B6 Manor of Prince Jimm Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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B6 Manor of Prince Jimm

The Crown Prince has recently moved from his old residence (G1: House of Jimm) to this new location in the commercial district. Most of this luxurious manor is still under renovation to accommodate the latest in gnome design and style. This building of dazzling pale stone stands amid a manicured gardens. Layers of latticed windows show it to be only three stories, but each is easily twice as tall as one might expect. A veritable forest of chimneys project above the gables, dormers, and cornices, each a unique swirl of masonry designed to fit pleasingly with the rest of the lavish architecture.
  The Manor of Prince B6 Manor of Prince Jimm, a luxurious residence under renovation to reflect the latest in gnome design and style, marks a new chapter for the Crown Prince of the Kron Hills Gnomes. Moving from his old dwelling, House of Jimm, to a bustling commercial district in Verbobonc, the manor stands as a symbol of the gnomish prince's stature and influence within the city. Amidst the tensions between the Kron Hills Gnomes and the City, Prince Jimm's estate has become a focal point for political activism, security measures, and diplomatic maneuvering.

Location and Design

  • Commercial District Setting: Situated in a prime location within the commercial district of Verbobonc, the manor benefits from its proximity to the city's economic heartbeat.
  • Gnome Design Influence: The architecture and interior design heavily feature the latest trends in gnome aesthetics, blending luxury with functionality.
  • Renovation Status: The manor is currently under significant renovation to meet the specific tastes and requirements of its distinguished occupant.

Security and Political Activity

  • Heightened Security: In response to recent tensions and political unrest, the manor's security has been significantly enhanced. New walls, standing 20 feet high, enclose the property, featuring only two entrances for controlled access.
  • Guard Detail: A dedicated contingent of gnome guards, alongside magical wards and illusions, ensures the manor's security. This includes four gnome warriors and two illusionists, all highly skilled and loyal to Prince Jimm.
  • Political Hub: The manor is a hotbed of activity, with gnome political rallies, trade embargo calls, and even human protesters marking its surroundings. Prince Jimm's role as a mediator and influencer is highlighted by the constant diplomatic efforts and secret meetings taking place within its walls.

Notable Occupant

  • Jimm Pithriggen: As the Crown Prince of the Free Alliance of the Kron Hills, Jimm holds a unique but informal power within the community. Lacking official authority over the Kron Hills, he nonetheless commands respect and influence, particularly in matters affecting gnome-human relations.
  • Public Persona: Despite his significant political role, Jimm is rarely seen in public, preferring to conduct his affairs behind the scenes. His diplomatic efforts are crucial in maintaining a delicate balance between the gnomes' desire for autonomy and the Viscounty's interests.


Prince Jimm's manor in the commercial district of Verbobonc stands as a testament to the complex interplay of politics, culture, and security within the city. As tensions between the gnomes of the Kron Hills and the city's human population persist, the manor remains a crucial center for negotiation, strategy, and the pursuit of peace.  

Study in a Manor

The room smells of pipe smoke, old parchment, and fresh ink. A massive oaken desk sits before a ceiling-height window, itself framed with burgundy curtains with elaborate gold filligree. Stacks of parchment, a set of quills, and half-a-dozen inkwells each containing a different shade of ink sit atop the desk. A wax stamp lies on its side, fresh wax still cooling around its edges. Massive shelves stand to either side of the desk, laden with hundreds of leatherbound tomes. And at the center of the room, a pair of high-backed leather chairs sit with a small, spindly-legged table between them.

Dining Room of a Manor

A great table dominates this long chamber. Porcelain plates gleam and sliver serving ware glitters in the warm light of several candelabras. The high-backed chairs around the table bear similar carvings but each is unique. No food seems to be on the table as yet, but a crystal bottle containing a dark red liquid stands uncorked. Perhaps it’s some wine left out to decant?

Cellar of a Manor

Even the cellar, dank and dark as it is, is comfortable and clean. The stone walls, cold to the touch, keep the wine stored nearby chilled to perfection, while the earthen floor creates ideal humidity for the mushrooms growing in planter boxes along the wall. Wooden crates for storage are stacked neatly from floor to ceiling, labeled for quick access. Astute observers likely notice several “secret” doors as well, recessed slightly into the wall and invisible to a passing glance.

Guest Room in a Manor

The room, fragrant with lilac and lavender, is furnished elegantly, with a large four-post bed laden with goosedown pillows and silk sheets. A pair of comfortable, high-backed chairs dominate one corner of the room, flanking the smoldering hearth that warms the space. Upon a small desk along one wall, a basin of perfumed water and clean towels await anyone who wishes to wash the stink of the day away. In a large armoire, extra clothes are provided, fitted to the room’s occupant in both sizing and style.
Contingent of guards
  • four gnome warriors (Ftr-6)
  • two gnome illusionists (Wiz/illus-8)
Gnome Names
  • Tildrug Sabblechest
  • Qirocc Clocknoodle
  • Bretty Nockplenty
  • Dededelbop Clayfitlacks
  • Erbag Earbang
  • Kradi Fillybingne
Alternative Names
Manor house / Meeting hall
Parent Location
Characters in Location

Cover image: by 3orcs


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