Church of Pholtus the One True Way Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Church of Pholtus the One True Way

Clergy and Paladins of Pholtus

The "One True Way" is a structured and disciplined organization dedicated to Pholtus of the Blinding Light, the Oeridian god of Light, Resolution, Law, Order, and Inflexibility. This article delves into the intricate details of their lore, structure, motivations, and practices.

Lore and Description

The "One True Way" encapsulates the core tenets and teachings of Pholtus, emphasizing a singular path to enlightenment through strict adherence to law and order.
  • Divine Mandate: Followers believe Pholtus illuminated the cosmos, setting the sun and moons in motion to guide all beings towards the One True Way.
  • Celestial Embodiment: Pholtus's visage, with his piercing blue eyes and radiant attire, symbolizes the unwavering light guiding his followers.

Relationships and Motivation

The organization's relationships with other faiths and its motivations are deeply influenced by Pholtus's doctrines.
  • Rival Faiths: An uneasy tension exists with faiths likeSt. Cuthbert's, due to overlapping yet divergent ideologies.
  • Allies: Close ties with deities sharing common goals, like Heironeous and Pelor, foster collaborative efforts against shared threats.


Pholtus's worshipers come from varied backgrounds, united by a common pursuit of the light and the law.
  • The Faithful Masses: Comprising individuals from all walks of life, seeking guidance and enlightenment through the One True Way.
  • Guardians of the Road: Devotees who take Pholtus's teachings to heart, protecting travelers and upholding the sanctity of the journey.

The Clerical Hierarchy of Pholtus

1. Glimmerings (Levels 1-4)
  • Vestments: Pure white robes symbolize the initial spark of devotion and understanding of Pholtus's teachings.
  • Role: Glimmerings focus on learning the fundamentals of the faith, performing basic duties, and spreading the word of Pholtus to the unenlightened. Their tasks often involve assisting higher-ranking clerics, maintaining the temple, and engaging in community outreach.
  • Symbols: At this stage, clerics carry simple symbols of Pholtus, such as a small silver sun pinned to their robes.
2. Gleamings (Levels 5-8)
  • Vestments: White and silver robes signify a deeper commitment and a brighter presence of Pholtus's light within them. The addition of silver represents their enhanced purity and the reflection of Pholtus's divine will.
  • Role: Gleamings take on more significant responsibilities within the church and the community. They lead smaller congregations, perform more complex rituals, and are entrusted with the care of sacred relics. They may also be tasked with diplomatic missions or representing the church in interfaith dialogues.
  • Symbols: Their symbols of Pholtus grow more intricate, often featuring detailed engravings of the sun and the moons, embodying their greater understanding and devotion.
3. Shinings (Level 9+)
  • Vestments: White and gold robes mark the pinnacle of a cleric's journey within the church. Gold, a symbol of the highest purity and divine power, indicates their close proximity to Pholtus's blinding light.
  • Role: Shinings are leaders within the Church of Pholtus, capable of influencing church policy, guiding large congregations, and making significant decisions affecting the faith's direction. They are deeply involved in theological research, the crafting of church doctrine, and high-level ceremonial duties.
  • Symbols: The symbols carried by Shinings are often made of gold and may be adorned with precious stones, reflecting their high status within the church. These symbols serve as powerful tools in their rituals and as marks of their authority.
Clerical Duties and Expectations
Regardless of rank, clerics of Pholtus are expected to uphold the rigid doctrines of their faith, promoting law, order, and the light of Pholtus above all. They are tasked with combating darkness, both literal and metaphorical, and enforcing the laws of Pholtus's teachings within their communities. Their dedication to Pholtus's cause is unwavering, and they are prepared to face persecution and adversity in the name of their god. The clergy serve as the spiritual backbone of the organization, guiding the faithful and interpreting Pholtus's divine will.
  • Roles: Act as judges, arbiters, and mediators, embodying Pholtus's ideals in societal structures.
  • Training: Undergo rigorous education emphasizing theological study, meditation, and the martial arts to serve as both spiritual leaders and defenders of the faith.

Knights Templar of Pholtus

The Knights Templar of Pholtus are renowned as the militant arm of the Pholtan church, particularly in the Theocracy of the Pale, where they combine religious conviction with national zeal. Their unwavering dedication to Pholtus and his doctrines sets them apart as formidable warriors against chaos and darkness.
Formation and Purpose
  • Divine Crusaders: Formed to act as the sword arm of Pholtus, the Templars engage in holy wars, crusades, and missions that align with the teachings of the One True Way.
  • Enforcers of the One True Way: They seek to eliminate heresy, enforce Pholtus's doctrines, and protect the faithful from external and internal threats.
Characteristics and Beliefs
  • Attire and Symbols: Templars traditionally wear white and pale yellow tunics, symbolizing purity and devotion. Their armor and banners are adorned with symbols of the sun and moons, along with Pholtan scripture.
  • Strict Discipline: Templars follow a rigorous code of conduct that emphasizes obedience, piety, and the eradication of anything that opposes Pholtus's order.
Activities and Influence
  • Crusades and Missions: They lead and participate in crusades against realms and organizations deemed threats to Pholtus's teachings, expanding the influence of the One True Way.
  • Guidance and Leadership: Within the Pholtan communities, Templars serve as leaders and exemplars, guiding the faithful and instructing younger members in the ways of Pholtus.

Lords of the Gloaming

The Lords of the Gloaming are a specialized order of Pholtan paladins focused on combating and closing portals to the Lower Planes, preventing the incursion of dark forces into the Material Plane.
Origins and Goals
  • Protectors Against Darkness: Established to address the specific threat of extraplanar invasion, the Lords are dedicated to identifying, combating, and sealing breaches between planes.
  • Guardians of the Material Plane: Their ultimate goal is to safeguard the realm from the corruption and chaos that spill forth from the Lower Planes, maintaining the balance and order championed by Pholtus.
Practices and Powers
  • Mastery of Sealing: The Lords possess unique knowledge and divine powers that allow them to detect, confront, and seal portals to the Lower Planes, often engaging in complex rituals to do so.
  • Combat Against the Dark: Equipped with divine blessings and artifacts, the Lords face demons, devils, and other malevolent entities in their quest to protect the Material Plane.
Legacy and Heroes
  • Saint Ceril the Relentless: Among the most venerated figures within the order, Saint Ceril's deeds and unwavering dedication serve as an inspiration to all Lords of the Gloaming.
  • Myth and Inspiration: The exploits of the Lords are celebrated in Pholtan lore, serving as testament to Pholtus's opposition to darkness and chaos.
Both the Knights Templar and the Lords of the Gloaming embody the martial spirit of Pholtus's teachings, each serving the One True Way through their distinct missions and methods. While the Templars enforce the law and spread the light of Pholtus across the land, the Lords of the Gloaming guard against the shadows that seek to encroach from beyond, together ensuring that the path set by Pholtus remains illuminated and protected from all threats.Temples dedicated to Pholtus are bastions of light and order, serving as spiritual centers for his followers.


  • Architecture: Characterized by grand, imposing structures, often adorned with symbols of the sun and moons, embodying Pholtus's dominion over celestial bodies.
  • Functions: Serve as places of worship, learning centers, and sanctuaries for those seeking the protection of Pholtus's light.


The rituals of the One True Way are designed to reaffirm the followers' commitment to Pholtus and his teachings.
  • Ceremony of Illumination: A rite of initiation for new members, symbolizing their emergence from darkness into Pholtus's light.
  • The Blinding Light: An annual celebration commemorating Pholtus's creation of the sun and moons, reinforcing the centrality of light in the faith.


The "One True Way" stands in opposition to entities and organizations that threaten the principles of law, order, and light.
  • Forces of Chaos: Deities and followers who embrace chaos and disorder are considered antithetical to Pholtus's teachings.
  • Darkness Cults: Organizations dedicated to shadowy deities or dark magic pose a direct threat to the light Pholtus represents.
The "One True Way" is more than a religious organization; it is a beacon of light in a world fraught with shadows. Through its structured hierarchy, dedicated clergy and paladins, imposing temples, and solemn rituals, it seeks to guide the lost and uphold the principles of law and order under the unwavering gaze of Pholtus.
Paladin Knight of Pholtus by 3orcs
Religious, Holy Order
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
The "One True Way" boasts a meticulously organized hierarchy, ensuring each member's role is clearly defined and purpose-driven.
  • Patriarch/Matriarch: The spiritual leader overseeing the organization's religious and worldly affairs.
  • High Clerics and Templars: Senior members responsible for doctrinal purity, strategic decisions, and leading major ceremonies.
  • Paladins (Templars and Inquisitors): Warriors of the faith, acting as the militant arm to enforce Pholtus's will.
Pholtus holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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