A7 Old Temple of St. Cuthbert Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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A7 Old Temple of St. Cuthbert

A Beacon of Faith and Righteousness

In the bustling High Quarter of Verbobonc, amidst the cobblestone streets and the whispers of history, stands the venerable Old Temple of St. Cuthbert. This sacred edifice, more than just a structure of wood and stone, serves as a testament to the enduring faith and the vigilant spirit of its congregation.

Architectural Grandeur and Divine Presence

A Solid and Imposing Structure
  • Design and Aesthetics: With its graceful domes and thick, militant white-washed walls, the temple exudes a sense of divine fortitude. The oak doors, intricately carved with the likeness of St. Cuthbert, invite all to witness the strength and compassion of their patron deity.
  • Symbol of Goodness: Standing tall over the streets, the temple shines as a beacon of good and righteousness, its high arched windows bathing the interior in sunlight, a reminder of St. Cuthbert's ever-present watch over his faithful.

The Heart of St. Cuthbert's Faith

Clergy and Their Divine Mission
  • Archbishop Haufren's Seat: The temple serves as the spiritual headquarters for ArchBishop Haufren, guiding the faithful towards the path of order and discipline.
  • Departments of Faith: Housing the three pillars of the church—the Chapeaux, the Stars, and the Billets—the Old Temple remains a center for conversion, doctrinal purity, and the protection of the faithful.

Notable Figures

  • Star Priest Joris Debruyne: Known for his zeal in fundraising, Debruyne is committed to the construction of the new cathedral, channeling the contributions of the faithful towards this sacred endeavor.
  • Canon Nabil: As the chief cleric, Nabil's leadership is marked by a friendly yet stern demeanor, dedicated to the expansion of the faith and the safeguarding of its doctrinal purity.

Expansion and Legacy

Growth Beyond Walls
With the faith's popularity surging, construction has begun on a larger cathedral near the Traders Market, signaling a new era for the followers of St. Cuthbert in Verbobonc.

The First Army of the Church

  • A Formidable Force: The Billet division's standing religious army, led by the Cuthbertine Overseer Branditan, embodies the martial aspect of St. Cuthbert's teachings, ready to defend the faith with zeal and discipline.
  • Training and Discipline: Under the stern leadership of Cuthbertine Overseer Branditan, the First Army of the Church has transformed from a group of club-bearing zealots into a disciplined and well-trained military force. Branditan's rigorous training regimen and unwavering commitment to the principles of St. Cuthbert have instilled a sense of purpose and skill in the ranks of the army.
  • Composition and Deployment: The army comprises approximately 200 men and women, half of whom are usually stationed at the 'old' church, ready to defend the faith and its followers. This strategic deployment not only ensures the security of the church's sacred grounds but also positions the army to respond swiftly to threats against the faithful in Verbobonc and its surroundings.
  • Role in the Community: Beyond its military capabilities, The First Army of the Church serves as a symbol of St. Cuthbert's commitment to justice and protection. The Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc Billet presence reinforces the church's role as a guardian of order, providing reassurance to the citizens of Verbobonc that the forces of chaos and evil will not prevail as long as the faithful stand vigilant.

Mysteries and Rumors

Hidden Knowledge
Beneath the venerable stones of the Old Temple lies a rumored underground library, a vault of rare books and secret religious artifacts, safeguarding the mysteries of the faith for generations to come.

Conclusion: A Foundation of Faith

The Church of St Cuthbert in Verbobonc stands as a cornerstone of the community, a place where the light of righteousness pierces through the shadows of chaos. As the faithful prepare for the transition to the new cathedral, the Old Temple of St. Cuthbert remains a symbol of the unbreakable bond between the divine and the devoted, echoing the divine words carved into its mantle: "Chaos and evil prevail where good folk do nothing." In this sacred space, the legacy of St. Cuthbert continues to inspire acts of goodness and the relentless pursuit of righteousness.  

Narration entering the Church

The visitor’s entrance, thru the great doors into a large entrance hall. Mounted on the walls are large steel framed portraits of the previous Verbobonc Bishops. Under each portrait is mounted an unique cudgel owned by each. Two oak doors on either side with a open arched entrance at the end that leads to the large temple. On both sides of the arch are Cuthbertine commandments, all of which begin "Thou shalt" or "Thou shalt not." Inside is a life-sized statue of St. Cuthbert , smiling, the great cudgel held high in one hand while the left hand beckoned the doubter and the faithful alike. Growing ferns behind the statue, from which the clerics officiate.   An altar is carved from a single piece of bronzewood with billets, star bursts, and the sacred sign of the Crumpled Hat. The painted walls show various marvels performed by St. Cuthbert. Holy scriptures runs above woodwork.   To the right a young billet is collecting donations at a door that leads to tables of food and drink where other "Cudgellers" discuss matters of faith and providing no nonsense straight forward advice to commoners grazing the offered food. "'for the church' will go towards building the new temple."   Standing to the left is a young Billet in brown robes with a stout cudgel strapped to a belt. He nods at your entrance and speaks, "Welcome to the Church of St. Cuthbert, I am Billet Joris, what brings you to the bastion of humanity and the seal of the stalwart host?"


The smells of herbs and poultices sting your nostrils as you step in. The walls on each side are lined with cots, and the floor—while clean—has soft red stains. On shelves against the far wall lie a multitude of surgical instruments: from varied knives to a rather alarming-looking hacksaw. Pads of cotton and rolls of gauze bandage sit ready beside the tools.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type
by 3orcs
Joris Debruyne
Nabil Deprez
Timur Moraru
  • Square corners can be pounded smooth.
  • Thick heads are not made of glass.
  • Salvation is better than smart answers.
  • Some good folk can understand only one thing.
  • Enlightenment can penetrate even the helm of iron.
  • Evil, which cannot be removed, must be eliminated.
  • Foolishness can be beaten.
  • Lawful correction lies in a stout billet.
  • Capricious behavior brings knots to the heads of those lacking wisdom.
  • Preach quietly, but have a large cudgel handy.
  • Type
    Temple / Church
    Parent Location
    Owning Organization
    Characters in Location
    "Chaos and evil prevail where good folk do nothing."

    Cover image: by 3orcs


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