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Jaroo Ashstaff

I am Jaroo Ashstaff. I a a druid of the Old Faith, and one of the spiritual leaders of this community. Those of the old Faith seek a balance in all things. We tolerate all other religions and do not appose their presence here. Oaerth's natural fertility has inspired our devotion from the ancients and has evolved into a natural state of unity promoting the prosperity of the entire world. We worship Beory, mother goddess of Oerth and manifestation of the will of Oerth itself.
Jaroo Ashstaff is a venerable druid residing in the village of Hommlet, where he serves as the spiritual leader for those who follow the Old Faith. Despite his frail appearance, Jaroo commands deep respect and wields significant influence in the community. His primary role is to maintain the natural balance and protect the village from any rising threats, particularly those stemming from the Temple of Elemental Evil.

Appearance and Demeanor

Jaroo appears as an elderly, weather-beaten Flan man with long gray hair that falls in wild, untamed locks. His skin is creased with age, and his dark eyes hold the wisdom of many years. Despite his frail appearance, there is an undeniable strength in his posture and movements. He often wears simple robes adorned with symbols of nature and carries a wooden staff intricately carved with runes of the Old Faith. His presence in the village is one of quiet authority, and his eyes seem to see beyond the surface, into the very essence of things.

Background and History

Jaroo Ashstaff was sent to Hommlet by the Druids of the Gnarley Forest over a decade ago, tasked with keeping an eye on the village and ensuring that the influence of the Temple of Elemental Evil remained suppressed. His past is steeped in the lore of the Old Faith, and he is one of the few survivors of The Battle of Emridy Meadows, where he fought alongside notable figures such as Robilar and Prince Thrommel IV. This battle, fought in 569 CY, was instrumental in the initial downfall of the Temple, and it is an event that continues to shape Jaroo’s purpose in Hommlet.

Role and Motivations

Jaroo is deeply dedicated to the protection of the natural world and the spiritual welfare of those who follow the Old Faith. His primary concern is the balance between good and evil, nature and civilization. He is particularly wary of the resurgence of the Temple of Elemental Evil and sees his role in Hommlet as a guardian against such threats. Despite his responsibilities, Jaroo is aware that the influence of the Old Faith is waning, with many villagers converting to the faith of St. Cuthbert. This shift troubles him, not out of jealousy or rivalry, but because he fears the loss of respect for the natural order.
  • Guardian of Nature: Jaroo’s primary motivation is to protect the balance of nature and prevent the rise of evil in Hommlet and its surroundings.
  • Spiritual Guide: He oversees the religious needs of the followers of the Obad-Hai, performing seasonal rites, marriages, and funerals, ensuring that the traditions of the Old Faith are upheld.
  • Watcher of the Temple: Jaroo’s mission in Hommlet includes monitoring any signs of resurgence from the Temple of Elemental Evil and reporting them to the druids of Gnarley Wood.


Jaroo is respected by most in Hommlet, though his connections are strongest with those who adhere to the Old Faith. His relationship with the followers of St. Cuthbert is cordial but distant; he does not openly oppose them, but neither does he embrace their growing influence.
  • Ono, his Initiate: Jaroo’s half-elven apprentice, Ono, is his closest companion. Ono is being trained in the ways of the druid and is often seen tending to the grove or assisting Jaroo in his duties.
  • The Villagers of Hommlet: While some villagers view Jaroo with suspicion due to his reclusive nature, most respect him for his wisdom and his role in the village’s defense against past threats.

Current Events

Jaroo has recently become increasingly concerned about the bandit activity around Hommlet, sensing that it may be connected to a larger, more sinister plot. His suspicions were confirmed when he learned that a shipment of ale from Virgil Tamen, a fellow adherent of the Old Faith, was hijacked by bandits. Jaroo believes that these disturbances are a sign of the growing influence of evil forces in the region, potentially linked to the Temple of Elemental Evil.
  • The Bandit Problem: Jaroo is particularly worried about the recent increase in bandit activity, which he sees as a sign of darker forces at work.
  • Protecting the Grove: The druid has strengthened the defenses of the Druid’s Grove, keeping a watchful eye on the village and the surrounding wilderness for any signs of impending danger.

The Druid’s Grove

Jaroo’s home is the Druid’s Grove, a tranquil enclave of nature carefully curated to maintain a sense of wild beauty amidst the encroaching village. Towering oaks form a natural canopy, and a pathway of smooth, bluish stones meanders through the grove, leading visitors to the central altar. The grove is a place of worship, meditation, and communion with nature. It is also where Jaroo performs his rituals and meets with those seeking his guidance.
  • Altar of Offerings: A rock cairn serves as the central altar, surrounded by offerings of flowers, nuts, and berries left by the faithful.
  • Cottage and Herb Garden: Jaroo’s modest wooden cottage is nestled under the great boughs of the central oaks, with an herb garden that provides the ingredients for his potions and remedies.
  • Shaggar, the Black Bear: Jaroo’s companion, Shaggar, is a huge black bear who remains hidden most of the time but serves as a formidable guardian of the Grove.

Services and Aid

Jaroo is willing to provide aid to those who ask, especially if they are followers of the Old Faith. His services include healing, blessings, and guidance. However, he is cautious and will not accompany adventurers on their quests, preferring to observe from a distance if he suspects anything amiss. 
  • Healing and Blessings: Jaroo offers healing services and blessings to those who contribute to the Grove.
  • Guidance: He can offer advice and interpret signs, often using small sticks tossed upon the altar to divine the will of the natural world.
Opinions on the Bandit Problems
"These bandits are a symptom of a deeper rot. Their presence disturbs the natural order, and that cannot be ignored."
"Virgil Tamen’s loss is a sign that the balance is tipping. We must act before it’s too late."
"The leaders of Hommlet must see that these bandits are not just thieves; they are a blight on the land."
"If left unchecked, these disturbances will spread, like poison in the soil."
"We must be vigilant. The peace we’ve fought for is fragile, and there are those who would shatter it."
  Jaroo Ashstaff remains a crucial figure in Hommlet, his wisdom and connection to the natural world making him both a protector and a guide for the village’s inhabitants. As the threat of the Temple of Elemental Evil looms once more, Jaroo’s vigilance and dedication to the Old Faith may prove to be a key factor in the village’s survival.
Jaroo Secrets
Show spoiler
Future Possible Event: Robilar, Otto, Ricard Damaris, Quij, and others sacked the Temple of Elemental Evil in 579 CY, accidentally freeing the demoness Zuggtmoy in the process. For this transgression, Tenser led a force of good, including Jaroo, after Robilar and his companions. Quij managed to escape into exile on Robilar’s carpet of flying, while the others were chased back to Robilar’s stronghold in the Gnarley Forest upon two griffons.   Jaroo Ashstaff came to the village of Hommlet to keep an eye on the Temple of Elemental Evil. Twenty-five years later, he was still there, maintaining a sacred oak grove and hoarding gemstones.   The Golden Mask: If any of the characters mention monks in golden masks or show Jaroo the mask of the monk from the ambush, Jaroo recognizes it. He can tell the characters that the masks are worn by the monks of the Sacred Stone order. He doesn’t know much about them, but he can tell the characters that the monks have taken over one of the old Haunted Keeps. He provides directions to the Sacred Stone Monastery.
"The Old Faith is the heart of this land, even as new beliefs take root."
Jaroo Ashstaff
Druid The Old Faith 
  • AC 6 (padded armor)
  • Level 7; hp 44
  • S 11 I11 W 18 D 9 Co 15 Ch 15
  • XP 1427
  • Equipment: cloak of protection + 2, ring of invisibility, staff of the serpent (python), scimitar +1
Standard druid abilities: identify plant type, animal type, pure water; pass without trace; immune to woodland charm; shapechange 3 times per day; + 2 bonus to saving throws vs. lightning   Spells normally memorized:
  • First level: detect magic, entangle, faerie fire, invisibility to animals, pass without trace, speak with animals
  • Second level: barkskin, charm person or mammal, cure light wounds, heat metal, trip, warp wood
  • Third level: cure disease, neutralize poison, summon insects, tree
  • Fourth level: cure serious wound, plant door
Shaggar black bear companion by 3orcs
Tanak, Black bear: AC 7; HD 3 + 3; hp 25; #AT 3 D 1-3/1-3/1-6; SA Hug (if paw hit 18 + ) Dmg 2-8; XP 185
Current Location
Year of Birth
514 62 Years old
dark eyes hold the wisdom of many years
long gray hair that falls in wild, untamed locks
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Obad-Hai holy symbol by 3orcs
"Evil grows like a weed, subtle and persistent. It must be uprooted before it spreads."

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Jaroo Ashstaff by 3orcs


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