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32. Tent Town

Tent Town is a temporary settlement situated at the eastern edge of the village of Hommlet, north of the Doomwatch Keep construction site, across the merchant Long Road. This makeshift community consists of temporary shelters housing laborers and their families, who are engaged in the construction of Doomwatch Keep. Tent Town is a bustling yet humble community, reflecting the daily lives and struggles of those working to build the new castle.

Layout and Structure

Tent Town comprises a dozen temporary shelters clustered along the edge of a copse of trees. These makeshift homes provide shelter for 18 laborers and their families, totaling 29 non-combatants. The tents are basic but functional, arranged in a loose formation to accommodate the daily routines and communal activities of the inhabitants.
  • Shelters: A mix of canvas tents and wooden lean-tos, providing basic protection from the elements.
  • Campfires: Central gathering spots for cooking, warmth, and socializing.
  • Storage Areas: Small, makeshift storage areas for tools, personal belongings, and construction materials.
  • Animal Pens: Enclosures for stray dogs and other animals that are part of the camp.

Lore and History

Tent Town emerged as a direct result of the Doomwatch Keep construction project. As laborers arrived to work on the keep, they needed a place to stay, leading to the establishment of this temporary settlement. The community has grown organically, with new arrivals setting up shelters and integrating into the existing camp.
The primary purpose of Tent Town is to provide housing and support for the laborers working on Doomwatch Keep. It serves as a temporary but essential part of the construction process, enabling the project to progress efficiently.
Daily Life
Life in Tent Town is characterized by hard work and modest living. The laborers spend their days at the construction site, while their families manage the camp, cook meals, and care for the children. Evenings are often spent around campfires, sharing stories and bonding over shared experiences. Motivation and Relationships
The inhabitants of Tent Town are driven by the promise of stable work and the hope of better futures. The laborers are motivated by the steady income provided by the construction work, while their families support them, striving for a semblance of normalcy amidst the transient nature of their lives.


  • With Each Other: The laborers and their families form a tight-knit community, relying on each other for support and camaraderie.
  • With the Village of Hommlet: While somewhat separate from the main village, the inhabitants of Tent Town interact with Hommlet's residents, occasionally participating in village events and frequenting the Inn of the Welcome Wench.
  • With Lord Burne and Lord Rufus: The laborers respect the lords for providing employment and are aware of the importance of their work in ensuring the security of the region.

Current Events

Construction Progress
The construction of Doomwatch Keep is ongoing, with significant progress being made on the foundations. The laborers work tirelessly, motivated by the importance of the project and the stability it promises for their families.
Economic Impact
The presence of Tent Town has had a notable impact on Hommlet's economy. Local businesses benefit from the increased demand for goods and services, while the laborers spend their earnings on essential supplies and occasional luxuries.
Social Dynamics
The transient nature of Tent Town creates a unique social dynamic. New laborers arrive with each shipment of materials, bringing fresh perspectives and skills to the camp. Meanwhile, some laborers return to Verbobonc with the empty wagons, maintaining a constant flux of people and experiences.


Tent Town at the edge of Hommlet is a testament to the resilience and determination of the laborers and their families. Despite the humble conditions, the community thrives, driven by the shared goal of constructing Doomwatch Keep. As the project progresses, Tent Town will continue to play a crucial role in the development of this strategic stronghold, contributing to the security and prosperity of the region.
Tent Town by 3orcs
Key Figures
  • Laborers: 18 Construction Workers (Commoners): The primary workforce, responsible for the physical labor of constructing Doomwatch Keep.
  • Families: 29 Peasants (Non-Combatants). The families of the laborers, including women, children, and elderly relatives, contribute to the camp's daily life and help maintain a semblance of normalcy.
  • Local Villagers: Occasionally, villagers from Hommlet join the laborers, contributing their efforts and skills to the project.
Hospitality, Camping
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners
Burne and Rufus Tower site

Cover image: Village of Hommlet by 3orcs


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