, is from the Viscounty. Haufren made a name for himself as a defender of the poor. He fought in the army at The Battle of Emridy Meadows, and saved Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart life during an ambush in the Kron Hills. For this deed, he was knighted by Wilfrick and received the Gold Crown Badge of Furyondy from Prince Thrommel IV Marshall of Furyondy himself. Upon his return to Verbobonc, he was installed as the Viscounty's new bishop.   The church's success in Verbobonc is largely due to his influence. Though upright and gentle hearted, he can also be quite zealous in the promotion of St. Cuthbert's creed. As he is a firm believer in the protocol of social rank, he will rarely see commoners, leaving lesser priests to tend to their cares. During the wars, his inclination towards action led to a split between himself and Wilfrick. While Wilfrick had drifted indecisively, Haufren lent his support to Lord Marakios Willem Haxx. Wilfrick never forgave his friend for what he considers betrayal, and they have not reconciled. This fact has slowly eroded Haufren's physical and mental health to the point that he has become uncharacteristically aloof and withdrawn, almost lethargic. While he attends to his duties, meeting with Viscount Wilfrick often to lend his advice on important issues, those who know Haufren worry about the Bishop's well-being.


Bishop Haufren's uncompromising commitment to defending the faith and doctrine of St. Cuthbert, coupled with his significant political influence, makes him a formidable figure within both the Church and the court of Viscount Wilfrick. His actions and decisions shape the religious and political landscape of Verbobonc, ensuring the strength and integrity of the Church while navigating the complex web of alliances and tensions within the Viscounty.

Tenets of Faith

“The words of St. Cuthbert are wise, practical, and sensible. The word of the Cudgel is law, and the word must be painstakingly spread so that all may benefit from his wisdom. Weakness in faith and acting against the Saints teachings are intolerable in believers. Unceasing effort should be made to bring unbelievers into the fold. Honesty, truthfulness, practicality, and reasonability are the highest virtues.”

Bishop Haufren

Lawful Good
Year of Birth
511 65 Years old
grey blue
short greying brown
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In the light of St. Cuthbert's cudgel, wisdom and justice prevail. To stray from his teachings is to walk in shadow. Our faith is our shield, our actions, our testimony."
St Cuthbert
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Bishop Haufren by 3orcs


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