F4 Temple of the Blinding Light Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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F4 Temple of the Blinding Light

The Bronze Temple of the Blinding Light dedicated to Pholtus stands as a radiant sanctuary amidst the cobblestone streets of the Foreign Quarter in Verbobonc. Its distinctive five-story tower, glowing with the brilliance of a permanent 'Daylight' spell, serves as a beacon of light and order in this bustling part of the city. Inside, the pure-white marble walls and permanent light spells create a dazzling display, where unwavering faith and strict discipline guide worshipers along Pholtus' "One True Way."

A Beacon of Order and Resolution

Pholtus of the Blinding Light
Pholtus of the Blinding Light, the Oeridian Oerid god of Light, Resolution, Law, Order, and the Sun and Moons, embodies unwavering faith and the pursuit of order. The Bronze Temple follows the strict doctrines of the "One True Way," promoting law and light while combating darkness in all forms. The temple’s clerics enforce Pholtus' rigid teachings through strict codes and rules, creating a bastion of law and discipline amidst the chaos of the Foreign Quarter.
  • Domains and Principles: Light, Resolution, Law, Order, Inflexibility, the Sun, and the Moons.
  • Unwavering Faith: Clerics uphold the rigid doctrines of law, order, and light with unwavering dedication.
The One True Way Church
  • Structured and Disciplined: Promotes law, order, and the light of Pholtus above all.
  • Combating Darkness: Enforces Pholtus' teachings and combats darkness, both literal and metaphorical.

Temples and Rituals

  • Sanctuaries of Light: White bastions glowing with countless candles, where anthems of devotion are chanted.
  • Strict Codes and Rules: Visitors must follow strict rules and remove dirt before entering the temple.

A Tower of Radiance and Order

  • Radiant Five-Story Tower: The uppermost floor glows with a permanent 'Daylight' spell, illuminating the tower like a lighthouse.
  • Pure-White Marble Walls: Imposing and pristine, the temple's walls shine like a beacon of light.
  • Blinding Light: Permanent light spells create an intensely bright interior.
  • Glyphs of Warning: Glyphs at every entrance warn those of 'Chaotic' or 'Evil' alignment.
  • Ground Floor (Martial Training): Training grounds for 6 paladins (levels 1-5) and 15 warriors (Ftr 1’s & 2’s).
  • Second Floor (Services and Arbitration): Office space where the temple offers legal services as lawyers and arbiters.
  • Third Floor (Meditation and Healing): Meditation chambers and healing wards for worshipers.
  • Fourth Floor (Sermons and Services): A grand hall where sermons are delivered and services conducted.
  • Fifth Floor (Priestly Quarters and Beacon): Living quarters for priests and the source of the 'Daylight' beacon.

History: The Rise of Pholtus' Light in Verbobonc

Founding Era
Built over 60 years ago as a small shrine to Pholtus, the Bronze Temple expanded to include the current five-story tower, complete with the iconic 'Daylight' beacon. The moderate-sized temple houses the Glimmering Order, which enforces strict rules for visitors and upholds the strict teachings of Pholtus. Today, the temple remains a respected institution, with its leader, Daton Brightblade, frequently called to arbitrate matters at City Hall.
  • Original Construction: Built over 60 years ago as a small shrine to Pholtus.
  • Beacon of Light: Expanded to include the 'Daylight' beacon that illuminates the tower.
Order Expansion
  • Glimmering Order Formation: The moderate-sized temple houses only one order of the church, the Glimmering.
  • Strict Doctrines: Enforces strict rules for visitors, ensuring cleanliness and order.
Modern Times
  • City Hall Influence: Daton Brightblade frequently arbitrates political matters at City Hall.
  • Lawyers and Arbiters: Temple lawyers offer arbitration services to the community.


A Pillar of Law and Order in Verbobonc
Foreign Quarter Community
  • Martial Law Enforcement: Paladins and warriors ensure law and order in the district.
  • Law enforcment Collaboration: Paladins of Pholtus work with the Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc.
  • Legal Services Support: Offers legal services to travelers and merchants.
City Hall and Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart 
  • Arbitration Support: Daton Brightblade frequently assists City Hall with political arbitration.
  • Viscount's Advisor: Offers counsel on matters related to law and order.


  • Promoting Law and Order: Upholds Pholtus' teachings of unwavering law, order, and light.
  • Combating Darkness: Strives to combat darkness and enforce rigid doctrines in the community.

Facilities and Services

Pholtus' Sanctum of Light and Law
Ground Floor (Martial Training)
  • Paladin Training Grounds: 6 paladins (levels 1-5) and 15 warriors (Ftr 1’s & 2’s) train here.
Second Floor (Services and Arbitration)
  • Legal Services: Lawyers and arbiters offer services at 10 gp/day for minor matters and 50 gp/day for major crimes.
Third Floor (Meditation and Healing)
  • Healing Wards: Provides healing to the sick and weary.
  • Meditation Chambers: Offers guidance in meditation and enlightenment.
Fourth Floor (Sermons and Services)
  • Grand Hall: Hosts sermons and services for worshipers.
Fifth Floor (Priestly Quarters and Beacon)
  • Living Quarters: Houses the priests of the Glimmering Order.
  • Daylight Beacon: Source of the permanent 'Daylight' spell illuminating the tower.


The Bronze Temple of the Blinding Light stands as a beacon of unwavering law, order, and light in the Foreign Quarter of Verbobonc. Led by Daton Brightblade and the Glimmering Order, it remains a pillar of faith and discipline, guiding the faithful along Pholtus' "One True Way." Whether through martial training, legal services, or sermons of enlightenment, the temple continues to uphold its principles with strict devotion and unwavering resolve. Clerics uphold the rigid doctrines of law, order, and light with unwavering dedication.

Notable People

Faces of the Bronze Temple
Daton Brightblade (Human Male, Glimmering Order Leader)
  • Role: Leads the Glimmering Order at the Bronze Temple.
  • Background: Strict and inflexible priest with no tolerance for chaos.
  • Personality: Stern and disciplined, but a valued arbitrator in C2 City Hall.
Daton Brightblade by 3orcs
Paladin Alyssa Sunblade (Paladin of Pholtus, Level 5)
  • Role: Leads the paladins in martial training on the ground floor.
  • Background: Devout paladin known for her unwavering dedication.
  • Personality: Resolute and inspiring to her fellow warriors.
Lawyer Marcus Fairwind (Human Male, Legal Services Head)
  • Role: Heads the legal services and arbitration office.
  • Background: Former magistrate who found his calling at the Bronze Temple.
  • Personality: Analytical and impartial in delivering legal counsel.
Priestess Elara Moonlight (Healer and Meditation Guide)
  • Role: Oversees healing wards and meditation chambers.
  • Background: A healer who brings light to the sick and weary.
  • Personality: Gentle and compassionate, yet disciplined in her practice.
Temple / Church
Parent Location
Characters in Location
Pholtus holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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