H5 Tower of Juelihm the Conjurer Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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H5 Tower of Juelihm the Conjurer

The Tower of Juelihm the Conjurer stands as a testament to the power and mystery of magic within Verbobonc. Its master, Juelihm, not only leads the Silver Consortium but also commands respect from the magical community far and wide. The tower’s deceptive defenses and the strategic location underscore its importance in the local and broader magical and political landscapes of the region.

Location and Appearance

  • Situated across the Velverdyva River from Verbobonc, southwest of the Ryemend district walls.
  • The tower offers strategic views up and down the Velverdyva River and oversees the annexed Ryemend district and docks.
  • Outwardly appears normal but is surrounded by potent magical defenses to ensure privacy.

Magical Defenses

  • Enchanted with illusions to deter trespassers, including the appearance of an army or transforming intruders into frogs.
  • The ground around the tower may appear to consume the feet of those who dare to approach without permission.
  • If illusions fail, magical traps and summoned creatures are ready to defend the tower.


  • Shielded against scrying and extra-dimensional travel to prevent unauthorized spying and teleportation.

Master of the Tower

  • Juelihm the Conjurer, a Human Wizard of 14th level, resides here when seeking solitude away from the Silver Consortium.
  • Renowned for his leadership of the Silver Consortium wizards guild with notable skill and influence.
  • Rumored to have been approached by members of the Circle of Eight, indicating his high standing in magical circles.

Role in the Community

  • Maintains a significant presence in the Nyr Dyv region, contributing to its magical knowledge and defense.
  • The tower's strategic location and Juelihm's mastery of magic make it a key point of interest for both allies and potential foes.

Narrative approach to the tower

As you approach the solitary tower standing stark against the sky, you're struck by its unassuming appearance. It seems just like any other mage's tower, save for the palpable aura of magic that clings to its stones. Your steps, initially confident, begin to falter as the air grows thick with enchantment. The tower, home to Juelihm the Conjurer, master of the Silver Consortium, is rumored to be laced with defenses both cunning and formidable. You're about to find out how true those rumors are. Suddenly, the ground beneath your feet seems to come alive, an army materializing from the very air, their spectral weapons gleaming with ethereal light. You pause, heart racing, as you realize these warriors are nothing but illusions, phantoms designed to deter. Laughing to yourself, you push forward, only for your amusement to turn to astonishment. With each step, the ground feels as though it's beginning to consume you, your boots sinking into the earth as if it were a monstrous, hungry maw.   In a panic, you try to retreat, but it's too late. A sensation unlike any other washes over you, a magical transformation that redefines your very being. Your perspective shifts dramatically as you shrink, your body compacting into a new, amphibious form. You've become a frog, your world now a vast, unrecognizable terrain of towering grass and monstrous insects.   But the tower's defenses are not yet satisfied. As you, now a small frog, attempt to leap away from this nightmare, a new horror emerges. From the shadows of the tower, a monstrous two-headed troll lumbers forward, its eyes ablaze with anger and its mouths twisted in a threatening snarl. It's clear this creature is no illusion but a summoned guardian, ready to defend its master's solitude with ferocious intent.   The troll's every step causes the ground to tremble, its heads turning this way and that, seeking out the intruder who dared to trespass. As one of its massive feet comes dangerously close to squashing you, your heart pounds with the fear that this might be the end.   In this moment, as a tiny frog staring down a monstrous defender of the tower, you realize the full extent of Juelihm the Conjurer's magical prowess. The tower's defenses are not just formidable; they are a testament to the wizard's skill and creativity, a clear warning to all would-be trespassers that Juelihm values his privacy above all else.   As the troll's dual heads bicker amongst themselves, momentarily distracted, you seize the chance. With all the strength your small frog legs can muster, you leap away, seeking the safety of the underbrush, away from the tower and its terrifying guardian. Your adventure at the tower of Juelihm the Conjurer has ended, but the tale of how you were turned into a frog and narrowly escaped a troll will be one you recount for years to come—if you ever manage to find a way back to your original form.

Inside the Tower of Juelihm

As you step inside Juelihm the Conjurer's tower, the contrast to its grand exterior is immediately apparent. The base of the tower is unexpectedly modest, furnished with a mere handful of unassuming chairs and a sideboard. Atop this sideboard rests a crystal decanter, its contents a glowing amber liquid, a silent offering to those rare guests invited into this private sanctum. The warmth from a blazing hearth fills the room, a beacon of comfort against the chill that clings to the stone walls. Above this hearth, the space is dominated by a tasteful painting of Juelihm himself, his gaze surveying the room with an air of silent authority.   However, this seemingly unremarkable entrance belies the true marvels that lay concealed within. Juelihm's tower is a labyrinth of hidden tunnels and chambers, their entrances obscured by the cunning use of illusionary walls. These secretive spaces serve as his sanctuaries for spell research, areas where he can delve into the arcane without restraint or risk to the outside world. It is here, in these secluded chambers, that Juelihm experiments with magic of great danger and power, far beyond what he would dare explore within the confines of the Silver Consortium.   Each chamber is meticulously organized, filled with arcane texts, ingredients for spellcasting, and artifacts of unknown origins. Runes glow softly on the walls, part of the complex array of protective spells that safeguard the wizard and his work. In these hidden depths, Juelihm pushes the boundaries of magical knowledge, crafting spells that could alter the very fabric of reality.

Notable People

Juelihm the Conjurer (Human Wiz-14) runs the Silver Consortium with great skill. He has maintained a high profile in the Nyr Dyv region and rumour has it that the members of the Circle of Eight have approached Juelihm.

Permission granted to enter

As soon as permission to enter is given, a winding staircase wide enough for three humanoids suddenly appears, as if it had been there all along. You notice that with every new stair you climb as you ascend to the top, a series of pale blue runes on the steps themselves continue lighting your way upward to the master’s laboratory and the mysteries within.
by 3orcs
Room, Tower, Wizard
Parent Location

Cover image: by 3orcs


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