Zodal Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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The Gray Son, The Gentle Hand

Zodal, lesser god of Mercy, Hope, and Benevolence  
The Beacon of Mercy and Hope
Zodal, known among the Flan as The Gray Son and the Gentle Hand, embodies the virtues of mercy, hope, and benevolence in the Greyhawk pantheon. This lesser deity's symbol, a man's hand partially wrapped in gray cloth, signifies the comfort and support he extends to all in need. His teachings promote compassion over vengeance, understanding over anger, making him a beacon of light in times of darkness.

History and Relationships

  • Origins: Zodal is an ancient Flan deity, his worship predating the migrations that shaped the current civilizations of the Flanaess.
  • Divine Relationships: A devoted servant of Rao, Zodal works closely with deities such as Heironeous and Pelor, aiming to spread hope and benevolence. His complex relationship with Joramy, marked by estrangement, adds depth to his character, illustrating his unwavering commitment to mercy even in personal matters.

Realm: Morninglory

Zodal's divine realm, Morninglory, is situated in Elysium, where the horizon forever blooms with the vibrant hues of dawn. This serene domain, where sleep spells hold no sway, serves as a restorative haven for visitors, who leave with renewed wisdom and a lighter heart. It's a place where the boundaries between realms of darkness and light blur, symbolizing Zodal's mission to infiltrate even the most malevolent corners with his gentle radiance.


A Philosophy of Compassion
Zodal's teachings offer a radical perspective: that kindness and mercy can redeem even the most wicked souls. He champions:
  • Perseverance in Adversity: Maintaining hope and faith despite challenges.
  • Inner Peace: Mastering one's emotions to act with intention and compassion.
  • Influence Through Action: Setting a positive example to inspire change in others.

Worship and Clergy

Zodal's followers are found across diverse regions, from Perrenland to Tenh, practicing his principles through acts of kindness and service.

Clergy's Role:

  • Healers and Mediators: Zodal's clerics are often found on battlefields, offering aid to the wounded and mediating peace among foes.
  • Guardians of Good: They venture into the world to recover artifacts that promote good and seek to neutralize sources of suffering and evil.

Cultural Impact

Zodal's influence extends beyond the confines of temples and sacred texts, permeating the daily lives of those who seek to embody his virtues. In communities touched by his teachings, one can observe:
  • A Culture of Care: Social structures and community initiatives focused on supporting the vulnerable and healing the afflicted.
  • Diplomacy Over Conflict: A preference for negotiation and understanding in resolving disputes.
  • Sanctuaries of Hope: Spaces dedicated to rest, reflection, and recovery, inspired by the restorative nature of Morninglory.


In a world often marred by strife and despair, Zodal stands as a testament to the transformative power of empathy and the enduring strength of the human (and divine) spirit. His worship not only offers solace but also a clear path toward a more compassionate and hopeful existence.

Divine Domains

Good, Healing, Protection
  Flan Pantheon
Holy symbol: a man's hand partially wrapped in gray cloth Realm: Elysium
Divine Domains: Good, Healing, Protection
Speciality Cleric
  • Cleric of the 1st order: Open hand attacks as monk (no chance to kill), protected by permanent sanctuary spell
  • Cleric of the 5th order: hold person
Divine Classification
Lesser God
Neutral Good
Holy Symbol of Zodal by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Zodal by 3orcs


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