House Tulvar Organization in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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House Tulvar

House Tulvar is a significant noble house among the Gnomes  communities in the Kron Hills, known for their leadership within the Gnome Free Alliance of the Kron Hills. The house is led by Urthgan, the Eldest of Tulvar, who oversees the political and cultural activities of the gnome clans.

Historical Background

House Tulvar has a history deeply rooted in the rich traditions of the gnome people. For centuries, they have been the leading clan in the Kron Hills, guiding the gnome communities through various challenges and ensuring their autonomy and prosperity. Their history is marked by a strong commitment to preserving gnome culture and rights, particularly in the face of external pressures.

Political Influence

House Tulvar holds considerable influence within the Gnome Free Alliance and the broader political landscape of Verbobonc. They are the primary voice for the gnome clans, advocating for their rights and interests in trade negotiations and political discussions. Their relationship with the Viscount is complex, involving both cooperation and contention over issues like resource control and autonomy.

Estates and Holdings

The main estate of House Tulvar is located in the village of Tulvar, which serves as the political and cultural heart of the gnome communities. The estate includes administrative buildings, communal spaces for gatherings, and facilities for gem mining and processing. The village is known for its well-crafted structures and vibrant cultural life, reflecting the ingenuity of its inhabitants.


House Tulvar maintains strong relationships with other gnome clans within the Gnome Free Alliance of the Kron Hills, fostering a sense of unity and collective identity. Their interactions with human noble houses, particularly those involved in trade and resource management, are marked by a careful balance of diplomacy and assertiveness. They often collaborate with House Milinous on trade issues and have a cautious but necessary relationship with House Haxx due to overlapping economic interests.

Current Affairs

Currently, House Tulvar is focused on safeguarding the autonomy and prosperity of the gnome communities amidst increasing external pressures. They are engaged in ongoing negotiations with the Viscount's representatives to address disputes over gem mines and trade regulations. Urthgan is also working to strengthen the internal cohesion of the Gnome Free Alliance, ensuring that the gnome clans can present a united front in political and economic matters. Additionally, they are enhancing their security measures in response to rising bandit threats and ensuring the safety of their trade caravans
House Tulvar by 3orcs

Key Figures

  • Urthgan Eldest of Tulvar: The current head of House Tulvar, Urthgan is a wise and respected leader. He plays a crucial role in the Gnome Free Alliance, representing the interests of the gnome communities in political and trade negotiations.
  • Prince Jimm Pithriggen: A prominent member of House Tulvar, Jimm serves as the representative of the gnome communities in Verbobonc. His diplomatic skills are vital in maintaining the delicate balance between the gnome clans and the human-dominated Viscounty.
  • Jeet Jimbleclap: Another key figure within the house, Jeet is known for his expertise in gem mining and trade, contributing significantly to the economic strength of the gnome communities.
Geopolitical, Clan
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Related Species

Cover image: by 3orcs


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