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24. The Druid’s Grove

A short distance from the intersection of the main north/south road and this eastern road was a small path that headed south through the grove. There were several small lanterns lighting the path as it twisted through the trees and eventually led to the front doorstep of a wild-looking cottage. The cottage appeared to be a part of the grove, with several of the trees growing into the cottage at various points. This is obviously a place of worship. The trees are neatly pruned, and the grass is well tended. A carefully placed line of bluish stones sets off the path leading to a rock cairn where flowers, nuts, berries, and garlands of leaves are placed. A small path leads beyond the shrine to a low-roofed wooden building placed under the great boughs of the central oaks of the copse.
The Druid’s Grove, located in the heart of Hommlet, serves as a sacred site for followers of The Old Faith. This carefully tended sanctuary, nestled between the Inn of the Welcome Wench and the Blacksmith Smyth, offers a serene environment for worship, ritual, and contemplation. Overlooked by the ancient druid Jaroo Ashstaff, the Grove plays a vital role in maintaining the balance between nature and civilization within the village. 

Location Description

The Druid’s Grove is a tranquil enclave of nature, carefully curated to maintain a sense of wild beauty amidst the encroaching village. Towering oaks form a natural canopy, their boughs stretching protectively over the sacred space. The ground beneath is carpeted with soft, green moss, and a variety of woodland flowers add bursts of color. A pathway of smooth, bluish stones meanders through the grove, leading visitors to the central altar, a rock cairn surrounded by offerings of flowers, nuts, and berries.
Services Offered
  • Spiritual Guidance: Jaroo provides counsel and guidance to those who seek it, interpreting signs and omens from nature to offer advice. This service is particularly valued by followers of the Old Faith.
  • Rituals and Ceremonies: The Grove is the site of seasonal rites, marriages, name days, and funerals. Jaroo oversees these ceremonies, ensuring they align with the ancient traditions of the Old Faith.
  • Healing and Protection Spells: Jaroo offers aid through spells, though he will not accompany adventurers on their quests. His assistance is reserved for those who respect the Old Faith and contribute to the Grove.
  • Guardianship of the Grove: Shaggar, Jaroo’s huge black bear companion, remains hidden most of the time but serves as a formidable guardian of the Grove.

Lore and History

The Druid’s Grove has been a place of worship long before the village of Hommlet rose to prominence. Dedicated to Obad-Hai, the Shalm, god of nature, woodlands, and the cycle of life and death, the Grove has seen countless ceremonies and rituals. Jaroo Ashstaff, the current druid, was sent to Hommlet after The Battle of Emridy Meadows in 569 CY to monitor for any resurgence of the Temple of Elemental Evil and to provide spiritual guidance to the villagers who follow the Old Faith.
You approached the door and knocked gently. The door open slowly and an older man stepped out onto the small porch. The man had long black hair and a thick black beard, with no hint of gray even though he appeared to be nearly sixty years old. He wore a long brown robe and simple leather sandals. The man smiled at you, "Hello, I am Jaroo. What can I do for you?"

Current Events

  • Decline of the Old Faith: Jaroo is concerned about the diminishing number of followers of the Old Faith in Hommlet, as more villagers convert to the worship of St. Cuthbert. He fears that the ancient traditions may be lost as new influences take hold.
  • Monitoring the Moathouse: Jaroo remains vigilant, keeping an eye on the Moathouse and surrounding areas for any signs of a resurgence of the Temple of Elemental Evil.
  • Relations with St. Cuthbert's Church: While Jaroo respects the work of the 20. Church of St. Cuthbert, he is wary of its growing influence and the potential threat it poses to the Old Faith’s traditions in Hommlet.
Druidic Treasure
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Hidden in Jaroo’s cottage, beneath the floor of the root cellar, is a stone box containing a scroll with a Control Weather spell, a potion of invulnerability, a decanter of endless water, three gems worth 500 gp each, 22 platinum pieces, 189 gold pieces, and 111 silver pieces.   Trap: The box is trapped, with a scything blade triggered by a failed attempt to locate it, dealing 1d8 points of damage to the thief.
A Pillar of Tradition and Balance in Hommlet
The Druid’s Grove serves as a vital link between the natural world and the village of Hommlet, embodying the ancient traditions of the Old Faith. Under the stewardship of Jaroo Ashstaff, the Grove is a place of spiritual refuge, guidance, and balance, where the rhythms of nature are honored and protected. For the villagers, it represents a connection to their heritage and a source of wisdom, while for the leaders of Hommlet, it is a reminder of the delicate balance between progress and preservation. The Grove’s influence is felt in the village’s customs, its approach to governance, and its response to threats, ensuring that the old ways continue to shape the future of Hommlet.
Secret Quest Dialogue with Jaroo Ashstaff
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As you approach the Druid’s Grove, the air seems to grow still, the rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds fading into a quiet calm. The ancient druid, Jaroo Ashstaff, steps forward from the shadow of the great oaks, his weathered face creased with concern.
Jaroo Ashstaff
    "Ah, you have come at a time when the balance teeters on a knife's edge. The natural order is disturbed, and I sense that evil is once again stirring in the land." His voice is grave, but there is a warmth in his tone that suggests he is not without hope. "Virgil Tamen, the braumeister and a devout follower of the Old Faith, has had his latest shipment of ale hijacked by bandits. This is no ordinary theft. There is a growing uneasiness within the natural order, a subtle but persistent push of evil against the good that we have nurtured here."
Jaroo pauses, his eyes narrowing as he studies you closely, as if gauging your resolve.
Jaroo Ashstaff
    "You have come at the right time, as fate would have it. If you wish to aid in restoring the balance, I ask that you find these bandits and recover what was taken. This is not just about ale; it is about preserving the sanctity of our ways and preventing a greater evil from taking root." He inclines his head slightly, a gesture of respect and trust. "All I ask in return is a small donation to help the poor and needy of Hommlet, to keep our community strong in the face of these growing threats."
After you offer your donation, Jaroo nods appreciatively, the tension in his expression easing somewhat.
Jaroo Ashstaff
    "Thank you, brother, for your kindness and your willingness to aid our cause. Should you find yourself in need of my assistance, do not hesitate to ask. We are all part of the same cycle, and what benefits one benefits all."
With that, the druid steps back into his cottage, the door closing slowly behind him. You are left standing in the Grove, the sense of purpose strong within you, knowing that the fate of Virgil Tamen’s shipment—and perhaps more—rests in your hands.
Jaroo Ashstaff by 3orcs
Jaroo Ashstaff  Role: Druid of the Old Faith (Level 7)
  • Appearance: Jaroo appears as an elderly Flan man with wild, gray hair and deeply creased, weather-beaten skin. Despite his frail appearance, he carries himself with a quiet authority that commands respect.
  • Personality: Wise and observant, Jaroo is deeply connected to the natural world and serves as a spiritual leader to the followers of the Old Faith in Hommlet. Though he often seems distant, his concern for the village is genuine.
  • Motivation: Jaroo’s primary mission is to ensure that the dark forces of the Temple of Elemental Evil do not resurface. He is also dedicated to preserving the traditions of the Old Faith, even as more villagers convert to the worship of St. Cuthbert.
  • Relationships: Jaroo maintains a cordial relationship with most of the village leaders, though he is wary of the growing influence of St. Cuthbert’s Church. He shares a mentor-mentee bond with his half-elven initiate, Ono.
Role: Druidic Initiate (Aspirant)
  • Appearance: Ono is a young half-elf with delicate features and a serene demeanor. He wears simple robes and often has dirt on his hands from tending to the herbs and fungi in the Grove.
  • Personality: Ono is diligent and eager to learn, though he is still finding his place in the world. He is devoted to Jaroo and the Old Faith, viewing his duties with a sense of reverence.
  • Motivation: Ono is committed to his training and wishes to follow in Jaroo’s footsteps as a protector of the natural world.
  • Relationships: Ono is loyal to Jaroo and views the villagers with a mix of curiosity and caution. He often helps at the Inn of the Welcome Wench when not occupied with his duties.
Shaggar black bear companion by 3orcs
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Cover image: Village of Hommlet by 3orcs


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