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Urthgan Tulvar


Urthgan, the Eldest and wisest of Tulvar, has been the leader of the village of Tulvar for the past three years. He took on this role following the tragic death of his father, who was killed by wild beasts. Raised from birth to lead, Urthgan was the natural choice to ascend to leadership, a role in which he has proven both capable and beloved by the gnomes of Tulvar. Known for his spartan lifestyle and unassuming demeanor, Urthgan is a figure of quiet strength and unwavering dedication to his people.

Early Life and Ascension to Leadership

Urthgan was born into a life of expectation, as the son of the previous Eldest of Tulvar. His upbringing was meticulously planned, with a strong emphasis on leadership, magic, and the customs of gnomish society. His father's untimely death thrust him into leadership sooner than anticipated, but the village embraced him wholeheartedly. The community's deep-rooted respect for his lineage and his personal qualities made the transition smooth, and Urthgan quickly became a symbol of stability and continuity.
  • The Burden of Expectation: From a young age, Urthgan was groomed for leadership. His education included rigorous training in the arcane arts, particularly in illusion and protective magic, as well as lessons in diplomacy and governance, ensuring he was well-prepared to take over when the time came.

Leadership Style and Personality

Urthgan's leadership is characterized by a fair and even-handed approach. He is deeply respected by the gnomes of Tulvar for his wisdom and his ability to treat everyone with equal respect. Despite his position of power, Urthgan lives a simple life, eschewing the trappings of wealth and status that often accompany leadership. His personal tastes are minimalistic, and he prefers plain clothing and modest surroundings, a preference that often conflicts with his wife's desire to see him live more lavishly.
  • Simplicity and Precision: Urthgan's lifestyle reflects his philosophy—life should be lived simply, but with attention to detail. This approach extends to his leadership, where he values efficiency and precision in all matters, from daily governance to complex magical rituals.

Relationships and Family Life

Urthgan's personal life is marked by his relationship with his wife, a dynamic that reflects his insistence on simplicity and order. While he views himself as undemanding, his need for things to be "just so" often leads to minor frustrations for his wife, who is frequently tasked with ensuring that everything meets his exacting standards.
  • The Long-Suffering Spouse: Urthgan's wife is a patient and devoted partner, though she often finds herself exasperated by his meticulous nature. Their relationship is one of mutual respect, though it is clear that she wishes he would occasionally indulge in the comforts and luxuries his position could afford.

Public Persona and Diplomacy

Urthgan presents a composed and confident front when dealing with outsiders. His reserved demeanor can come across as aloof, but it is underpinned by the knowledge that he has the full support of his village and his own considerable magical talents. He navigates the complex politics of the Kron Hills with a balance of friendliness and intimidation, adapting his approach as the situation demands.
  • A Balancing Act: Whether dealing with neighboring human leaders or gnomish clans, Urthgan’s diplomatic style is adaptive. He can be warm and welcoming or cold and formidable, depending on what the situation calls for, making him a formidable player in the delicate political landscape of the region.
Role in the Free Alliance of the Kron Hills
Urthgan's leadership extends beyond Tulvar to the broader gnomish confederation, the Free Alliance of the Kron Hills. He plays a critical role in maintaining the delicate balance between the gnome clans and the Viscounty of Verbobonc, often working closely with figures like "Prince" Jimm to navigate the political complexities of the region.
  • Strategic Leadership: Urthgan's strategic mind and deep understanding of gnomish politics make him an indispensable leader within the Free Alliance, where his decisions impact not just Tulvar but all the gnomish communities within the Kron Hills.

Political Relationships and Concerns

Urthgan, Eldest of Tulvar finds himself at the center of a complex web of political relationships that define the delicate balance of power in the Kron Hills and its surrounding regions. His interactions with key figures such as "Prince" Jimm Pithriggen, Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart, and the human lords of Verbobonc, as well as his management of internal clan politics and rising security threats, are crucial in maintaining the autonomy and stability of the gnome communities.
Relations with Prince Jimm
Urthgan's relationship with "Prince" Jimm Pithriggen is both cooperative and cautious. As the high gnome spokesperson and a prominent figure in the Free Alliance of the Kron Hills, Jimm plays a pivotal role in representing the interests of the gnomes to the Viscounty of Verbobonc. However, Urthgan, known for his pragmatic and reserved nature, often finds Jimm's flamboyant style and diplomatic intricacies both necessary and somewhat frustrating.
  • Strategic Alliance: While Urthgan appreciates Jimm's efforts to mediate between the gnomes and the human rulers, he remains wary of Jimm's ability to balance the need for gnomish autonomy with the pressures from Verbobonc. Urthgan often advises caution, urging Jimm to focus on the long-term survival of the gnome communities rather than immediate diplomatic gains.
Tensions with Viscount Wilfrick
The relationship between Urthgan and Viscount Wilfrick Revepaix is marked by tension and mutual distrust. The Viscount's ambitions to annex the Kron Hills, driven by the desire to control the region's lucrative gem mines, pose a direct threat to the autonomy of the gnome communities. Urthgan sees Wilfrick's overtures as thinly veiled attempts to erode the independence of the Free Alliance.
  • Resistance to Annexation: Urthgan is steadfast in his opposition to any attempts by Verbobonc to annex the Kron Hills. He views such moves as an existential threat to the gnome way of life and has been a vocal advocate for resisting any encroachment on gnomish lands. This stance has led to several heated exchanges with representatives of the Viscount.
Concerns over Human Lords and Gem Mines
The human lords of Verbobonc, under the influence of Viscount Wilfrick, have long coveted the rich gem mines of the Kron Hills. These mines, controlled by various gnome clans, including those allied with Urthgan, are a significant source of wealth and power in the region. The persistent pressure from these lords to gain control of these resources has heightened the political stakes.
  • Protection of Resources: Urthgan has taken numerous measures to protect the locations and operations of the gem mines. Only trusted clan members and workers know the exact locations of these mines, and security around them is tight. Urthgan has also sought to strengthen alliances with other gnome clans, ensuring a united front against any external attempts to seize these resources.
Internal Clan Politics
Within Greenway Valley, Urthgan must also navigate the complex internal politics of the gnome clans. The Tulvar clan, while the most prominent, must work closely with other influential families, such as the Jillink, Keeleene, and Tillien clans, all of which hold significant power due to their control of various mines and resources.
  • Balancing Clan Interests: Urthgan's leadership is tested by the need to balance the interests of these powerful clans while maintaining overall unity within the Free Alliance. His ability to treat all clans fairly and his reputation for impartiality have been crucial in preventing internal disputes from escalating into more significant conflicts.
The Rise of Banditry and the Withdrawal of the Mounted Borderers
A recent and growing concern for Urthgan has been the rise of banditry in the Kron Hills and the surrounding areas of the Verbobonc, Viscounty. This increase in lawlessness has been exacerbated by Viscount Wilfrick's decision to withdraw the Mounted Borderer patrols from the region. The Borderers, once the first line of defense against such threats, have been reassigned to other duties, leaving the gnome communities more vulnerable to attacks.
  • Security Challenges: The withdrawal of the Mounted Borderers has forced Urthgan to reconsider the security strategies of the gnome settlements. He has initiated discussions with other gnome leaders about increasing local militia forces and has considered forming new alliances with nearby human settlements that might share an interest in maintaining regional stability.
  • Impact on Trade and Diplomacy: The rise in banditry has also disrupted trade routes between the Kron Hills and Verbobonc, further straining relations between the gnomes and humans. Urthgan sees this as yet another attempt by the Viscount to weaken the gnome communities, making them more dependent on Verbobonc's protection and thus more susceptible to annexation.


Urthgan, Eldest of Tulvar, embodies the ideals of gnomish leadership—wisdom, humility, and strength. His unassuming nature belies a sharp intellect and a powerful magical ability, making him a respected and beloved leader. As he continues to guide Tulvar through the challenges of independence and political tension, Urthgan's influence is felt throughout the Kron Hills and beyond.
"Gold and gems may tempt the greedy, but our true wealth is in our freedom."
Elder Urthgan Tulvar
  • gnome male Wizard level 8
  • Small humanoid (2 ft. 11 in. tall)
  • HD 8d4+8; hp 27
  • AC 18 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +3 ring of protection, +2 amulet of natural armor)
  • Str 9, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 14, Cha 14
  • Spells (1/day each): dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation
Wizard spells usually prepared 5/6/5/5/3
  • 0 lvl: dancing lights, ray of frost, ray of frost, detect magic, read magic
  • 1st lvl: color spray, color spray, silent image, ventriloquism, expeditious retreat, cause fear
  • 2nd lvl: minor image, mirror image, spectral hand, ghoul touch, whispering wind
  • 3rd lvl: invisibility sphere, major image, tongues, fly, lightning bolt
  • 4th lvl: hallucinatory terrain, rainbow pattern, confusion.
Lawful good
Current Location
Year of Birth
402 174 Years old
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Let them think us small; our resolve stands taller than the highest mountain."

"Diplomacy is a tool, but a well-placed illusion can be the mightiest weapon."
Gnome Pantheon
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

Magical Prowess

As an 8th-level wizard, Urthgan's magical abilities are formidable, contributing significantly to his leadership capabilities. He specializes in illusion and protective spells, reflecting the traditional strengths of gnomish magic. His mastery of these arts not only aids in the defense of Tulvar but also in maintaining its independence from external influences.
Magical Specializations
  • Illusions: Urthgan’s skill in crafting illusions is unparalleled, allowing him to manipulate perceptions and protect his village from potential threats.
  • Protective Wards: He has also developed powerful wards around Tulvar, ensuring that the village remains secure from both physical and magical dangers.

Cover image: Greenway Valley by 3orcs


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