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11. Running Out Rannos and Gremag - Hommlet

The PCs uncover the sinister truth behind the traders Rannos Davl and Gremag Gozlin at the D&G Dry Goods & General Mercantile in Hommlet. These seemingly harmless merchants are actually spies for the Temple of Elemental Evil, funneling information and resources to their dark masters. The revelation comes through a variety of potential sources—Lareth’s diary, testimonies from prisoners in the Moathouse, or even a divination spell. The village leaders, recognizing the danger, urge the PCs to eliminate this threat before it endangers the entire village. However, Rannos, Gremag, and their loyal man-at-arms are formidable foes, requiring careful planning and strong allies to overcome.

Quest Hook

After spending some time in Hommlet, the PCs might hear rumors or gather evidence suggesting that the traders at D&G Dry Goods & General Mercantile are not what they seem. Whether through direct investigation, questioning villagers, or stumbling upon a hidden document, the truth is revealed: Rannos and Gremag are spies working for the Temple of Elemental Evil, and their presence poses a grave threat to the village.

Key Locations

Village Leaders' Reactions

  • Lord Burne: Burne is gravely concerned about the revelation and immediately suggests a plan to corner Rannos and Gremag at their shop. He offers his magical expertise to assist the PCs in the confrontation, possibly by casting protective spells or providing them with magical items.
  • Lord Rufus: Rufus, ever the warrior, insists on joining the PCs in the attack. He suggests a swift, decisive strike, ensuring that Rannos and Gremag have no chance to escape. He also orders additional patrols around the village to prevent any of their allies from ambushing the group during the attack.
  • Elder Kenter Sr.: Kenter Sr. is both shocked and angered by the betrayal. He convenes a meeting at 27. Elder Manor: Walled Manor House, where he expresses the importance of removing the traitors quickly to prevent any further harm to Hommlet. He provides the PCs with information on the traders' daily routines and security measures.
  • Canon Terjon of St. Cuthbert: Canon Terjon sees the discovery of the traders’ true allegiance as a sign from St. Cuthbert. He offers the PCs blessings and healing potions before they confront the spies, urging them to bring justice swiftly.
  • Druid Jaroo Ashstaff: Jaroo expresses his concern over the influence of the Temple of Elemental Evil reaching into Hommlet. He advises the PCs to be wary of the traders’ potential connections to other dark forces in the region. Jaroo can provide assistance by summoning animals or using his druidic magic to support the attack.
  • Captain Zeb Fletcher: Captain Fletcher is ready to mobilize the militia if necessary but acknowledges that the situation requires more subtlety. He suggests a small, focused strike team and offers some of his best men to aid the PCs during the confrontation.

Key Encounters

1. The Confrontation at D&G Dry Goods & General Mercantile
  • Rannos Davl: A slow, fat, but cunning man, Rannos is no stranger to combat. He fights with a morningstar, using his bulk to his advantage. (XP: 1,100)
  • Gremag Gozlin: Taller and more agile than Rannos, Gremag fights with a longsword, darting in and out of reach. (XP: 1,100)
  • Man-at-Arms (Veteran): The traders’ loyal man-at-arms is a tough, experienced fighter who will protect his masters to the end. (XP: 700)
  • Tactics: Rannos and Gremag are prepared for a fight. They know the layout of their shop well and have several defensive positions planned. They might try to barricade themselves in a back room or lure the PCs into a trap.
2. Aftermath
  • Victory: If the PCs successfully eliminate Rannos, Gremag, and their man-at-arms, the village leaders commend them for their bravery. They are awarded an additional 1,100 XP as a milestone, and the shop is searched thoroughly for any hidden secrets or treasures. The PCs may find documents linking the traders to the Temple of Elemental Evil, as well as stolen goods from caravans.
  • Failure or Escape: If the traders manage to escape, they will likely attempt to regroup with other forces of the Temple of Elemental Evil. The village leaders will be deeply concerned, increasing patrols and fortifying defenses. The PCs may need to pursue the traders or prepare for a potential counterattack.
This quest serves as a crucial turning point in the PCs' efforts to protect Hommlet from the insidious influence of the Temple of Elemental Evil, while deepening their ties with the village's key figures.
D&G Dry Goods & GENERAL Defense by 3orcs

Potential Rewards

  • Treasure: In addition to the XP milestone, the PCs may find a small locked coffer in the shop containing 300 gp, 150 pp, 50 gems (worth 100 gp each), two potions of invisibility, a potion of speed, and a small black scarab with the glyphs TZGY, which acts as a pass to an area within the Temple of Elemental Evil.
  • Reputation: Successfully removing the traitors boosts the PCs' reputation in Hommlet, making them trusted allies of the village leaders. They may receive future offers of assistance or exclusive opportunities from the village.
Lord Burne
"The discovery of these traitors within our own village is deeply troubling. We must act swiftly and decisively to root out this evil before it can spread further. Their presence here is a direct threat to all we've worked to protect, and I will not allow Hommlet to fall into darkness again. Prepare yourselves; we will confront this danger head-on, and we will prevail."
Lord Rufus
"This isn’t just a matter of catching a couple of spies—this is about protecting our home from the insidious reach of the Temple of Elemental Evil. The fact that they’ve infiltrated so close to our defenses is a failure we cannot afford to repeat. We must not only remove them but ensure that no others take their place. I’ll lead the charge personally."
Elder Kenter Sr.
"I’ve always believed in the resilience and strength of this village, but this revelation shakes that belief to its core. These men have been living among us, trading with us, and all the while plotting our downfall. This is a stark reminder that the Temple’s evil has not been fully eradicated. We must be vigilant and trust in those who have proven their loyalty. Hommlet’s future depends on our unity in this time of crisis."
Canon Terjon of St. Cuthbert
"The Light of St. Cuthbert shines brightest in the face of darkness. These traitors, these servants of evil, must be brought to justice. It is our duty to cleanse this village of their corruption. The people of Hommlet must not lose faith; we are the instruments of St. Cuthbert’s will, and through us, justice will be served. The wrath of the righteous will descend upon these evildoers."
Druid Jaroo Ashstaff
"The presence of these agents of the Temple so close to the Grove is an affront to the natural order. The land itself recoils at their treachery. We must act to restore balance before their corruption spreads further. This is not just a fight for the village, but for the very soul of the land we call home. We will need the strength of the forest and the resolve of our people to overcome this threat."
Captain Zeb Fletcher
"I’ve fought bandits and worse in my time, but I never imagined we’d have to deal with spies within our own walls. These men are dangerous, and their ties to the Temple make them even more so. We’ll need to be smart about this—this isn’t just about brute force. We’ll cut out this rot before it spreads, but it’s going to take every bit of skill and cunning we have."

Cover image: by 3orcs


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