B7 Temple of St. Cuthbert "new" Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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B7 Temple of St. Cuthbert "new"

The Church of St. Cuthbert in Verbobonc

The new Church of St. Cuthbert, now prominently positioned in the Business Quarter of Verbobonc, stands as a testament to the faith's growing influence and its strategic importance within the city. This new temple, larger and more magnificent than any other church in Verbobonc aside from the Cathedral of Trithereon, has been erected in the heart of the city's commercial hub, near the bustling market square and the waterfront docks, where trade and commerce thrive.
  • Symbol of Faith and Power: The construction of a temple grander than any other church, aside from the Cathedral of Trithereon, is a bold declaration of St. Cuthbert's paramount importance in Verbobonc. It embodies the church's influence and the deity's guardianship over the city's inhabitants.
  • Heart of the City: Its placement in the Business Quarter, adjacent to the market square and close to the waterfront docks, is strategic. It ensures the church's presence is deeply felt in the economic and social life of Verbobonc, symbolizing the intertwining of faith with daily commerce and livelihood.

Influence and Presence

The Church of St. Cuthbert's influence extends throughout Verbobonc, evidenced by its guardianships and the strategic placement of abbeys near key towns and within the city itself. The clergy's visible and active role in the community, from the bustling streets of the Business Quarter to the serene settings of their abbeys, reflects their commitment to the welfare of the faithful and the defense of the realm.

Services and Teachings

  • Daily Worship: Services are held every morning at dawn and twice on Godsday, focusing on prayer, moral teachings, and communal sharing of simple foods.
  • Guidance and Support: The Church offers guidance through St. Cuthbert's Holy Sayings, providing spiritual and practical advice to the faithful.

Community and Defense

The Church's abbeys serve not only as spiritual centers but also as strongholds during raids, showcasing the Church's role as a protector against external threats. Through its tireless efforts, the Church has solidified its position as the state-favored religion, gaining widespread support from the citizens of Verbobonc.

Historical Significance and Strategic Placement

The decision to construct this grand temple within the Business Quarter was no mere coincidence. Following the Elemental War, the worship of St. Cuthbert has seen an unprecedented surge, necessitating a larger space to accommodate the faithful and to assert the church's presence amidst the city's economic heart. This strategic location ensures the church remains at the center of daily life, influencing both the spiritual and commercial activities of the city.  

Architectural Marvel and Divine Sanctuary

The temple's architecture is a blend of divine inspiration and functional pragmatism, designed to reflect St. Cuthbert's teachings of common sense, wisdom, and discipline. It features:
  • Magnificent Structure: With towering spires and a robust facade, the temple's construction incorporates elements of ancient craftsmanship and modern gnome design, making it a landmark of spiritual and architectural significance.
  • Opulent Gardens: Surrounding the temple are meticulously curated gardens, embodying the peace and tranquility that St. Cuthbert brings to his followers. These gardens serve not only as a place for meditation and prayer but also as a symbol of the faith's growth and prosperity.
  • Interior Grandeur: Inside, the temple is divided into departments for the Chapeaux, Stars, and Billets, each uniquely designed to fulfill their respective roles within the church's hierarchy and its mission in the city.

The Cuthbertine Billets and Vigil's Wardens

Located in this vital economic quarter, the temple also houses the prime organizational center for the Cuthbertine Billets. This division is instrumental in supporting the Vigils Wardens' patrols, ensuring the safety and security of the faithful and the city's populace. The presence of the Billets underscores the church's commitment to protect and serve, aligning with St. Cuthbert's teachings of zeal, honesty, and discipline.
Motivation and Vision
The establishment of the new Temple of St. Cuthbert in the Business Quarter was driven by a vision to integrate the faith more deeply into the daily lives of Verbobonc's citizens. By situating the temple amidst the city's commercial and trade center, the church aims to:
  • Influence Commerce with Morality: Embedding moral and ethical considerations into the bustling trade and commerce activities, encouraging fair dealings, and supporting the needy.
  • Expand Outreach: Facilitate easier access for a broader audience, including merchants, travelers, and local citizens, to participate in services and seek spiritual guidance.
  • Strengthen Community Bonds: Act as a focal point for community gatherings, celebrations, and festivals, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose among the diverse population of Verbobonc.


The new location of the Church of St. Cuthbert in the Business Quarter of Verbobonc is a bold statement of the faith's enduring relevance and its pivotal role in shaping the city's spiritual and temporal affairs. As a beacon of wisdom, honesty, and discipline, it stands ready to guide the faithful and influence the city's future for generations to come.
Straining under the huge weight of their burden, a small gang of burly workmen carries an enormous log on their shoulders to a construction site just up the street. A broken crew wagon is visible down the street, where several more of the construction logs have spilled out onto the street, blocking traffic. Several angry pedestrians are tossing curses at the harried construction crew.

Purpose / Function

The Church of Saint Cuthbert is the dominant faith in the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Officially recognized as the state church of the land, the Cuthbertines make much of their privilege to spread the faith of the Cudgeller across the Viscounty and bring the wayward into line. Priests of Saint Cuthbert is versed at spreading the doctrine of the faith across the Viscounty. Their discipline and pragmatic view resonates with the hard-working common folk of the land. A great rivalry is known to exist between followers of Pholtus and Saint Cuthbert, and lately there has been conflict with the followers of Trithereon.   Members that leave the Church are looked upon with concern and suspicion, but will not be denied the services of the church—provided that they have not fallen into unlawful ways. However, members that leave the Church and then desire to return must first petition Bishop Haufren for approval to be readmitted.
Founding Date
577 cy
Alternative Names
Temple / Church
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Holy Symbol of St. Cuthbert
The Church's Services and Functions
Negotiation and Mediation: The church's reputation for fairness and wisdom makes it an ideal mediator for resolving legal disputes and trade negotiations. For a fee of 5 gold pieces per subject, the church staff can invoke a 'zone of truth', ensuring honesty and transparency in discussions. Minimal Charity, Maximum Impact: While the church might not offer extensive charity in terms of food or lodging, believing in self-reliance, it significantly contributes to the community through its role as a peacemaker and protector.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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