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8. The Goblin Spies

Black Jay, the local herdsman, has been facing the mysterious disappearance of his sheep. Recently, he was severely wounded while trying to protect his flock. Calmert, the village priest, seeks the help of the PCs to uncover the truth and put an end to the menace threatening Black Jay's livelihood.

Quest Overview

  • Objective: Discover and eliminate the goblin spies who have been stealing Black Jay's sheep.
  • Reward: Cloak of Elvenkind, Experience Points (Goblin XP + Quest Completion Bonus).

Quest Introduction

  • Black Jay’s Plight: Black Jay, a respected herdsman in Hommlet located at 19. Shepherd’s Cottage, has always been fiercely protective of his flock. Recently, however, several of his sheep have gone missing under mysterious circumstances. Determined to stop the thefts, Black Jay took it upon himself to guard his flock, only to be ambushed by a group of goblins. He was found barely conscious and riddled with arrows, but was healed in time, though he is unable to defend his flock further.
  • Calmert’s Request: Calmert, the priest of St. Cuthbert at 20. Church of St. Cuthbert, approaches the PCs one morning as they dine at the Inn of the Welcome Wench. He explains Black Jay's predicament and asks them to investigate, knowing that the local militia is stretched too thin to handle the matter. Calmert hints that this might be more than just petty theft, suggesting the involvement of goblin spies who might be gathering information on the village.

Quest Progression

Investigating the Disappearances
  • Observing the Flock: The PCs can choose to stake out Black Jay’s pasture, hiding among the rocks and trees, waiting for the goblins to strike again.
  • Outcome: They spot a small band of goblins sneaking into the field. A battle ensues, where the PCs must fend off the goblins and prevent them from taking any more sheep.
Tracking the Goblins
  • Tracking: Alternatively, the PCs may choose to track the goblins back to their camp.
  • Outcome: A successful check leads the PCs through the dense underbrush and into a hidden goblin encampment deep within the woods. The camp is small but well-organized, hinting that these goblins are more than just common raiders.
Ambushing the Goblin Camp
  • Battle Plan: The PCs can plan an ambush on the goblin camp. If they catch the goblins by surprise, they may face fewer enemies at a time, giving them an advantage in the ensuing battle.
  • Outcome: The PCs will fight through the goblins, encountering a particularly tough Goblin Boss who leads this spy ring.
Upon defeating the goblins, they may discover documents or crude maps indicating the goblins’ spying activities on Hommlet, as well as the identities of any goblin collaborators within the village (setting up potential future quests).

Quest Conclusion

  • Returning to Black Jay: After eliminating the goblins, the PCs return to Hommlet, bringing with them the proof of the goblins’ activities. Black Jay is overjoyed to have his flock safe and thanks the PCs profusely. He offers them his treasured Cloak of Elvenkind as a token of his gratitude.
Experience Points
  • Goblins (18): 100 XP each
  • Goblin Boss: 200 XP
  • Quest Completion Bonus: 500 XP
Follow-Up: If the PCs discovered any clues hinting at further goblin activities or collaborators, they can pursue these leads in subsequent quests, further protecting Hommlet from the growing threat of the Temple of Elemental Evil.
Black Jay and his companion "Dog" by 3orcs
Goblin Spy Encounter Details
  • Location: The goblin camp is hidden in a dense thicket, a few miles outside of Hommlet. The camp is surrounded by makeshift traps and guarded by lookouts. Inside, the goblins are organized, with the Goblin Boss overseeing the operations.
  • Goblins (18):90 exp
  • Goblin Boss:40 exp
Tactics: The goblins prefer ambush tactics, using the cover of darkness and their knowledge of the forest to their advantage. If the PCs are spotted approaching the camp, the goblins will attempt to surround them, using their numbers to overwhelm the adventurers.
  • Cloak of Elvenkind: Given by Black Jay as a reward for saving his flock.
  • Additional loot: The goblin camp contains a modest amount of stolen goods, including a few gold coins and basic weapons.
Goblin Camp by 3orcs
goblin drawing of hommlet by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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