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Rannos Davl

Rannos Davl, one of the co-proprietors of D&G Dry Goods & General Mercantile in Hommlet, is a slow, complacent merchant who appears content with running a simple trading post. He is known for his laid-back demeanor and commitment to serving the needs of villagers, travelers, and adventurers alike. Despite his seemingly unremarkable presence, Rannos plays a key role in the community, providing essential goods and services while maintaining a friendly relationship with his customers. His shop is a bustling hub of commerce in Hommlet, offering everything from household essentials to adventuring gear.

Role in the Community

Rannos is seen as a typical merchant, one who provides essential goods and services to the community. He maintains a cordial relationship with the villagers and participates in local events, ensuring that his presence is a constant but unremarkable part of Hommlet's daily life.

Background and Relationships

Rannos Davl established D&G Dry Goods & General Mercantile alongside his partner, Gremag Gozlin, to capitalize on the growing trade opportunities in Hommlet. Over time, the shop became a central hub for commerce in the village, attracting adventurers and travelers with its wide array of goods and services.
  • Gremag Gozlin: Rannos's business partner and co-conspirator, Gremag is both an ally and a confidant in their shared schemes. Together, they present a united front, handling the daily operations of the shop and ensuring their true motives remain hidden.
  • Villagers and Customers: Rannos maintains friendly relationships with his customers, ensuring he is seen as a helpful and reliable merchant. This helps mask his true intentions, allowing him to gather information and influence events subtly.
  • Profit: Rannos is driven by a desire for wealth, seeking out opportunities to exploit and manipulate for financial gain.
  • Influence: He aims to increase his influence in Hommlet and beyond, using his position as a merchant to gather intelligence and sway events to his advantage.

Current Activities

Shop Operations
Rannos is actively involved in the day-to-day operations of D&G Dry Goods & General Mercantile, ensuring the shop is well-stocked and organized. He interacts with customers regularly, offering deals and special orders to maintain the shop's reputation as a reliable trading post.
Community Engagement
Rannos participates in local events and gatherings, maintaining his image as a supportive member of the community. He uses these opportunities to network and gather information, keeping a finger on the pulse of Hommlet's affairs.
Secret Motivations and Plans
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True Allegiances
Rannos Davi is a servant of the Temple of Elemental Evil, using his position in Hommlet as a cover to further the Temple's dark goals. His true loyalty lies with the Temple, and he reports local activities to a brigand courier, ensuring that the Temple remains informed of potential threats and opportunities.
Evil Dealings
Collaboration with The Hangmen: Rannos collaborates with The Hangmen, using his shop to fence stolen goods and move contraband through Hommlet. This partnership allows him to profit from banditry and chaos in the region. Manipulation of Adventurers: Rannos is particularly interested in adventurers who uncover hidden treasures or dungeons. He gathers information from them under the guise of friendly conversation, then passes this intelligence on to evil adventurers who share a cut of their spoils with him.
Plans for Hommlet
Rannos intends to destabilize the region further by increasing bandit activities and fostering distrust among the villagers. He uses his influence to sow seeds of discord, all while maintaining his facade of a harmless merchant.
Partnership with Gremag
Together with Gremag, Rannos plots to increase their control over Hommlet, using the shop as a base of operations for their nefarious activities. They aim to extend their influence beyond the village, manipulating events to serve the Temple's interests and their own ambitions.
Exploitation of Bibi and Garent
Rannos uses Bibi and Garent as spies and agents, employing them to monitor adventurers and report any valuable discoveries. This allows Rannos to stay informed and maintain control over potential threats and opportunities in Hommlet.

Adventure Seed: The Hangmen

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Some of what the Trading Post sells comes from the less identifiable loot stolen from caravans in the Viscounty. The evil traders are in league with The Hangmen and report to Naelin. With the lure of easy riches, bands of evil humanoids are being drawn slowly but surely to Nulb and the bandit banner.   Other Hangmen base locations include:
1. The Rock Gardens , a natural cave south of Nulb along the river. He sends information to the demon imp Ulrick y Ulrick
2. The Mouthouse outside of the Village of Hommlet he sends information to the Lareth Beautiful
4. Grove Park, a well-known cobblestone inn & trading post far along the Low Road to the east.
5. Riverguard Keep working with mercenary band led by “Lord of the Castle” Jolliver Grimjaw is known as “Jolly” to his followers, as a shortening of his first name and an sarcastic comment on his demeanor. He leads bandits, who work for money rather than ideology, and water cultists.
6. Dunsmore, a noble estate several days west of Village of Hommlet .
  The information Rannos sends is about any activities in the Hommlet area to the bandit hideout Rock Gardens , the Moathouse and to the main base, but does not know that Naelin is located deep within the southern swamp at a place known as Qalnossk.   He will also send information to his contacts at the Gnoll Fortress , a ruined fortress in located in the Kron Hills these bandits strike at gnomish villages and passing caravans. However, left to it’s own devices the forces of The Hangmen could become a serious threat to the Viscounty of Verbobonc .
"Fortunes are made by those who seize the moment."
Merchant Rannos Davl
Rannos Davl is a man of Oeridian and Flan descent, characterized by his bulky, slow-moving frame and round, sweat-slicked face. He often wears simple, functional clothes that blend in with those of other merchants, further reinforcing his image as a harmless and somewhat lazy shopkeeper.
Outwardly, Rannos is placid and appears somewhat clumsy, giving off an air of complacency that puts others at ease. He often engages in light conversation with customers and is quick to offer discounts and deals to encourage trade. To most, he seems content with his life in Hommlet, running a shop and serving the needs of villagers and travelers alike.
Rannos Davl
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Level 10 Thief
  • hp 48, AC 2 (leather armor)
  • #AT 1; D 2-5 (dagger XP 3522.
  • Wears leather armor + 1, ring of protection +1
  • medallion vs. crystalballs and ESP (under his jerkin)
  • carries a dagger + 1, and keeps a shortsword + 1 under the counter.
  • S8 I14 W9 D18 Co15 Ch7
  • Aligment:: Chaotic evil
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
531 45 Years old
dark hazel
curly brown
200 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The wise man knows the value of a well-placed word."

Cover image: Village of Hommlet by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: RANNOS DAVL by 3orcs


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