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The Hateful Wars

The Hateful Wars were a prolonged and brutal conflict from CY 498 to CY 510, initiated by surrounding countries to eradicate the various humanoid tribes from the Lortmil Mountains. Sparked by the death of a Prince of Celene at the hands of an orc ambush, the wars ultimately cleared the Lortmils but resulted in the humanoids regrouping in the Pomarj. This article explores the origins, key events, and consequences of this significant historical conflict.

Geographic Scope

The Hateful Wars were centered in the Lortmil Mountains, involving the regions of the County of Ulek, Celene, Duchy of Ulek, the Gnomes of Free Alliance of the Kron Hills, Principality of Ulek, and Veluna. The conflict extended into the Pomarj as the humanoids fled from the Lortmils.
Key Features
  • Lortmil Mountains: The primary battleground where the humanoid tribes were entrenched.
  • Pomarj: The region where the humanoids regrouped after being driven out of the Lortmils.

Origins and Causes

Initial Spark
The death of a Prince of Celene by an orc ambush incited outrage and unified the surrounding nations against the humanoid tribes of the Lortmil Mountains. This tragedy galvanized the coalition of human, gnome, dwarf, and elf forces to launch a war of extermination against the humanoids.
Participating Nations
The war aimed to permanently eradicate the humanoid presence in the Lortmil Mountains, a task driven by the desire for safety and retribution.

Major Events

Planning and Early Skirmishes
The Dwarves, long isolated in their citadels, had planned this war of extinction for centuries. They possessed detailed maps of the deeper mines and the locations of goblinoid citadels, expecting an easy victory. However, their early battles revealed the inadequacy of these plans as they faced ambushes and traps.
Magical Interference
Throughout the conflict, the humanoid tribes received unexpected magical assistance. Rumors suggested the involvement of powerful entities, possibly elder liches like Lerrek of the Vesve. This magical interference thwarted elven and human attempts to scry and strategize effectively.
Breakthrough and Rout
After years of frustrating engagements, the elven magical onslaught finally shattered the humanoid defenses. The humanoid citadels fell one by one, leaving behind only dead goblinoid warriors. Realizing their defeat was imminent, the humanoid shamans orchestrated a massive breakout towards the Pomarj.
Diversion and Escape
In CY 506, a diversionary force besieged the city of Jurnre, drawing enough Ulek forces away to allow the main humanoid army to escape through the southeastern Lortmils and overrun the Pomarj.


Short-Term Outcomes
The immediate aftermath of the Hateful Wars saw the humanoid tribes driven from the Lortmil Mountains. However, this victory came at the cost of allowing these tribes to regroup in the Pomarj, where they would later pose a renewed threat.
Long-Term Implications
  • Humanoid Resurgence: The humanoid tribes, under leaders like Turrosh Mak, have since forged a united force in the Pomarj, bolstered by mysterious new magical support.
  • Magical Artifacts: Items such as the Goblin Shield of the Pomarj, beyond the power of typical shamanic magic, indicate the continued presence of powerful magical influences among the humanoids.
Unresolved Issues
The final resolution of the conflict remains uncertain, with the humanoid threat persisting and the potential for future conflicts looming.

Participating Forces

The dwarves played a central role in initiating the conflict, relying on their deep knowledge of the mountains. Despite their planning, they faced significant challenges due to unexpected humanoid resistance and magical interference. Gnomes of Kron Hills
  • Contribution: The gnomes provided critical support, utilizing their knowledge of the terrain and engaging in direct combat.
  • Motivation: Driven by a desire to secure their homeland and protect their communities from humanoid threats.
Humans of Greyhawk
  • Counties of Ulek and Veluna: Provided significant military support and resources.
  • Celene: Despite racial tensions, the elves of Celene participated, contributing their magical prowess and combat skills.
Elves of Greyhawk
The elves, though initially reluctant due to racial tensions, played a crucial role in the eventual breakthrough of humanoid defenses, utilizing their magical abilities to turn the tide of the war.

Historical Analysis

Success and Failure
The Hateful Wars were successful in clearing the Lortmil Mountains of humanoid tribes but failed to exterminate them completely, leading to their regrouping in the Pomarj. This partial success and ultimate failure highlight the complexities of large-scale military campaigns and the challenges of eradicating deeply entrenched enemies.
Lessons Learned
  • Importance of Unity: The war demonstrated the necessity of cooperation among diverse races and nations to achieve common goals.
  • Magical Preparedness: The unexpected magical resistance underscored the need for better preparation and countermeasures against mystical threats.
The Hateful Wars remain a significant chapter in the history of the Flanaess, shaping the political and social dynamics of the region and influencing subsequent conflicts and alliances.   The Hateful Wars were a testament to the enduring resilience and determination of the allied forces of the Flanaess. Despite their ultimate failure to permanently eradicate the humanoid threat, the lessons learned and the alliances forged during this conflict continue to impact the region's history and future.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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