Gigur Nónason Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Gigur Nónason

Guild Master

Guild Master of the Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild
Gigur Nónason is the esteemed guild master of the Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild. With his unwavering dedication and strategic acumen, he has elevated the local wine industry to unprecedented heights. Working closely with House Asbury, Mayor Marcus Greensward, and local vineyard owners, Gígur ensures that the wines of Cienega Valley reach markets far and wide, fetching the best prices and maintaining healthy crops.


Gigur Nónason is an attractive, lean, and moderately muscular man known for his charismatic leadership and deep understanding of viticulture. His distinctive appearance, with a pronounced jaw and bushy eyebrows, complements his sharp intellect and strong presence in the community. He is often seen in a tight blue one-piece outfit complete with pants, hood, and cape, emulating a famous performer.


Gigur is a determined and charismatic leader who is deeply committed to the welfare of the vintners in Cienega Valley. He is known for his confidence, strategic thinking, and unwavering support for the local wine industry. His friendly demeanor and strong relationships with key figures in the community make him a respected and influential figure.


Gigur Nónason was elected as the guild master by the vintner membership of the valley, with strong support from the Vinter family. A native of Cienega Valley and a close friend to many local vineyard owners, Gigur has always been dedicated to the prosperity of the local wine industry. His background in viticulture and his strategic acumen have made him an effective leader and advocate for the vintners.
Key Historical Events
  • Election as Guild Master: Elected by the vintner membership with strong support from the Vinter family.
  • Collaboration with Key Figures: Established strong working relationships with House Asbury, Mayor Marcus Greensward, and the Mounted Borderers at Fort Emridy.
  • Promotion of Local Wines: Successfully expanded the reach of Cienega Valley wines to markets far and wide.


Gigur maintains strong relationships with various influential figures in Cienega Valley and beyond. His close ties with House Asbury, Mayor Marcus Greensward, and the Mounted Borderers ensure that the interests of the vintners are well-represented and protected.
Key Relationships
  • House Asbury: Works closely with House Asbury to manage taxes, prices, and distribution, ensuring mutual benefits.
  • Mayor Marcus Greensward: Maintains a strong relationship with the mayor, ensuring support and cooperation for the guild's initiatives.
  • Mounted Borderers at 1. Fort Emridy: Has the ear of the Mounted Borderers, ensuring protection and security for the guild and its members.

Political Influence

Gigur Nónason's role as guild master extends beyond the local community, impacting trade and economic policies throughout the Verbobonc, Viscounty. His influence in the political landscape is significant, and he plays a key role in shaping policies that benefit the local wine industry.
Regional Impact
  • Economic Influence: Drives trade and commerce within the Viscounty, promoting the prosperity of the local wine industry.
  • Political Alliances: Forms alliances with other regions and leaders to promote the interests of the Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild.
  • Regulatory Practices: Works to ensure fair trade practices and economic stability across the Viscounty.
Challenges and Conflicts
Despite his successes, Gigur faces several challenges in his role as guild master. The competition with other wine-producing regions, managing relationships with influential figures, and ensuring the health of the vineyards are ongoing challenges that require his constant attention and strategic thinking.
Key Challenges
  • Regional Competition: Competing with other wine-producing regions for market share and recognition.
  • Political Dynamics: Navigating the complex relationships with influential figures and political entities.
  • Vineyard Health: Ensuring that the vineyards remain healthy and productive amidst changing environmental conditions.


Gigur Nónason stands as a pillar of leadership and dedication in the Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild. His strategic acumen, strong relationships, and unwavering commitment to the local wine industry have made him a respected and influential figure. Under his leadership, the Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild continues to thrive, promoting the prosperity and success of the local wine industry within the Viscounty of Verbobonc and beyond.
"Strong alliances ensure our wine reaches every corner."
Gigur Nónason is an attractive, lean, and moderately muscular man known for his charismatic leadership and deep understanding of viticulture.
  • Fighter level 3
  • Armor Class 11
  • Hit Points 13 (3d8)
  • Speed 30 ft.
  • 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 15 (+2)
  • Languages Common, Gnoll
  • Attacks Melee +3, Ranged +3, Grapple +1
Possessions: 60 pp.
Lawful neutral
Year of Birth
545 31 Years old
Attire: Tight blue one-piece outfit with pants, hood, and cape
dark blue Intense and focused
Styled black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pronounced jaw, bushy eyebrow
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Our wines tell the story of Cienega Valley's heritage."
Aligned Organization
Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild Hall Banner by 3orcs

Responsibilities and Duties

As guild master, Gígur Nónason oversees the operations of the Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild. His duties include setting prices, managing taxes, attracting merchants, and ensuring the health of the vineyards. He also serves as a liaison between the vintners and key figures in the community, advocating for the welfare and prosperity of the local wine industry.
Key Responsibilities
  • Market Management: Works with vineyard owners to bring wine to market and attract merchants from afar.
  • Price Setting: Collaborates with local leaders to set fair and profitable prices for Cienega Valley wines.
  • Tax Management: Ensures that taxes are paid to House Asbury and manages the financial aspects of the guild.
  • Vineyard Health: Supports vineyard owners in maintaining healthy crops and sustainable practices.
  • Advocacy: Represents the interests of the vintners in meetings with local leaders and key figures.

Cover image: Cienega Valley Banner by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Gigur Nónason by 3orcs


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