Daton Brightblade Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Daton Brightblade

High Priest

Guardian of the Glimmering Order at the Temple of the Blinding Light
High Priest Daton Brightblade leads the Glimmering Order at the Temple of the Blinding Light, a radiant sanctuary of Pholtus in the Foreign Quarter of Verbobonc. Strict and disciplined, Daton has no tolerance for chaos and upholds the rigid doctrines of Pholtus with unwavering resolve. His stern demeanor is matched by his reputation as a valued arbitrator at City Hall, where his influence extends into the highest echelons of the Viscounty.

Lore and Personality

A Stern Arbitrator Upholding Pholtus' Will
Strict and Inflexible Leader
  • Unwavering Resolve: No tolerance for chaos and inflexibility in upholding Pholtus' doctrines.
  • Stern Arbitrator: A valued arbitrator known for his disciplined and impartial judgments.
Personality Traits
  • Stern and Disciplined: Maintains a strict code of conduct in all matters.
  • Lawful and Orderly: Enforces law and order within the Foreign Quarter and beyond.
  • Devout and Reverent: Upholds Pholtus' teachings with unwavering devotion.


A Journey of Devotion and Ascendancy
Early Life and Calling
  • Oeridian Origins: Born into an Oeridian family in Verbobonc.
  • Religious Calling: Found his calling in the strict teachings of Pholtus at an early age.
Rise to Leadership
  • Joining the Glimmering Order: Progressed through the ranks of the Glimmering Order.
  • Arbitrator and Leader: Gained prominence as an arbitrator and eventually became the High
Priest of the Glimmering Order
Temple Expansion and Influence
  • Temple of the Blinding Light Expansion: Oversaw the expansion of the Bronze Temple into a five-story beacon.
  • City Hall Arbitration: Became a trusted arbitrator at C2 City Hall, influencing political decisions.


Navigating the Complex Web of Verbobonc Politics
Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart and City Hall
  • Valued Advisor and Arbitrator: Frequently called upon to arbitrate political matters.
  • Law and Order Advocate: Supports Viscount Wilfrick's efforts to maintain law and order in the city.
Church of St Cuthbert 
  • Collaborative Guardianships: Collaborates with the eight guardianships anchored by abbeys of St. Cuthbert.
  • Training Grounds for Cudgellers: Supports the Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc of cudgellers to combat heresy and raiding evils in the C2 City Hall.
Church of Trithereon 
  • Philosophical Clash: Clash between Trithereon's chaotic individualism and Pholtus' rigid doctrines.
  • Base in Rhynehurst: The Church of Trithereon strategically avoids direct contention in Verbobonc.
Church of Pelor 
  • Collaborative Beacon of Light: Works with Pelorian Clerics and Inquisitors of Pelor to promote light and hope across Verbobonc.
  • Inquisitors and Doctrinal Purity: Supports Pelor's inquisitors in maintaining doctrinal purity.

Worship and Duties at the Temple

Pholtus' Blinding Light in Verbobonc
Sermons and Services
  • Grand Hall Sermons: Delivers sermons and conducts services in the grand hall of the temple.
  • Strict Codes of Conduct: Enforces strict codes and rules for all visitors and worshipers.
Arbitration and Legal Services
  • City Hall Arbitration: Arbitrates political matters at City Hall.
  • Temple Legal Services: Offers arbitration and legal services at the temple for 10 gp/day (minor matters) and 50 gp/day (major crimes).
Martial Training and Defense
  • Paladin Training Grounds: Oversees the training of paladins and warriors on the ground floor.
  • Glyphs and Wards: Ensures glyphs and wards protect the temple from chaos and evil.

Politics and Motivation

Upholding Pholtus' One True Way
Political Role
  • City Hall Arbitrator: Acts as a neutral mediator in city political matters.
  • Law Enforcement Support: Collaborates with the Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc  and other law enforcement.
  • Promoting Law and Order: Upholds Pholtus' teachings of unwavering law, order, and light.
  • Combating Darkness: Strives to combat darkness and enforce rigid doctrines in the community.


High Priest Daton Brightblade stands as a stern and disciplined beacon of law and order in the Foreign Quarter of Verbobonc. Leading the Glimmering Order with unwavering resolve, he upholds Pholtus' "One True Way" through martial training, arbitration, and strict adherence to doctrine. Whether arbitrating at City Hall or delivering sermons in the grand hall, Daton ensures that the light of Pholtus shines brightly in Verbobonc, guiding the faithful along the path of law, order, and unwavering devotion.
"A Stern and Disciplined Beacon of Law and Order"
Lawful good
Year of Birth
535 41 Years old
hazel copper
raven black with hite streaks
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In the eyes of Pholtus, there is no room for chaos or deceit!" - His stern reminder to followers about the rigid doctrines of the Glimmering Order.
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Daton Brightblade by 3orcs


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