G1 Old House of Prince Jimm Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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G1 Old House of Prince Jimm

A Historical Gnome Residence of Political Intrigue
The Old House of Jimm, nestled in the heart of the Gnomesberg Gnome Quarter of Verbobonc, represents a blend of history and ongoing political significance. Once the primary residence of Prince Jimm Pithriggen, this gnome mound has transitioned from a home to a hub for clandestine political gatherings. Despite moving to a more secure location, Prince Jimm retains this site for secretive meetings, underpinning its enduring role in Gnomes and regional politics.


From Royal Residence to Secret Meeting Haven
The Old House of Jimm has been a significant part of gnome heritage in Verbobonc, reflecting the prince's growth from a local leader to a key political figure. As threats and responsibilities increased, Prince Jimm constructed a new residence, yet this old house continues to serve as a strategic meeting point for gnomish patriots and is rumored to contain escape tunnels reflecting its importance in potential crises.
Historical Significance
  • Transition: Shift from a personal residence to a political meeting place.
  • Security Features: Rumored tunnels for emergency escapes, highlighting the tension within gnome politics.


Architectural Charm with Strategic Features
The structure showcases typical gnome architecture with its elaborate, mound-like design, standing out with its red paint and white railings. Two suits of armor decorate its entrance, symbolizing its historical importance and the prince's continuing influence.
Unique Architectural Elements
  • Gnome-style Features: Oval-shaped windows and intricate external decorations.
  • Interior Layout: Includes a main display room, secret meeting areas, and personal quarters reflecting both public and private uses.

Politics of Verbobonc

A Nexus of Gnome and City Relations
Prince Jimm's residence is more than just a home; it's a political statement in the delicate balance of power between the gnomes of the Kron Hills and the city of Verbobonc. Jimm's efforts to maintain independence while fostering relationships highlight the complex dynamics at play.

Evolving from Traditional to Influential

Prince Jimm's move from the quaint Old House in Gnomesberg to the grand  B6 Manor of Prince Jimm in a bustling commercial district of Verbobonc signifies a pivotal transformation in his leadership and the role of the Kron Hills Gnomes within the city. This relocation is not just a change of residence but a strategic positioning that reflects the evolving political landscape and the prince’s aspirations for greater influence and security.
Reasons for the Move
From Safety to Status
  • Increased Security Concerns: As Prince Jimm's political role expanded, so did the security threats against him. The new manor, with state-of-the-art security features, including rumored magical protections and escape routes, offers much-needed safety for him and his entourage.
  • Desire for Greater Influence: Relocating to a commercial hub allows Prince Jimm direct access to the economic and political heartbeat of Verbobonc, enabling him to forge and maintain influential connections more effectively.

Notable People

Prince Jimm and His Loyal Retainers
Staff and Associates
  • Loyal Staff: Many of Jimm's original household staff remain, continually managing the estate and supporting his political endeavors.
  • Gnomish Patriots: Key figures in the gnome independence movement frequently meet here, planning and strategizing under Jimm's guidance.

Conclusion: "A Legacy of Gnome Leadership"

The Old House of Jimm remains a pivotal location in Verbobonc's Gnomesberg Quarter, encapsulating the historical depth and ongoing political vitality of the gnome community. It serves as a reminder of Prince Jimm's journey from a beloved local leader to a key political figure, embodying the spirit of gnome resilience and independence.
Mansion / Villa
Owning Organization
Prince Jimm by 3orcs

Cover image: Gnome Rents by 3orcs


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