Elara Brightwood Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Elara Brightwood


Elara Brightwood is a charming and alluring young woman with a warm and friendly demeanor. She is quick-witted and has a natural ability to make people feel at ease. Elara is known for her infectious laughter and her talent for storytelling, often regaling patrons with tales from around the region. Despite the challenges she faces, Elara remains optimistic and resourceful, always finding ways to brighten the days of those around her.


Elara grew up in a small village near Cienega Valley. Her family owned a modest farm, but they fell on hard times after a series of poor harvests. Seeking a better life, Elara moved to Cienega Valley and found work at the 4. Black Griffon Inn. Her charm and hard work quickly earned her a place in the hearts of the patrons and the trust of the innkeeper, Tibor Timason
  • Move to Cienega Valley: Relocated to seek better opportunities and help her family.
  • Work at the Inn: Found employment at the Black Griffon Inn, quickly becoming a beloved member of the staff.


Elara is motivated by a desire to support her family and improve her circumstances. She dreams of saving enough money to buy her own piece of land and start a business. Additionally, she is driven by a genuine love for people and a passion for making others happy. Her work at the inn allows her to connect with a wide range of individuals, and she takes pride in being a source of joy and comfort.
Key Motivations
  • Supporting Family: Aims to help her family recover from their financial struggles.
  • Personal Growth: Dreams of owning her own land and starting a business.
  • Love for People: Enjoys making connections and bringing happiness to others.

Physical Description

Elara is a young woman in her early twenties with an alluring and radiant presence. She has long, wavy auburn hair that cascades down her back, often adorned with a simple ribbon. Her eyes are a striking shade of green, full of warmth and mischief. Elara's complexion is fair, with a natural rosy glow. She is petite and slender, yet strong from her years of farm work and bustling around the inn. She typically wears a simple but flattering dress, suitable for her work at the inn, often with a practical apron.


Elara's Concerns
Captain Greyson Read 
Despite the positive aspects of their relationship, Elara harbors several concerns that weigh heavily on her mind.
Political Tensions
Elara is acutely aware of the political tensions between House Milinous and House Asbury. She worries about the impact these tensions could have on the Black Griffon Inn and the safety of its patrons. Elara often feels the weight of these concerns, knowing that any misstep could lead to conflict.
  • Safety of Patrons: Concerned that the political tensions could escalate, endangering those at the inn.
  • Impact on Business: Fears that increased political strife could drive away customers and hurt the inn's reputation.
Neutral good
Current Location
Year of Birth
553 23 Years old
Complexion: Fair with a rosy glow
Attire: Simple, flattering dress with a practical apron
Striking green
Blonde Long, wavy auburn hair
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Elara Brightwood by 3orcs


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