Kathryn Sarcina Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Kathryn Sarcina

Lady Sarcina

The Enigmatic Noble of Verbobonc


Lady Kathryn Sarcina stands as a testament to the resilience and adaptability of Verbobonc's nobility. Her family, having its roots deeply intertwined with Furyondian nobility, leveraged economic booms and political savvy to ascend to the forefront of Verbobonc's aristocracy. Despite the murky origins and the initial unpopularity due to their ascent, the Sarcinas have outlived the disdain once held against them, largely through the efforts and persona of Lady Kathryn.

Rise to Prominence

  • Economic Boom: The Sarcina family's rise was catalyzed by Verbobonc's annexation by Furyondy.
  • Noble Connections: Ties with Furyondian nobility played a pivotal role.
  • Overcoming Unpopularity: Historical controversies have faded, elevating House Sarcina family's status. 

Lady Kathryn Sarcina

  • A Beacon of Charm: Known for her unparalleled beauty and sharp wit.
  • Tragedy and Strength: The loss of her husband and only child has not dimmed her spirit.
  • Speculation and Romance: Her association with Horrus, the Viscount's son, sparked widespread speculation.
  • Political Implications: Her potential union with Horrus worried Veluna's nobles and excited Verbobonc's citizens.
  • Quest for Love: Despite Horrus' disappearance, she remains loyal, hiring adventurers in hopes of finding him.
"Our charm and intellect have always been our greatest assets, steering us through the tides of politics and society."

Personality and Interests

  • Cosmopolitan and Charming: Lady Kathryn is celebrated for her engaging personality and broad knowledge.
  • Unmatched Beauty and Wit: Regarded as the most beautiful woman in the Viscounty, her intelligence is as acclaimed as her looks.
  • Dedicated and Hopeful: Her dedication to finding Horrus underscores a romantic and hopeful nature.
  • Political Acumen: Astutely navigates the complex political landscape of Verbobonc and its surrounding regions.

Political and Social Influence

  • Noble Liaison: Acts as a bridge between Verbobonc's aristocracy and its citizens, leveraging her popularity for political influence.
  • Veluna's Concern: Her actions and potential alliances are closely watched by neighboring nobles, especially in Veluna.
  • Champion of the People: Despite her noble status, Lady Kathryn is beloved by the common folk, enhancing her family's reputation and power.
"My dedication to finding Horrus is not just a political endeavor but a personal mission of loyalty and love."


Lady Kathryn Sarcina is a paragon of nobility in Verbobonc, embodying the grace, intelligence, and strength that mark the region's leaders. Her personal tragedies have not diminished her but instead added depth to her character, making her a beloved figure among both the aristocracy and the populace. Her story is one of perseverance, love, and unwavering commitment to her family and the Viscounty, setting her apart as one of the most influential figures in Verbobonc's noble circles.



Based on the provided backstory and characteristics of Lady Kathryn Sarcina, her alignment would likely be Neutral Good. This is inferred from her actions and motivations, which include:
  • Her focus on the well-being of others, demonstrated by her spending a significant sum of money hiring adventurers to seek out Horrus, indicating a concern for individuals beyond herself.
  • Treating all her suitors with the dignity of her station, despite having no interest in them beyond Horrus, showing respect and kindness towards others.
  • Her popularity and charm, combined with her wit and knowledge, suggest she values harmony and aims to use her influence for the good of Verbobonc and its people.
  • Neutral Good characters are guided by their conscience rather than a commitment to law or freedom, aiming to do the best they can to help others according to their needs.

Physical Description

  • Striking Appearance: Lady Kathryn is often described as having a captivating presence, with features that reflect both her noble heritage and the personal strength forged through adversity.
  • Elegant and Graceful: She carries herself with an elegance and grace that commands respect and admiration.
Lady Kathryn Sarcina is a figure of stunning beauty and composure, standing at a height that allows her to carry both elegance and authority in her presence. Her hair, a cascade of shimmering golden locks, frames a face marked by a refined grace, with sharp, intelligent eyes of a deep, captivating blue that seem to hold the wisdom of the ages. Her skin is fair, almost porcelain, lending her an ethereal quality that is both striking and warm. She moves with a confidence and grace that is matched only by her impeccable fashion sense, favoring gowns of exquisite craftsmanship that complement her statuesque figure. Lady Sarcina's demeanor is poised and dignified, yet there's a kindness in her smile that speaks of a genuine warmth beneath her noble facade.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
548 28 Years old
deep, captivating blue
shimmering golden locks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In the dance of politics and power, grace and wisdom lead the steps. For Verbobonc, I shall be both the music and the dancer."
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Sarcina coat of arms by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Lady Sarcina by 3orcs


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