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Meldreeb Keeleene


Meldreeb Keeleene serves as the semi-official diplomat, trader, and ranger for the gnome village of Sheernobb. Known for his shrewd negotiation skills and keen observational prowess, Meldreeb is a crucial figure in maintaining and enhancing the village's trade relations and diplomatic ties. Despite his fast-talking, scatterbrained facade, Meldreeb is a formidable presence in the political landscape of the Viscounty of Verbobonc, particularly amidst increasing bandit activity along the 'Long Road'.


Physical Appearance
Meldreeb Keeleene is a typical gnome in stature, standing at around 3 feet tall. He has sharp, inquisitive eyes that sparkle with intelligence, often hidden behind a scatterbrained exterior. His hair is a mix of auburn and grey, worn in a neatly trimmed style that reflects his meticulous nature.
Meldreeb projects an appearance of a fast-talking, scatterbrained gnome, which he uses to his advantage in negotiations and diplomacy. Beneath this facade lies a shrewd and calculating mind, always observing and assessing those around him. He takes pleasure in being underestimated by others, turning their assumptions to his benefit.


Early Life
Meldreeb was born and raised in Sheernobb, growing up amidst the lush hills and tight-knit gnome community. From a young age, he showed an aptitude for negotiation and trade, skills that would later define his role within the village.
Rise to Prominence
His keen intellect and ability to navigate complex social and political landscapes quickly propelled him to a position of semi-official diplomat and trader. Meldreeb’s success in securing favorable trade deals and fostering diplomatic relations has earned him a respected place in Sheernobb.
Significant Events
Trade Negotiations: Successfully negotiated trade agreements with neighboring regions, enhancing Sheernobb's economic stability. Diplomatic Missions: Played a key role in resolving conflicts and building alliances with other gnome settlements and human territories.

Role and Duties

Diplomat and Trader: Meldreeb's primary role involves representing Sheernobb in trade negotiations and diplomatic discussions. He ensures that the village secures favorable terms and maintains positive relationships with external entities.   Ranger Duties: In addition to his diplomatic and trade responsibilities, Meldreeb serves as a ranger, patrolling the areas surrounding Sheernobb to ensure the safety of travelers and merchants.
He reports directly to Headgnome Glennddarc, keeping him informed of any significant developments or threats, particularly concerning bandit activity along the 'Long Road'.
Bandit Activity on the 'Long Road'
Current Situation
Meldreeb has observed a steady increase in bandit activity along the 'Long Road,' which stretches from Etterboek to Ostverk, passing through key regions like Cienega Valley, Hommlet, and Sheernobb.
  • Increased Robberies: Bandits have escalated from minor harassment to fully-fledged robberies, affecting both human and gnome merchant wagons.
  • Merchant Concerns: Merchants are increasingly arming themselves in response to the threat, but this has not deterred the bandits.
  • Viscount's Withdrawal: The recent pullback of the Mounted Borderers patrols from the Kron Hills has left the region vulnerable, with the closest fort now in Cienega Valley, far from the areas of most concern.

Political Relationships

Local Politics
Meldreeb works closely with Headgnome Glennddarc and the village council, advocating for strategies to address the bandit threat and improve security along trade routes.
Regional Influence
  • Verbobonc, Viscounty: Engages with Viscounty officials to highlight the impact of bandit activity and seek support for increased security measures.
  • Neighboring Regions: Fosters alliances with neighboring gnome settlements and human villages to strengthen regional trade networks and mutual protection.
Key Political Figures
  • Headgnome Glennddarc Keeleene: Meldreeb reports directly to him, ensuring that the village's leadership is informed of any significant developments.
  • Trade Partners: Maintains strong relationships with merchants and traders, advocating for fair treatment and addressing issues of exploitation and cheating.


Community Bonds
Meldreeb is deeply connected to the Sheernobb community, seen as both a protector and a representative. His efforts in trade and diplomacy are crucial for the village’s prosperity.
External Relations
  • Merchants: Works to secure favorable trade deals and address issues of banditry and exploitation.
  • Neighbors: Collaborates with other gnome and human settlements to enhance regional stability and security.
Staff Dynamics
  • Trade Associates: Manages a network of traders and merchants who rely on his guidance and negotiation skills.
  • Rangers: Coordinates with other rangers to patrol and protect the 'Long Road' from bandit threats.
  Meldreeb Keeleene is a vital figure in Sheernobb, balancing diplomacy, trade, and security amidst the challenges posed by bandit activity along the 'Long Road'. His shrewd mind and dedication to his village make him a formidable presence in the political and economic landscape of the Viscounty of Verbobonc.
"The bandits have stayed away from the village, and they are concerned with sending out a force and leaving Sheernobb vulnerable."
Scout Meldreeb Keeleene
  • Rogue level 3
  • hp 22; BtH +2
  • Spd 20 ft.; AC 17 (+1 size, +2 studded leather armor, +2 Dex
  • melee 1d4+1, dagger, or +6 ranged light crossbow
  • SA Rog Sneak Attack; SQ Rog Evasion
  • Str 12, Dex 16 (+2), Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12
Speak Language (Gnome, Common, Elven, Orc, Dwarven, Giant, Draconic)
Special Qualities
Low Light Vision, +4 Dodge verse Giants, +1 Attack verses Kobolds and Goblinkind, +2 save verses illusion, Speak with animal once per day for 1 minute. Cast dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation each once per day as 1st Level caster.
leather armor, dagger, light crossbow, case with 12 bolts, pouch containing 12 gp and 30 sp, pouch containing flint and steel, pouch containing 25 gp.
Meldreeb is a fast-talking, scatterbrained gnome with a shrewd mind and keen observational skills. He enjoys being underestimated, using this to his advantage in negotiations and diplomacy.
Born and raised in Sheernobb, Meldreeb's aptitude for negotiation and trade became apparent at a young age. His rise to prominence as a diplomat and trader has been marked by significant achievements in securing favorable trade deals and fostering diplomatic relations.
Meldreeb is driven by a desire to protect and enhance Sheernobb's prosperity. He is committed to ensuring the safety of trade routes and addressing the growing threat of bandit activity.
Political Relationships
  • With Sheernobb: Works closely with the village leadership to address security concerns and enhance trade.
  • With External Entities: Maintains diplomatic and trade relationships with neighboring regions, advocating for Sheernobb's interests.
Duties and Opinions on Bandit Raid Problems
  • Duties: Represents Sheernobb in trade negotiations, diplomatic discussions, and regional security efforts.
  • Opinions: Frustrated by the increasing bandit activity and the lack of sufficient response from regional authorities. Advocates for a more proactive approach to addressing the threat, despite concerns about leaving Sheernobb vulnerable.
Chaotic good
Year of Birth
527 49 Years old
Ranger Scout clothing
brilliant glittering blue sapphire
curly dark blonde
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Opinions and Comments
  1. "With these bandit problems, it won’t be long before the merchants will have to arm themselves."
  2. "I know he’s been talk’n about rallying the militia to go after the bandits, but the Headgnome has cautioned against it."
  3. "The bandits have stayed away from the village, and they are concerned with sending out a force and leaving Sheernobb vulnerable."
  4. "This would not be happening if the Viscount did not pull back the Mounted Borderer patrols in the Kron Hills."
  5. "A short time and the bandit activity has slowly, but steadily increased."
  6. "The town shop had a whole shipment taken not long ago."
  7. "I am just about at my wits end with this."

Meldreebs special pouches

Herbal special blends of Quare and Marigold in a way that can be sniffed by the pursuing wolf slows down pursuit quickly as the wolf is thrown into a sneezing fit with yelps, tearing eyes and clogged nose. The wolf afflicted in this way cannot track for half a day. Makes the eyes water and causes a lot of sneezing. If you find a sniffer on your trail and they sniff this, they won't want to sniff anything the rest of the day.

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Meldreeb Keeleene by 3orcs


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