3. Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild Hall Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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3. Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild Hall

Looming over the Village on the Green with the Druids Grove and Black Griffon as its neighbor the two story Cooperative itself is built to be sturdy. Its walls are of field stone gathered from the area with speckled green moss and vines growing up its sides. Well-built green painted shutters protected the windows and the main double door is sturdy iron bound oak. Flying high is the Cienega Valley Cooperative banner displaying a decanter and grapes.
The Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild Hall stands as a beacon of prosperity and cooperation in the township of Cienega Valley. Located across the Village Green on the east side of Nigb's Run, at the southern end of the township, the guild hall serves as the hub of the local wine industry. It is a place where vineyard owners, merchants, and local leaders come together to promote and manage the production and distribution of Cienega Valley's renowned wines.


Looming over the Village Green with the Druids Grove and Black Griffon as its neighbors, the two-story Cooperative is built to be sturdy. Its walls are made of field stone gathered from the area, speckled with green moss and vines growing up its sides. Well-built green painted shutters protect the windows, and the main double door is sturdy iron-bound oak. Flying high is the Cienega Valley Cooperative banner displaying a decanter and grapes, symbolizing the guild's focus and pride.
Features of the Guild Hall
  • Sturdy Construction: Built from local field stone, giving it a robust and enduring appearance.
  • Green Shutters and Vines: Green painted shutters and natural vines add to its rustic charm.
  • Iron-Bound Oak Door: A strong, protective main entrance symbolizing the hall’s resilience.
  • Guild Banner: A banner depicting a decanter and grapes, representing the guild’s mission and achievements.


The Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild Hall was established to support the local wine industry, providing a central location for vineyard owners to collaborate, set prices, and manage distribution. Over the years, it has grown in influence and prosperity, attracting merchants from across the Viscounty and beyond.
Key Historical Events
  • Establishment of the Guild Hall: Built to provide a central hub for the wine industry in Cienega Valley.
  • Growth and Prosperity: Expanded its reach and influence, leading to unprecedented profits and market presence.
  • Election of Gígur Nónason: Elected as the current guild master, leading the guild to new heights of success.

Politics of Verbobonc

The Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild Hall plays a significant role in the political landscape of Verbobonc. Its influence extends beyond the local community, impacting trade and economic policies throughout the region.
Political Influence
  • Trade and Economy: Influences trade policies and economic decisions within the Viscounty.
  • Alliances and Relationships: Maintains strong alliances with House Asbury and other influential figures.
  • Taxation and Regulation: Works with local authorities to set prices, manage taxes, and ensure fair trade practices.
Relationships with the Lords of Verbobonc
The guild hall maintains crucial relationships with the lords of Verbobonc, particularly House Asbury. These relationships are vital for the smooth operation and success of the local wine industry.
Key Relationships
  • House Asbury: Collaborates closely with House Asbury to manage taxes, prices, and distribution.
  • Mayor Marcus Greensward: Maintains a strong relationship with the mayor, ensuring mutual support and cooperation.
  • 1. Fort Emridy: Has the ear of the Mounted Borderers, ensuring protection and security for the guild and its members.
Politics Throughout the Viscounty of Verbobonc
The influence of the Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild Hall extends throughout the Viscounty, affecting political decisions and trade practices across the region.
Regional Impact
  • Economic Influence: Plays a key role in the regional economy, driving trade and commerce.
  • Political Alliances: Forms alliances with other regions and leaders to promote the wine industry.
  • Regulatory Practices: Works to ensure fair trade practices and economic stability across the Viscounty.

Religious Politics

  Gígur often works with religious figures in the valley, including Tanithil Mornala, the druid of the Hearth of Obad-Hai, and the priest of Merikka from the Chapel of the Home. Key Religious Relationships   Tanithil Mornala: Collaborates on environmental and agricultural issues. Priest of Merikka: Addresses community concerns and ensures harmony between religious practices and guild operations.   Lore and Mysticism   The Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild Hall is steeped in local lore and mysticism. The proximity to the Druids Grove adds a layer of spiritual significance, and the guild’s success is often attributed to the blessings of Obad-Hai and the Old Faith. Mystical Elements   Druids Grove: The presence of the sacred grove enhances the guild’s connection to nature and the Old Faith. Blessings of Obad-Hai: Many believe the success of the vineyards is due to the divine blessings of Obad-Hai.   Conclusion   The Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild Hall is a cornerstone of the township, promoting prosperity and cooperation within the wine industry. Under the leadership of Gígur Nónason, the guild continues to thrive, influencing trade and politics throughout the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Its blend of economic influence, political alliances, and spiritual connections makes it a vital institution in the region.
Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild Hall by 3orcs
Gígur Nónason 
Gígur Nónason is the current guild master, known for his dedication and effective leadership. He works tirelessly to support the local vineyard owners and ensure the success of the Cienega Valley wine industry.
Physical Description
  • Appearance: Attractive, lean, and moderately muscular.
  • Attire: Wears a tight blue one-piece outfit complete with pants, hood, and cape.
  • Hair: Styled black hair, mimicking a famous performer.
  • Distinctive Features: Pronounced jaw (or goatee) and bushy eyebrows.
Role and Responsibilities
  • Guild Master: Elected by the vintner membership to lead and manage the guild.
  • Trade and Market Management: Works closely with vineyard owners and merchants to set prices and manage distribution.
  • Political Liaison: Maintains relationships with local leaders and the Mounted Borderers for mutual support.
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Cienega Valley Vintner's Guild Hall Banner by 3orcs

Cover image: Cienega Valley Banner by 3orcs


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