A8 Sarcina Manor Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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A8 Sarcina Manor

A Beacon of Nobility and Grandeur in Verbobonc

Nestled in the cobblestone streets of the High Quarter district, across from the imposing Trithereon Cathedral on Temple Square, stands the majestic Manor of Lady Kathryn Sarcina. As a cornerstone of the High Quarter and situated at the foot of Castle Greyfist hill, Lady Sarcina's Manor is not just a residence but a testament to the power of nobility, culture, and the art of diplomacy within the city walls of Verbobonc.

Architectural Marvel and Social Hub

The Manor's Grand Design
  • Fortified Elegance: Surrounded by 20-foot high walls and towering 30-foot fortifications, the manor combines the security of a fortress with the grace of a noble estate.
  • Servants and Guests Quarters: The outer compound includes three-story buildings dedicated to housing the manor’s many servants and esteemed guests, ensuring comfort and privacy.

Center of High Society

  • Venue for Grand Events: Lady Sarcina’s Manor is renowned for hosting grand ballrooms, lavish banquets, and a myriad of social events that draw the elite of Verbobonc and beyond.
  • Preparation and Decoration: With a significant portion of the staff and manor space devoted to event planning, the compound is a constant whirlwind of activity, always in preparation for the next grand occasion.
  • Cultural Influencer: Through her grand social events, Lady Sarcina plays a pivotal role in shaping the cultural and social landscape of Verbobonc, with her manor serving as the stage for the city’s most memorable gatherings.

Security Measures and Personal Pursuits

Vigilant Protection
  • Castle-Type Fortifications: Guardsmen patrol the grounds, supported by magical glyphs of warding, creating a secure environment within the High Quarter.
  • Suitors’ Guards: A unique aspect of the manor’s security is the presence of guards posted by Lady Sarcina’s numerous suitors, each with their own secret missions and agendas.
  • Guarded Access: Guards maintain a vigilant watch, ensuring that only those with legitimate business gain access to the High Quarter, safeguarding the district's exclusivity and security.

Lady Sarcina’s Quests and Library

  • Adventurers for Hire: Lady Sarcina has invested heavily in hiring adventurers to seek out Horrus, though none have yet returned successfully from their quests.
  • Private Library: The manor boasts an extensive personal library, containing rare volumes and texts that are sought after by scholars and magic practitioners alike. Some rare volumes that are unavailable anywhere else (even in the Silver Consortium).

The Manor as a Cultural Pillar

Located strategically across from the Trithereon Cathedral, Lady Sarcina’s Manor not only reflects the power and individuality championed by "The Summoner" but also serves as a beacon of freedom and self-expression within Verbobonc. The church's influence, coupled with Lady Sarcina's patronage, fosters a culture of individuality and liberty, making the High Quarter a vibrant center for intellectual and social exchange.


Lady Kathryn Sarcina’s Manor is more than just a residence; it is a focal point of Verbobonc’s high society, a bastion of security, and a center for cultural and intellectual pursuits. Positioned across from the Trithereon Cathedral and within the protective embrace of the High Quarter’s fortifications, the manor symbolizes the blend of tradition and individuality that characterizes the spirit of Verbobonc. As Lady Sarcina continues to host her grand events and pursue her quests for knowledge, her manor remains a testament to the nobility’s enduring legacy and the vibrant social fabric of the city.
by 3orcs
Mansion / Villa
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Home of the Matriarch of the Sarcina Noble house of Verbobonc. House Sarcina sponsors the Knights of Verbobonc, off which Lady Kathryn's brother Parcival Sarcina is the current Grandmaster (Human LN Fighter/Cavilier).  
Sarcina coat of arms by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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