Ralliq Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Patrol Leader

Ralliq, a seasoned patrol leader stationed at 1. Fort Emridy under the command of Olean Rodrigo, is a key figure in the defense and security of Cienega Valley. As a five-year veteran of the Verbobonc Military, Ralliq has faced numerous challenges, particularly with bandit activity and tensions involving the gnomes from Nulb. His background and experiences have shaped him into a relentless and determined leader, committed to protecting the region and its people.


Ralliq is a human male ranger of formidable skill and resilience. Standing at an average height with a sturdy build, he bears the marks of his hard-fought battles. His eyes, hardened by the loss and strife of his past, remain ever vigilant. He is often seen in his patrol gear, which is practical and battle-worn, signifying his readiness to engage in combat at a moment's notice.


Ralliq is known for his intense focus and unyielding determination. While he is often quiet and introspective, his actions speak volumes about his dedication to his duty. He harbors a deep-seated desire for justice, driven by the personal tragedy he experienced in his youth. His leadership style is firm but fair, earning him the respect and loyalty of his patrol members.


Ralliq was born in the modest village of Anshan, where his family struggled to make ends meet. His childhood was marred by hardship, and his life took a tragic turn when he was 16. During a day-trip in the moors, he returned to find his family home destroyed, his father impaled, and his mother beheaded. The sight of the man responsible burned into his memory, and despite his attempt to confront the murderer, Ralliq was easily defeated and left broken.   This traumatic event fueled Ralliq's resolve to fight against injustice. He joined the Mounted Borderers, where he found a new sense of purpose. Over the years, he has honed his skills, becoming a formidable ranger and a key asset to Fort Emridy. Key Historical Events
  • Family Tragedy: Witnessed the brutal murder of his parents at 16, which set him on his path to seek justice.
  • Joining the Mounted Borderers: Found solace and purpose in the military, where he developed his skills and rose through the ranks.
  • Defending Verbobonc: Played a crucial role in various skirmishes and patrols, protecting the region from bandits and other threats.


Ralliq's relationships are primarily professional, built on mutual respect and shared experiences in the field. He maintains close ties with his patrol members and holds Commander Olean Rodrigo in high regard.
Key Relationships
  • Commander Olean Rodrigo: Ralliq respects Rodrigo's leadership and strategic mind, often looking to him for guidance and support.
  • Patrol Members: Works closely with his patrol team, forming a tight-knit group dedicated to their mission.
  • Local Inhabitants: Though he maintains a professional distance, Ralliq is committed to protecting the people of Cienega Valley and values their safety above all.

Military and Patrol Duties

As a patrol leader, Ralliq is responsible for leading his team in maintaining the security of the roads and surrounding areas. His patrols are vigilant, often dealing with bandit raids and other threats. He works tirelessly to ensure that the region remains safe and that any signs of danger are promptly addressed.
  • Patrolling Roads: Ensures the roads are safe for travelers and merchants, deterring bandits and other threats.
  • Investigating Threats: Conducts investigations into suspicious activities, particularly those involving recent bandit groups from Nulb.
  • Protecting Caravans: Provides security for merchant caravans, ensuring their safe passage through the region.
  • Training Patrol Members: Oversees the training and readiness of his patrol team, maintaining high standards of discipline and effectiveness.

Challenges and Conflicts

Ralliq faces numerous challenges in his role. The increasing bandit activity, political tensions, and gnome troubles all contribute to the complexities of his duties. He often feels constrained by the political landscape, which sometimes prevents him from taking the decisive actions he believes are necessary.
Key Challenges
  • Bandit Threats: Persistent raids and attacks by bandit groups, particularly those originating from Nulb.
  • Gnome Tensions: Rising tensions with the gnome community, complicating patrols and security efforts.
  • Resource Constraints: Limited resources and support, making it difficult to effectively patrol and secure the entire region.

Current Situation

Ralliq and his patrol team are currently focused on addressing the latest threats and ensuring the safety of the region. They have encountered various challenges, including suspicious activities involving gnome merchants and recent attacks from raiders.
Key Information
  • Caravan Incident: A recent patrol discovered a destroyed caravan meant for a merchant named Vulin, rumored to have been staged by Tulvar gnomes.
  • Gnome and Hill Giant Attack: Another patrol was attacked by gnomes and a hill giant, leading to reduced patrols in the mountains.
  • Rising Hostility: Increased hostility from gnome merchants, with many starting to pull out of Verbobonc.
  • Raider Activity: Recent raiders are suspected to come from an eastern temple of evil, though they lack organization.


Ralliq is a dedicated and relentless patrol leader at Fort Emridy, driven by personal tragedy and a strong sense of justice. His leadership and commitment to protecting the region make him a vital figure in the defense of Cienega Valley. Despite numerous challenges, Ralliq remains steadfast in his mission, ensuring the safety and security of the people and lands he serves.
"Every bandit stopped is a life saved."
Ralliq Patrol Leader
  • Ranger level 7, 51 hp
Ralliq's primary motivation is to protect the region and seek justice for those who cannot defend themselves. His personal history drives him to relentlessly pursue bandits and cultists, ensuring that others do not suffer the same fate as his family.
Personal Goals
  • Seek Justice: Continues to hunt down those responsible for his family's murder and other criminals in the region.
  • Maintain Security: Strives to keep the roads and surrounding areas safe from bandits and other threats.
  • Support the Community: Aims to provide a sense of security and stability for the people of Cienega Valley .
Neutral good
Current Location
Year of Birth
551 25 Years old
Attire: Sturdy patrol gear, equipped with various weapons and tools necessary for his duties
Piercing green, filled with determination
Short, brown, often unkempt
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In unity, we find our strength and purpose."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Ralliq Patrol Leader by 3orcs


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