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Prelude Encounter: On the Road to Hommlet

The journey to the Village of Hommlet is fraught with danger, as bandits and brigands have taken to ambushing travelers along the road. As the party makes their way through the autumn-hued Gnarley Forest, they come across a seemingly wounded farmer, Joseph. However, this encounter is far from innocent. Joseph is an undercover spy for the Temple of Elemental Evil, and this prelude encounter serves as the first test of the party’s resolve and vigilance. The ambush that follows sets the tone for the challenges ahead, revealing the threat of the Temple's influence spreading across the region.

The Road to Hommlet

The road to Hommlet winds through the forested Kron Hills, a vast and ancient woodland. On this crisp autumn afternoon, the forest is alive with the sounds of nature, with leaves turning shades of yellow, orange, and red. The road itself is poorly maintained, with deep wagon wheel ruts and standing puddles of muddy water, making travel difficult.
  • Description: The forest is dense with trees and undergrowth, offering many places for potential ambushes. The air is filled with the chirping of birds and the hum of insects, masking the presence of danger.
  • Ambiance: The serenity of the forest contrasts sharply with the tension of the encounter, as the peaceful surroundings are suddenly shattered by the brigands' attack.
The sun shines brightly on a fine, yet crisp, autumn afternoon. The road is in poor shape, crisscrossed with deep wagon wheel ruts and occasional standing puddles, of muddy water. To either side of the road is lush forest complete with undergrowth shrubs and bushes. The leaves are already beginning to turn to yellows, oranges, and reds, and leaf litter covers the ground. The forest is alive with bird chatter and insects drowning. Ahead, coming around the bend a single form samples along the road. The man is clearly wounded evidenced by a blood soaked cloth bandage wrapped around his head. Another makeshift, crimson stained bandage is wrapped around his left thigh.

The Ambush

As the party approaches Joseph, he collapses dramatically, feigning exhaustion. Should any character approach to help, Joseph strikes with a surprise attack, signaling the hidden brigands to fire from their tree stands. The ambush is swift and brutal, with the brigands aiming to cause fear and chaos before retreating into the forest.
  • Joseph’s Attack: Joseph waits until a character is within striking distance before launching his sneak attack with a concealed dagger. His ruse is revealed when the head bandage slips, uncovering a scar on his forehead.
  • Brigand Assault: The brigands open fire with crossbows from their concealed positions. They aim to pin down the party, forcing them to take cover or charge into the forest where more traps await.
  • Retreat and Hide: After a few rounds, the brigands retreat, using pre-established paths to escape. They disappear into hidden lean-tos covered with leaf debris, ready to evade pursuit and regroup at the ruined Moathouse.

Plot Points

Tokens of Loyalty
Each brigand carries a smooth, flat river rock inscribed with an eye and a tear—tokens used to prove their loyalty to the Temple of Elemental Evil. These tokens are hidden in boots, cloak flaps, or other inconspicuous places.
  • Token Significance: The tokens are used in a secret gesture among the cult members. When a spy or brigand meets another, they touch their left eye and wipe it to the left. The responder, if loyal, produces the token to confirm their allegiance.
Tracking the Brigands
If the party decides to pursue the brigands, they will find the forest to be difficult terrain. The brigands have cleared paths that allow them to move quickly and silently, making pursuit challenging.
  • Tracking Difficulty: A successful tracking check may reveal the direction of the brigands’ escape. The trail leads generally east before veering south towards the ruined Moathouse.
  • Potential Allies: Upon returning to Hommlet, key NPCs such as Ostler Gundigoot, Jaroo Ashstaff, and Canon Terjon will be very interested to hear about the attack and the discovery of the tokens. If the party presents a token, they will be advised to seek an audience with Burne, who can provide further insight into the significance of the symbol and its connection to the Temple of Elemental Evil.
"These aren’t just desperate men; they’re organized, and that worries me."


Taking bandit prisoners, bodies or heads back to the village, you’ll be paid for your trouble. The Elder of Hommlet, the Militia Captain, or even Lord Burne and Lord Rufus themselves… they offer 5 gold pieces per head. Dead or alive.

Bandit Interagation

As you and your companions stand over the captured brigands, their bravado melts away, replaced by fear and desperation. The leader, a scruffy man with dirt smeared across his face, looks up at you with wide, pleading eyes. His voice shakes as he begins to speak.
“Please… please don’t kill us! We didn’t mean any harm, honest! It was Joseph—he came to us with the plan. It sounded good at the time, easy work. Praying on merchant caravans… it’s been good business lately, what with the Viscount pulling back the Mounted Borderer patrols from the Kron Hills. Easy as preying on sheep, he said…”
Another brigand, his hands trembling, chimes in, his voice cracking with fear.
“We didn’t know it would come to this! We’ve learned our lesson, we swear! We’ll leave this life behind, just let us go! We can tell you where we take the goods—we haul the wagons up to an old abandoned moathouse, northeast of Hommlet. That’s where the gang is holed up.”
The leader nods vigorously, tears welling in his eyes.
"Please, just let us go! We’ll never bother anyone again! We swear on our lives—we’ll disappear, you’ll never see us again. We’ve told you everything we know… just please… let us go!”
Wounded Merchant by 3orcs
We’ve seen bandits before, but this... this feels different. There’s a purpose behind these attacks."
Joseph the Spy
Joseph, posing as a wounded farmer, is actually a spy for the Temple of Elemental Evil. He resides in 32. Tent Town, a makeshift labor camp near the 30. Doomwatch Keep Construction Site, where he monitors the activities of notable figures and adventurers passing through Hommlet.
  • Physical Description: Joseph is a wiry man with slick, dark hair and a pointed cropped beard. He wears commoner’s clothing with greasy leather armor hidden beneath. His head and thigh are wrapped in blood-soaked bandages—cleverly dyed red to deceive the unwary.
  • Weapons: Joseph carries a dagger concealed within his clothing, ready to strike at unsuspecting victims who come too close.
The Brigands
Joseph is not alone in this deception. He is accompanied by eight human brigands, each wearing face paint and brown cloaks adorned with leaf litter and twigs, granting them an advantage in stealth. These brigands have honed their tactics, using the forest to their advantage.
  • Physical Description: The brigands are rough-looking men, clad in greasy leather armor. Their faces are smeared with dark paint, and their eyes glint with malice.
  • Weapons: Each brigand is armed with a crossbow and a short sword, ideal for their hit-and-run tactics.
  • Tactics: The brigands are positioned in tree stands, roughly 60 feet into the forest. They are hidden from view and use their elevated positions to rain down bolts on the party before retreating.
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Bandit Lookout by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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