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The companions stood on a high cliff over the fabled city of Enstad. Four slender spires rose from the city’s corners like glistening spindles, their brilliant white stone marbled with shining silver. Graceful arches, swooping from spire to spire, soared through the air. Crafted by ancient elves, they were strong enough to hold the weight of an army, yet they appeared so delicate that a bird lighting on them might overthrow the balance. These glistening arches were the city’s only boundaries; there was no wall around Enstad. The elven city opened its arms lovingly to the wilderness.

The Jewel of Celene

Enstad, the capital city of the Faerie Kingdom of Celene, stands as a masterpiece of elven and fey architecture, nestled within the verdant embrace of the Gnarley Forest. Known for its delicate beauty and mystical allure, Enstad is a city where nature and magic intertwine, creating an otherworldly atmosphere that captivates all who visit. The city, with its graceful arches, soaring spires, and open arms to the wilderness, reflects the elven spirit of harmony, artistry, and wisdom.

A Kingdom Nestled in Nature’s Embrace

Celene is a land of breathtaking beauty, bordered by the Kron Hills to the north, the Lortmil Mountains to the west and southwest, and the Jewel River that winds through the fey forest of Welkwood to the east and southeast. The kingdom’s landscape is a harmonious blend of ancient forests, rolling hills, and tranquil meadows, all infused with a mystical aura that reflects its deep connection to the Feywild.
Key Geographical Features
  • The Kron Hills: Forming Celene’s northern border, these hills are home to the gnomes and serve as a natural barrier against northern incursions.
  • The Lortmil Mountains: To the west and southwest, these mountains are rich in minerals and metals, guarded by dwarven strongholds and home to many ancient secrets.
  • The Jewel River: This river flows through the Welkwood, marking Celene’s eastern boundary and providing a vital waterway for trade and communication.
  • The Handmaiden River: Running along the western and southern borders of Celene, this river is another significant feature, enhancing the kingdom’s natural defenses.

City Overview

A Vision of Enstad
Perched on a high cliff, Enstad offers a breathtaking view of its splendor. The city’s layout is a testament to the elven mastery of blending architecture with nature. Four slender spires rise from the city’s corners, their white stone marbled with silver, connected by arches that appear as delicate as the strands of a spider’s web.
Key Architectural Features
  • The Four Spires: These slender towers anchor the city, symbolizing the unity of the elven people with the elements of earth, air, water, and fire. Each spire is a marvel of elven craftsmanship, appearing almost weightless despite their immense strength.
  • Graceful Arches: The arches connecting the spires serve as both artistic elements and functional walkways. They are strong enough to support armies yet delicate in appearance, embodying the elven philosophy of strength through beauty.
  • Open City Layout: Unlike human cities with their defensive walls, Enstad embraces the wilderness, allowing the verdant Forest to flow into and around the city, creating a seamless blend of urban and natural landscapes.

Lore and History

A City Steeped in Myth and Legend
Enstad’s history is as rich and layered as the ancient forests surrounding it. Built on the remnants of an old human town, the city’s origins are shrouded in mystery, with legends speaking of fey blessings and ancient elven magics.
Founding Legend
  • The Blessing of Sehanine: According to elven lore, the goddess Sehanine Moonbow blessed the site of Enstad, guiding the elves to build their capital where the moonlight was strongest. It is said that the city’s architecture was inspired by visions given to the elven architects in dreams.
  • Expansion and Growth: Over the centuries, Enstad expanded beyond its original boundaries, with new walls and gates being constructed to accommodate the growing elven population. Each new addition to the city was designed to honor the natural world, with buildings crafted from living woods, marble, silver, and even enchanted ice.

Gates of Enstad

The Seven Gates
Enstad is accessible through seven main gates, each with its own unique characteristics and history. These gates not only serve as entry points but also as symbols of the city’s connections to the world beyond.
  • Naseloth (Old Door of the Hills): Located to the north, this gate leads to the Kron Hills and beyond. It is one of the oldest structures in the city, believed to be part of the original human settlement.
  • Ariamavialoth (Festival Gate): The southern gate opens onto the plains and vales that provide much of the city’s food. This gate is often decorated with flowers and banners during festivals, welcoming travelers and traders from afar.
  • Yahadaryth (Traveller’s Way): The western gate was once the busiest, allowing access to the Welkwood and the many paths that lead through the Faerie Kingdom. It is a reminder of the days when Celene was more open to the world.
  • Sumyaothi (Waterbridge Gate): The eastern gate is a marvel of elven and aquatic design, featuring a drawbridge over the Handmaiden River and a chatelet on a small island. It symbolizes the connection between the land elves and their aquatic cousins.
  • Avariel Theryadrim (Avariel Opening): This aerial gate allows flying creatures, such as the Royal Hippogriffs, to enter and exit the city. It is heavily guarded during times of war, with nets, ropes, and magical defenses.
  • The Well of Darkness: A sealed gate leading to the underworld, once used for exploration but now closed after a drow invasion. Its location is a closely guarded secret.
  • The Royal Planar Door: A rumored gate within the royal palace, allowing the queen to travel instantly to any location. Its existence has never been confirmed, adding to the mystique of Enstad.

Culture and Society

A City of Artistry and Magic
Enstad’s culture is deeply rooted in the elven traditions of art, magic, and nature. The city is a hub of creativity, where music, poetry, and crafts are highly valued.
  • Art and Craftsmanship: Enstad is renowned for its artisans, who create everything from intricate jewelry to enchanted weapons. The city’s workshops are filled with the sounds of hammers on metal, the whirr of spinning wheels, and the hum of magical energy.
  • Music and Festivals: Music is a vital part of life in Enstad, with minstrels and bards performing in every square and tavern. The city’s festivals, such as the Festival of the Silver Moon, are celebrated with feasting, dancing, and performances that draw visitors from across the kingdom.
  • Magical Education: The Academy of Arcane Arts plays a central role in the city’s intellectual life. Students from all over the Flanaess come to Enstad to study under the most skilled elven mages, learning the secrets of the arcane and fey magics.
  • Spiritual Practices: The city’s spiritual life is centered around its temples, particularly the Temple of Sehanine Moonbow and the Temple of Corellon Larethian. These temples are not only places of worship but also hubs of cultural and social activities, where the elves celebrate their gods, seek guidance, and strengthen their connection to the divine.

Relationships and Politics

Navigating the Intricacies of Elven Politics
Enstad’s political landscape is complex, with the city serving as the seat of power for Queen Yolande and the Fey Grand Court. The city’s leaders must navigate both internal and external challenges.
  • Internal Politics: The Fey Grand Court of Celene is a council of elven nobles, advisors, and fey beings who assist Queen Yolande in ruling the kingdom. The court is known for its intrigue and subtle power plays, with various factions vying for influence.
  • External Relations: Enstad maintains strong relationships with the neighboring regions, including the Kron Hills, the Gnarley Forest, and the Principality of Ulek. However, the city’s isolationist policies have strained relations with some human nations.
Current Concerns
  • Closed Borders: The decision to close Celene’s borders has been both a protective measure and a source of tension. While it shields the kingdom from external threats, it also limits trade and diplomatic relations.
  • The Rise of Iuz: The dark god Iuz and his demonic forces pose a growing threat to the region. Enstad’s leaders are actively seeking ways to defend the kingdom, while maintaining their stance of non-involvement in external conflicts.
  • Banditry and Lawlessness: The increase in banditry in nearby lands has affected trade routes and the safety of travelers. Enstad is working with its allies to address these issues, though the situation remains delicate.
  • Threat from the Pomarj: The situation in the Pomarj is of great concern to Queen Yolande and the Fey Court. After The Hateful Wars ended in 510 CY, many orcs and goblinoids fled to the Pomarj, where they have since grown in strength under the leadership of Turrosh Mak. The rise of the Orcish Empire of the Pomarj, with its large numbers of trained non-human troops, poses a direct threat to the surrounding lands, including Celene. The invasion of the Wild Coast and parts of the Principality of Ulek by Pomarj forces has led to increased military vigilance in Celene. The Fey Court debates whether to intervene directly or continue to fortify the kingdom’s defenses against the possibility of an invasion.
  • Ties to the Ulek States: The close relationship between Celene and the Ulek States, particularly after the alliance during the Hateful Wars, continues to influence Celene’s foreign policy. The recent aggression from the Pomarj has reinforced this bond, with the Ulek States seeking Celene’s support against the growing threat. However, Queen Yolande remains cautious, weighing the risks of entangling Celene in another prolonged conflict.


Enstad is a city that embodies the ideals of the elven race: beauty, wisdom, and a deep connection to the natural world. Its spires reach towards the heavens, while its roots extend into the ancient forests that surround it. As the heart of the Faerie Kingdom of Celene, Enstad is a place of wonder, where the past and present converge in a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation. Despite the challenges it faces, the city remains a beacon of elven culture, magic, and strength, guiding the kingdom through the ever-changing tides of time.
Enstad, Celene by 3orcs
Key Sites in Enstad
Enstad is home to several notable locations, each contributing to the city’s status as a cultural and magical center.
  • Luthienanor: The Royal Palace of Celene: The heart of elven power, Luthienanor is an opulent palace where Queen Yolande and the Fey Grand Court reside. The palace is a blend of marble, silver, and living trees, surrounded by lush gardens and magical defenses.
  • The Academy of Arcane Arts of Enstad: A prestigious institution for magical education, the Academy is a place where elves and other races study the arcane arts. It features the Silver Spire, a tower said to connect directly with the Weave, and the Crystal Hall, a chamber of enchanted crystal.
  • The Temple of Sehanine Moonbow - Enstad (Lómë Cala): A sacred place of worship, the temple is dedicated to the elven goddess of dreams, death, and the moon. It is a place of meditation, with a domed ceiling depicting the night sky and an altar that glows with lunar light.
  • The Moonlit Market - Enstad: A bustling market in the heart of Enstad, where traders from across Celene and beyond sell their goods. The market is known for its exotic wares, including magical items, rare herbs, and exquisite elven crafts.
  • Temple of Corellon Larethian (Anoron Tathar): The grand temple dedicated to Corellon Larethian, the elven god of magic, arts, and warfare. The temple, known as "Anoron Tathar" (The Dawn of Trees) in the elven tongue, is a majestic structure with soaring minarets, a mithral throne, and walls adorned with intricate frescos that depict the creation and protection of elvenkind. This temple is a center for elven spirituality and is deeply intertwined with the city’s cultural and political life.
Celene coat of arms by Anna B. Meyers
The Faerie Kingdom of Celene by Anna Meyers

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Enstad City Hall - Lávarost Valanya
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Luthienanor: The Royal Palace of Celene
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The Temple of Sehanine Moonbow - Enstad
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The Wanderer’s Halt Tavern
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Cover image: Elven Pantheon by 3orcs


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