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Clan Keeleene

Clan Keeleene, a prominent gnome family in Sheernobb and Greenway Valley, has been instrumental in shaping the region's history and culture. Known for their craftsmanship, trade acumen, and leadership, the Keeleene family plays a vital role in the socio-political landscape of the Verbobonc, Viscounty.


Geographic Overview
Clan Keeleene resides primarily in Sheernobb, a gnome village nestled between rural farmlands and the Gnarley Forest , and Greenway Valley, a hub of gnome settlements in the Kron Hills. These locations are known for their picturesque landscapes, vibrant gnome communities, and strategic importance in trade and politics.
Key Locations
  • Sheernobb: A village with subterranean homes and a strong sense of community.
  • Greenway Valley: A crucial trade conduit with twelve townships governed by gnome families.


The Keeleene family has ancient roots in the Kron Hills, with their influence stretching back to before the Suel migration. Their mastery in gem-cutting and craftsmanship laid the foundation for their prosperity.
Significant Events

Society and Culture

Community Structure
Clan Keeleene is deeply integrated into the fabric of Sheernobb and Greenway Valley. Their leadership is characterized by a blend of traditional values and innovative practices, fostering a close-knit and resilient community.
Cultural Practices
  • Craftsmanship: Renowned for their gem-cutting skills and intricate craftsmanship.
  • Celebrations: Known for hosting grand celebrations and festivals, reflecting their jovial nature and love for community bonding.

Political Relationships

Local Politics
Clan Keeleene plays a pivotal role in Sheernobb's governance, ensuring stability and prosperity through inclusive leadership and strategic planning.
Regional Politics
  • Verbobonc, Viscounty: Navigates complex political landscapes, advocating for the gnome community's interests while managing tensions with human nobility.
  • Free Alliance of the Kron Hills: Active participants in the alliance, collaborating with other gnome families for mutual benefit.
Key Political Figures
  • Headgnome Glennddarc Keeleene: Maintains diplomatic relations and oversees local governance.
  • Clan Leader Habooni Keeleene: Acts as a liaison, fostering relationships and addressing trade concerns.

Economy and Trade

Trade Dynamics
The Keeleene family is central to the region's economic activities, particularly in gem-cutting and trade. They leverage their skills and strategic location to facilitate trade with surrounding regions.
Key Economic Activities
  • Gem-Cutting: High-quality craftsmanship that is highly sought after.
  • Trade Networks: Engages in trade through Greenway Valley, ensuring the flow of goods to Verbobonc and beyond.
Economic Challenges
Trade Disruptions: Recent political tensions and security issues have affected trade routes, necessitating careful navigation of economic relationships.


Defense Structure
Clan Keeleene contributes to Sheernobb's defense, maintaining readiness through a well-organized militia and strategic alliances with neighboring communities.
Key Military Engagements
  • The Hateful Wars: Significant contributions in driving out humanoid hordes.
  • Recent Raids: Active in defending the village from external threats.
Military Alliances
  • Dwarven Clans: Collaborates with dwarven allies for mutual defense.
  • Centaurs: Works with centaurs to protect the halfling community of Littleburrow.


Internal Relations
Within Sheernobb and Greenway Valley, Clan Keeleene fosters strong community ties, ensuring mutual support and cooperation among the gnomes.
External Relations
  • Humans: Maintains cautious but constructive relationships with human neighbors, balancing trade interests and cultural preservation.
  • Neighboring Gnome Families: Collaborates with other gnome families within the Free Alliance of the Kron Hills.

Lore and Mythology

Gnomish Beliefs
The Keeleene family is deeply spiritual, with their practices centered around Garl Glittergold and the gnome pantheon. Their religious activities are integral to their cultural identity.
  • Keeleene Mines: Tales of secret mines rich in gems, guarded fiercely by the family.
  • Elemental Evil: Stories of the clan's bravery in historic battles.


Clan Keeleene stands as a pillar of strength, wisdom, and cultural heritage in Sheernobb and Greenway Valley. Their leadership, craftsmanship, and dedication to the community ensure that the gnome settlements thrive, maintaining their traditions while navigating the complexities of the broader political landscape.

"In times of strife, the Keeleene family stands as a sanctuary of hope and resilience."

Clan Leader Habooni Keeleene by 3orcs
Headgnome Glennddarc Keeleene 
  • Description: Stout and sturdy, with a twinkle in his eye and a meticulously groomed beard. Known for his wisdom, humor, and dedication to the village.
  • Leadership: Glennddarc views the villagers as his children and is deeply committed to their happiness and well-being.
  • Motivations: Ensuring the prosperity of Sheernobb, maintaining magical illusions, gem-cutting, and his love for his wife.
Clan leader Habooni Keeleene 
  • Description: A cheerful and charismatic gnome of 160 years, known for his hospitality and practical jokes.
  • Personality: Optimistic and confident, though not entirely honest, he protects family secrets and enjoys socializing.
  • Motivations: Safeguarding the family's interests and maintaining good relations with humans despite underlying tensions.
Tulver - Greenway Valley by 3orcs

Cover image: Kron Hills by 3orcs
Character flag image: Clan Keeleene Herald by 3orcs


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