G2 Hilewy’s Gnome Palace Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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G2 Hilewy’s Gnome Palace

All the comforts of home for gnomes. From the outside, this looks similar to every other gnome mound, but as soon as one enters the palace, they find themselves in Gnome splendor. The underground inn is huge by gnome standards (most of the upper levels are cleverly concealed in a large Ipt tree and several illusions. All needs are taken care of by the skilled staff and each patron gets a private burrow (all connected by intricate tunnels).

A Hub of Gnome Culture and Politics

Luxurious Underhill Splendor
Hilewy's Gnome Palace stands as a beacon of gnome culture and opulence within the Gnomesberg Gnome Quarter of Verbobonc. From the outside, it appears as a typical gnome mound, but inside, it transforms into a vast underground mansion that offers all the comforts of a luxurious gnome residence, complete with private burrows, intricate tunnels, and grand communal spaces that are cleverly concealed by illusions.
Lord Hilewy, the owner
is a significant political figure and represents the Greenway Valley Gnomes. The palace frequently hosts key gnome dignitaries like Clanlord Urthgan Tulvar and Prince Jimm Pithriggen, making it a focal point for important political and social gatherings.
Innovative Architecture and Illusory Grandeur
The palace is ingeniously integrated into a large Ipt tree, with interiors expanded through magical illusions to appear more spacious and grandiose. It features low ceilings and furnishings scaled for gnomes, with every space meticulously designed to enhance the comfort and delight of its guests.
  • Architectural Ingenuity: The palace creatively utilizes space with most of its structure hidden within an Ipt tree and enhanced by magical illusions.
  • Interior Design: Every inch of the interior is crafted to reflect traditional gnome aesthetics, featuring low ceilings, quaint furniture, and illusionary enhancements like perpetual fresh flowers and animated fairies.


A Nexus of Conflict and Commerce The palace is entangled in the complex Verbobonc Politics, particularly with issues surrounding gnome autonomy and human encroachment on gnome territories. It plays a crucial role in negotiations and strategic planning for the gnome community's future.
  • Regional Tensions: Recent political maneuvers by human lords to claim gnome-held mines have heightened tensions, affecting trade and security in the region.
  • Security Concerns: The withdrawal of Mounted Borderers has led to increased bandit attacks, threatening the safety of gnome merchant caravans and straining relations within the city.

Exclusivity and Cultural Immersion

  • Accommodations: Each burrow is meticulously designed to offer a unique and culturally immersive experience, featuring illusion-based decorations and gnome-specific amenities.
  • Cuisine: The inn specializes in authentic gnome dishes, with ingredients sourced from the Kron Hills, presented in elaborate buffets adorned with illusionary elements.
Conclusion: "A Cultural and Political Landmark"
Hilewy's Gnome Palace is more than just an estate; it's a cultural stronghold and a political forum for the gnomes of Verbobonc and beyond. It plays a crucial role in maintaining gnome heritage and serves as a central point for critical discussions and decisions affecting the gnome communities of the Kron Hills. Its unique blend of luxurious accommodations and a strategic political role makes it a key player in the ongoing dynamics of the region.
Notable People
Gnome Elites and Political Figures
  • Lord Hilewy: The proprietor and a prominent figure of Verbobonc Politics on the Council of Lords, representing the Greenway Valley Gnomes.
  • Staff and Visitors: Staffed entirely by gnomes, the palace often hosts dignitaries such as Clanlord Urthgan Tulvar and Prince Jimm, making it a critical venue for political discourse within the gnome community.  
Free Alliance of the Kron Hills
Mansion / Villa
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization
Lord Hilewy by 3orcs

Cover image: Gnome Rents by 3orcs


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